Forums > Kitesurfing General

Replacing Chicken Loop with Wichard QR

Created by dogfish > 9 months ago, 16 Nov 2013
NT, 253 posts
16 Nov 2013 2:09PM
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I've heard it's common enough in course racing, but I'm looking at it for an Ozone Reo with a sliding harness spreader (rope).

I don't unhook, so the CL is redundant, and removing it simplifies the setup. For QR, several folks in the know say this one's the go:-|WICHARD|2773-0202040302000000-IM.html

(the full URL won't link - so you have to copy/paste - sorry, but here's a couple of pics lifted off this thread

The configuration I have in mind replaces the CL & CL line with cord from the clamcleat to the Wichard QR shackle (bowline or larks head?), which clips to a pulley or slider on the spreader rope. Simple and direct.

Could someone who's done this pls comment, advise, criticise and/or, preferably, post a pic of the bar mod?


WA, 490 posts
16 Nov 2013 12:56PM
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A lot of people were using a Wichard instead of the chiken loop in the early days of Perth kiting 2002-2003 just because they released reliable enough. Still got mine lying around some where, its the same as in the link, we put a short length of rope through the gap where the skinny line comes out, with two plastic balls on either end, pushing one of the balls back or forth would trigger the Wichard.

NSW, 527 posts
16 Nov 2013 6:55PM
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Yes i did it to my lines a couple of weeks ago as i hadn't changed the depower length in ages.

Simple and light, i like it

WA, 883 posts
16 Nov 2013 4:53PM
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do a search
this has been discussed several times over the years in this forum

in particular which brands not to get as they won't release under pressure

QLD, 2056 posts
16 Nov 2013 7:02PM
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I use a custom rope slider & use an Ozone bar on my Reo,s - I just hook the chicken loop straight on to the rope, seems pretty simple to me......would the Wichard QR be as reliable in releasing under load as your Megatron QR if the sh1t hit the fan?

Also how would you flag to safety if needed, maybe just run without it?

Anyone have some pics of their mod, I wouldn't mind having a go at it myself - if its worth it.

Hunter S
WA, 516 posts
16 Nov 2013 7:27PM
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bolgo said..

do a search
this has been discussed several times over the years in this forum

in particular which brands not to get as they won't release under pressure

The wichard shackle has also been discussed on kiteforum you might like to search that.

I use a sliding spreader bar set up and have considered removing the CL to bring the bar closer but, although I'm comfortable with other modifications, I'm reluctant to mess with the quick release as it is so fundamental to safety.

WA, 57 posts
18 Nov 2013 1:42PM
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dogfish said..

I've heard it's common enough in course racing, but I'm looking at it for an Ozone Reo with a sliding harness spreader (rope).

I don't unhook, so the CL is redundant, and removing it simplifies the setup. For QR, several folks in the know say this one's the go:-|WICHARD|2773-0202040302000000-IM.html

(the full URL won't link - so you have to copy/paste - sorry, but here's a couple of pics lifted off this thread

The configuration I have in mind replaces the CL & CL line with cord from the clamcleat to the Wichard QR shackle (bowline or larks head?), which clips to a pulley or slider on the spreader rope. Simple and direct.

Could someone who's done this pls comment, advise, criticise and/or, preferably, post a pic of the bar mod?


I use the 70mm Witchard and modified pull cord and attach it to the bar hook as shown with a shackle.

Be careful with pull cord and length. Too long and rotating bar can get cord wound up and may fire off, too short and one cant find it when you need it, and with balls attached are subject to accidental release also. This setup has worked for me for years and never had it release accidentally.|WICHARD|2673-0202040301000000-IM.html

WA, 221 posts
18 Nov 2013 1:56PM
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jetstream said..

dogfish said..

I've heard it's common enough in course racing, but I'm looking at it for an Ozone Reo with a sliding harness spreader (rope).

I don't unhook, so the CL is redundant, and removing it simplifies the setup. For QR, several folks in the know say this one's the go:-|WICHARD|2773-0202040302000000-IM.html

(the full URL won't link - so you have to copy/paste - sorry, but here's a couple of pics lifted off this thread

The configuration I have in mind replaces the CL & CL line with cord from the clamcleat to the Wichard QR shackle (bowline or larks head?), which clips to a pulley or slider on the spreader rope. Simple and direct.

Could someone who's done this pls comment, advise, criticise and/or, preferably, post a pic of the bar mod?


I use the 70mm Witchard and modified pull cord and attach it to the bar hook as shown with a shackle.

Be careful with pull cord and length. Too long and rotating bar can get cord wound up and may fire off, too short and one cant find it when you need it, and with balls attached are subject to accidental release also. This setup has worked for me for years and never had it release accidentally.|WICHARD|2673-0202040301000000-IM.html

I have the same set-up it gives you a bit more confidence when getting smashed it the waves .

QLD, 111 posts
18 Nov 2013 4:24PM
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Excuse my curiosity, I am just trying to understand if it is a better system and worth the effort.

How does that attach, (a) to your chicken loop, or (b) to your centre line (with Chicken Loop removed)?

Is this meant to be a second safety release, or to replace the original safety system/chicken loop?

If it is attached directly to the "Bight" in your centrelines (where the Chicken Loop was) does it then wear out centre line in that one spot?
I see in the above photo a definite Vee in the arrangement and a pinch point for wear.

I don't see the point of shackling the WICHARD to the spreader bar, (in the above pic) unless you have it on a slider (Dyna Bar)?
(not possible to unhook, and locked to a central point)
or is it just designed to reduce the distance of the Throw on the de-power. Can somebody explain the reasoning behind the pictured system?

All of the above questions bring me to the last question "If it aint broke why fix it?" but you can take that as a comment.

WA, 57 posts
18 Nov 2013 2:55PM
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samoht said..

Excuse my curiosity, I am just trying to understand if it is a better system and worth the effort.

How does that attach, (a) to your chicken loop, or (b) to your centre line (with Chicken Loop removed)?

Is this meant to be a second safety release, or to replace the original safety system/chicken loop?

If it is attached directly to the "Bight" in your centrelines (where the Chicken Loop was) does it then wear out centre line in that one spot?
I see in the above photo a definite Vee in the arrangement and a pinch point for wear.

I don't see the point of shackling the WICHARD to the spreader bar, (in the above pic) unless you have it on a slider (Dyna Bar)?
(not possible to unhook, and locked to a central point)
or is it just designed to reduce the distance of the Throw on the de-power. Can somebody explain the reasoning behind the pictured system?

All of the above questions bring me to the last question "If it aint broke why fix it?" but you can take that as a comment.

I don't change anything and just hook the chicken loop onto the Witchard. It is a quick release that stays with the harness and is a consistent quick release for all different Kites. I don't like many release systems provided on many Kites and prefer something that will be consistent, second nature in use and reliable, one QR for all Kites. Of course by dumping a kite using this QR to get going again only requires hooking up the chicken loop. The Witchard can be reinstated and then the chicken loop taken out of the hook.
It is easier to get going again without having to reassemble a release system in the surf.
There is no such bight point on the Witchard and the hinge point has no effect on the chicken loop wear. The wear point for this devise is the shackle to the spreader bar.

QLD, 6493 posts
18 Nov 2013 5:28PM
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Biggest problem I see - won't release unless it's under load.

43 posts
18 Nov 2013 5:35PM
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It will open trust me. the slightest pull (gravity, water resistance...) does open it. I'm using it for years and it proved to be safe many times. On top, if I'm pulled over the beach, the wichard in my setup opens automatically. We tried that with a rope.

It's a smart thing to have 2 redundant safety systems. Basic principle of engineering.

QLD, 2056 posts
18 Nov 2013 9:16PM
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dogfish said..

I've heard it's common enough in course racing, but I'm looking at it for an Ozone Reo with a sliding harness spreader (rope).

I don't unhook, so the CL is redundant, and removing it simplifies the setup. For QR, several folks in the know say this one's the go:-|WICHARD|2773-0202040302000000-IM.html

(the full URL won't link - so you have to copy/paste - sorry, but here's a couple of pics lifted off this thread

The configuration I have in mind replaces the CL & CL line with cord from the clamcleat to the Wichard QR shackle (bowline or larks head?), which clips to a pulley or slider on the spreader rope. Simple and direct.

Could someone who's done this pls comment, advise, criticise and/or, preferably, post a pic of the bar mod?


I use the 70mm Witchard and modified pull cord and attach it to the bar hook as shown with a shackle.

Be careful with pull cord and length. Too long and rotating bar can get cord wound up and may fire off, too short and one cant find it when you need it, and with balls attached are subject to accidental release also. This setup has worked for me for years and never had it release accidentally.|WICHARD|2673-0202040301000000-IM.html

I have the same set-up it gives you a bit more confidence when getting smashed it the waves .

Please excuse my ignorance but I can not understand how this set up is any better than using a regular set up, like chicken loop to fixed spreader bar.?
jeff2 said..

jetstream said..

dogfish said..

I've heard it's common enough in course racing, but I'm looking at it for an Ozone Reo with a sliding harness spreader (rope).

I don't unhook, so the CL is redundant, and removing it simplifies the setup. For QR, several folks in the know say this one's the go:-|WICHARD|2773-0202040302000000-IM.html

(the full URL won't link - so you have to copy/paste - sorry, but here's a couple of pics lifted off this thread

The configuration I have in mind replaces the CL & CL line with cord from the clamcleat to the Wichard QR shackle (bowline or larks head?), which clips to a pulley or slider on the spreader rope. Simple and direct.

Could someone who's done this pls comment, advise, criticise and/or, preferably, post a pic of the bar mod?


I use the 70mm Witchard and modified pull cord and attach it to the bar hook as shown with a shackle.

Be careful with pull cord and length. Too long and rotating bar can get cord wound up and may fire off, too short and one cant find it when you need it, and with balls attached are subject to accidental release also. This setup has worked for me for years and never had it release accidentally.|WICHARD|2673-0202040301000000-IM.html

I have the same set-up it gives you a bit more confidence when getting smashed it the waves .

I may be looking at this set up wrong but it looks like a lot of excess weight for little benefit to me - I thought the idea of the Witchard was to replace the Chicken Loop?.

QLD, 6493 posts
18 Nov 2013 10:56PM
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tungsten said..

It will open trust me. the slightest pull (gravity, water resistance...) does open it. I'm using it for years and it proved to be safe many times. On top, if I'm pulled over the beach, the wichard in my setup opens automatically. We tried that with a rope.

It's a smart thing to have 2 redundant safety systems. Basic principle of engineering.

That one will - the other one won't.

WA, 57 posts
18 Nov 2013 10:32PM
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jetstream said..

dogfish said..

I've heard it's common enough in course racing, but I'm looking at it for an Ozone Reo with a sliding harness spreader (rope).

I don't unhook, so the CL is redundant, and removing it simplifies the setup. For QR, several folks in the know say this one's the go:-|WICHARD|2773-0202040302000000-IM.html

(the full URL won't link - so you have to copy/paste - sorry, but here's a couple of pics lifted off this thread

The configuration I have in mind replaces the CL & CL line with cord from the clamcleat to the Wichard QR shackle (bowline or larks head?), which clips to a pulley or slider on the spreader rope. Simple and direct.

Could someone who's done this pls comment, advise, criticise and/or, preferably, post a pic of the bar mod?


I use the 70mm Witchard and modified pull cord and attach it to the bar hook as shown with a shackle.

Be careful with pull cord and length. Too long and rotating bar can get cord wound up and may fire off, too short and one cant find it when you need it, and with balls attached are subject to accidental release also. This setup has worked for me for years and never had it release accidentally.|WICHARD|2673-0202040301000000-IM.html

jetstream said..

dogfish said..

I've heard it's common enough in course racing, but I'm looking at it for an Ozone Reo with a sliding harness spreader (rope).

I don't unhook, so the CL is redundant, and removing it simplifies the setup. For QR, several folks in the know say this one's the go:-|WICHARD|2773-0202040302000000-IM.html

(the full URL won't link - so you have to copy/paste - sorry, but here's a couple of pics lifted off this thread

The configuration I have in mind replaces the CL & CL line with cord from the clamcleat to the Wichard QR shackle (bowline or larks head?), which clips to a pulley or slider on the spreader rope. Simple and direct.

Could someone who's done this pls comment, advise, criticise and/or, preferably, post a pic of the bar mod?


I use the 70mm Witchard and modified pull cord and attach it to the bar hook as shown with a shackle.

Be careful with pull cord and length. Too long and rotating bar can get cord wound up and may fire off, too short and one cant find it when you need it, and with balls attached are subject to accidental release also. This setup has worked for me for years and never had it release accidentally.|WICHARD|2673-0202040301000000-IM.html

The Wichard shown in picture is the 80mm and not the 70mm|WICHARD|2674-0202040301000000-IM.html

92 posts
19 Nov 2013 5:45AM
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I make my own de-power line using one of the other style snap shakles by ronstan to connect to a stainless steel solid ring that slides on a homemade sliding spreader bar. I like it a lot. Because I don't unhook I really like not having that big, bulky CL. I put a lot more throw in my bar also which helps a lot in the surf.

WA, 1094 posts
19 Nov 2013 6:07AM
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The other snap hooks jam under load, be careful.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Replacing Chicken Loop with Wichard QR" started by dogfish