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Rescue off Coolum?

Created by Robbo2099 > 9 months ago, 26 Dec 2011
WA, 738 posts
26 Dec 2011 10:45AM
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"Two life savers had attempted to rescue a kite surfer who had run into trouble about two kilometres off the Coolum coast but the conditions overwhelmed them.
The rescue helicopter winched them to safety."

Anyone know more about this?

QLD, 179 posts
26 Dec 2011 1:10PM
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^^^found that on facebook, ben wilson yesterday at coolum

QLD, 25 posts
26 Dec 2011 1:41PM
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I have been at Coolum kiting for 2 weeks but was back in Brissie for Xmas day. On my return last night I heard the story. Rob Puodzunias who was actually in the surf yesterday says that is a load of " " and the lifesavers who needed to be rescued by a copter drowned the jet ski and used the kite surfer story as a cover.
Q What actually happened to the kite surfer in trouble if the lifesavers came in on the chopper?
A ???

QLD, 11 posts
26 Dec 2011 1:59PM
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I was kiting at Coolum for a few hrs with my son and there were two other guys out briefly for about 5 mins when we first started, but they came back to shore. Towards the end of our session two lifesavers went out for a play on their jet ski in the same area where we were kiting, they then went out the back and disappeared.
Meanwhile we landed our Kites and finished up....... we then witnessed the two life savers being winched to safety by the westpac chopper from their jet ski which had been swamped out the back
They were both brought to shore one by one.
We did not witness any kiters in trouble or being rescued and brought back to shore, only the lifesavers.....We were kiting conservatively to the conditions.....but why ruin a good story.......another case of kiter bashing maybe.

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
26 Dec 2011 3:07PM
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ah never let the facts get in the way of a good story

WA, 245 posts
26 Dec 2011 1:49PM
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isnt it a better story when 2 lifesavers lives have to be saved by other lifesavers?

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
26 Dec 2011 7:42PM
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rickwindt said...

isnt it a better story when 2 lifesavers lives have to be saved by other lifesavers?

no it doesn't conjure up the same spectacular image in peoples mind and might possibly bring a well loved and revered institution into disrepute

WA, 738 posts
26 Dec 2011 7:37PM
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Interestingly, they've completely rewritten the story that was on that link and now removed the reference to the kitesurfer rescue...That link above now autoredirects to this one:

QLD, 776 posts
27 Dec 2011 9:54PM
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I was actually the kite surfer in Question I dropped my kite out the back an it popped the deflate valve an I had to swim in, i did not get rescued,it was all good....aprt from a good flogging a mission of a swim an a serious hold down!
aparantly the clubbies where alerted by concerned onlookers, A jetski came along about 10 mins after I had self rescued.This happened around pergian on a downwinder from cooum.Another paper reported kitesurfer swept out to sea at peregian....These reporters never let the truth get in the way of a good story like mr float said..!!

QLD, 776 posts
27 Dec 2011 10:09PM
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HI Rob Was that you on the orange kite ? I saw you as we left on our downwinder, I was on a black rpm an my mate was on a browny F one, that was a serious seshion with some epic triple overhead waves,I was having the time of my life untill I tripped over a two foot high bit of chop right out the very back an stuffed up....u get that every now an then tho hey !

robpud said...

I was kiting at Coolum for a few hrs with my son and there were two other guys out briefly for about 5 mins when we first started, but they came back to shore. Towards the end of our session two lifesavers went out for a play on their jet ski in the same area where we were kiting, they then went out the back and disappeared.
Meanwhile we landed our Kites and finished up....... we then witnessed the two life savers being winched to safety by the westpac chopper from their jet ski which had been swamped out the back
They were both brought to shore one by one.
We did not witness any kiters in trouble or being rescued and brought back to shore, only the lifesavers.....We were kiting conservatively to the conditions.....but why ruin a good story.......another case of kiter bashing maybe.

QLD, 11 posts
27 Dec 2011 11:47PM
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Select to expand quote
Blownaway said...

HI Rob Was that you on the orange kite ? I saw you as we left on our downwinder, I was on a black rpm an my mate was on a browny F one, that was a serious seshion with some epic triple overhead waves,I was having the time of my life untill I tripped over a two foot high bit of chop right out the very back an stuffed up....u get that every now an then tho hey !

Hi Mate, yes that was Scott, and I launched a yellow cab soon after. The rescue took place just slightly north of Coolum, not at Perigian where you were.

QLD, 776 posts
28 Dec 2011 8:36AM
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robpud said...

I was kiting at Coolum for a few hrs with my son and there were two other guys out briefly for about 5 mins when we first started, but they came back to shore. Towards the end of our session two lifesavers went out for a play on their jet ski in the same area where we were kiting, they then went out the back and disappeared.

Just to clarify, us two other guys didn't actually come back two shore, but did a downwinder and maybe the lifesavers thought one of us was swept out to sea because they didnt see us again,maybe they went out the back looking to see if someone was in trouble or not,I will have a chat with them an find out because I am curious now !
Mate of mine was on the beach an he said when i was out the back he could hardly see me,so I can see why lifesavers might have thought someone was in trouble.
20/30 SE forcast today an remants of the swell

2 posts
29 Dec 2011 4:12PM
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I snapped these shots of the two blokes being brought to shore by the chopper.

QLD, 416 posts
29 Dec 2011 8:22PM
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Blownaway said...

I was actually the kite surfer in Question I dropped my kite out the back an it popped the deflate valve an I had to swim in, i did not get rescued,it was all good....aprt from a good flogging a mission of a swim an a serious hold down!
aparantly the clubbies where alerted by concerned onlookers, A jetski came along about 10 mins after I had self rescued.This happened around pergian on a downwinder from cooum.Another paper reported kitesurfer swept out to sea at peregian....These reporters never let the truth get in the way of a good story like mr float said..!!

Blownaway the human fish! i swear you got gills,

QLD, 918 posts
29 Dec 2011 8:38PM
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I near got run over by a clubby in his IRB the second day of the big swell. He was surfing waves out of control and missed me by inches(ok feet) His reasoning was cos it was big he would help us in trouble if he didnt kill us first... top bloke...

QLD, 416 posts
29 Dec 2011 9:17PM
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You up on the Sunnycoast Benny,

QLD, 1051 posts
31 Dec 2011 2:11PM
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I heard it from ...(good authority in the loop) when I was at the council run ....
"2 off duty council lifeguards went out for some fun with Jet-ski, and Jet-ski didn't last the pace. They were rescued... Status of Jet-ski washed up between a rock and a hard place" .

Hope they had some fun as likely to get a bollocking...
Saw some full-on tow-in surfing out the front at Cotton Tree - Boxing Day

It is a shame the sheltered bays are kite-wind free zones - 1 of mine had a great surf (boiling pot) Noosa xmas morning - too large for the holiday punter - no chop set after set --

Top of the new year2U all


2 posts
15 Jan 2012 10:42AM
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Here's a link to a youtube slideshow of the incident


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Rescue off Coolum?" started by Robbo2099