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Safety Bay - Pls catch my kite next time..

Created by Mathias > 9 months ago, 21 Mar 2010
WA, 88 posts
21 Mar 2010 10:50AM
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I was just wondering if there is any common sence at Safety Bay.

To cut the story short: My leash broke yesterday and my kite was flying towards the road across the bay. Usually the first thing I do whenever I see someone's kite flying away is to go after it and secure it. What happened yesterday was just incredible. All the kiters just passed the kite and just didnt give a ****. Is that a normal behaviour at Safety Bay? Eventuelly Damo caught it just before shore. Thanks for that bro.
I can't count how often I've saved another kite. However I am disgusted by yesterday.

I just hope that there were accidently the wrong 20 kiters on the water and usually the locals go and catch the kite.

PS: I dont blame the beginners here who wld danger themselves by a rescue. But whoever can do a railey to blind shld be able to catch it. dont u think?

WA, 195 posts
21 Mar 2010 10:55AM
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There were a ton of blow ins yesterday. If the locals were there, they would have grabbed your kite.
But just in case, stay at woodies next time!

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
21 Mar 2010 12:19PM
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yah most of the locals wuda helped you if they were there.. unless you kited like an a-hole, if someone comes to my spot and cuts me off n is a dick i wouldnt save his kite either.. ie. i wouldnt of saved any blow ins kites this summer because 95% of them comin to safety bay were d bags.. not saying you were, i havnt ridden with you before so i cant say but just saying thats what the general blow in crew were like.

WA, 301 posts
21 Mar 2010 1:24PM
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sounds like a fun spot, good vibes.

WA, 59 posts
21 Mar 2010 2:07PM
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Forget common sense, it looks like a common theme down there, locals who think they own the joint and won't help anyone who kites there unless thier up to their standard, what a ** attitude. Hope you guys dont need help, oh thats right you won't be needing it as you don't have mishaps, you guys must be awesome.

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
21 Mar 2010 2:20PM
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i think i said that a little wrong.

what i mean is most of the ridiers out there are more than happy to help you if your not a prick.. hell i pulled a flat core riot in from way past the pond in bindings and other kites flying off before as well..

im just saying that if you rock up and start acting like a fool your not gona get help thats all. those guys that rock up and start cutting you off, leaving 10 kites inflated on the beach and in general just being rude makes me feel like being a unhelpful person

WA, 724 posts
21 Mar 2010 3:14PM
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All you guys seem a bit short sighted,

what about the issue of the public - we getting all this flack about restrictions and you guys are more concerned with who is in with the right crowd. If a kid gets taken out or the kite manages to blow across the road into an on coming car what will become of the access to that area.

Think about it!


WA, 5353 posts
21 Mar 2010 3:27PM
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I don't think anyone is condoning not grabbing this fellows kite, they are just giving a possible reason for why the people who were there may have been reluctant to help... Think about it.
I would have grabbed it irrespective but I can definitely understand why some wouldn't.

As for saying a loose kite on the road is gonna screw up the spot... what a load of rubbish, the kite is never going to make the road to start with haha, its got trees, then fence, then pine trees, then parked cars... all with other people in between.
Maybe they were hoping (if the rider was a menace on the water) that it would get caught on the fence and ripped or something so this person wasn't going to be on the water for a couple of days endangering others.
I know there was more than a few people there when I was there that I wouldn't mind not being on the water with, most of them just jumping upwind of you or doing random kiteloops or transitions into you with out looking... Now that is the sort of stuff you can do without.

WA, 995 posts
21 Mar 2010 3:52PM
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Sounds like a ****e attitude to me. Helping people costs you nothing. If you don't like someones riding, they are probably a lot more likely to listen to your criticism/advice if you just saved their $1500 kite for them.

I'd hope that that wouldn't be the usual attitude. I've always found everyone @ SB really helpful and cool to me. Maybe that's just cause I'm a humble beginner and I don't venture into the pond.

Head down there again before you decide. Hope it was a one time thing. I like Saftey Bay.

WA, 296 posts
21 Mar 2010 4:01PM
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this is my local spot and i have stopped riding there, much prefer woodies. This is due to very rude fellow kiters with huge egos and no respect for none "hardcore" riding. Hopefully it was the fly ins that im talking but wouldnt be to sure.

It is so easy to be mindfull of others

WA, 637 posts
21 Mar 2010 4:18PM
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....sorry to read this...we have the reputation to look out and after each other, but it may not always happen it seems......I don't believe there is excuse for ignorance...

WA, 5353 posts
21 Mar 2010 4:22PM
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It was only a matter of time really. What did you expect?

WA, 195 posts
21 Mar 2010 4:23PM
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rude locals, roads, trees, fences, windsurfers, kites flying across the bay......
Sounds like a terrible spot to kite.
Kiters should head to any of the other fantastic kiting locations in Perth, that have wonderful conditions and happy vibes, and leave the pond alone

WA, 266 posts
21 Mar 2010 4:29PM
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watchout for si, he will punch you with his good arm

WA, 195 posts
21 Mar 2010 4:29PM
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Just ask Brad

QLD, 403 posts
21 Mar 2010 7:30PM
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brad will knock you out with his thumping sub woofers then do a skid on ya face with his hotted up jeep.. Unce unce unce baby

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
21 Mar 2010 6:07PM
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hahahaha ^^^^

yer i heard woodies has heaps of room now that 50% of the old local crew arent around anymore

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
21 Mar 2010 7:06PM
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really though all that attitude sh!t aside, if you think about it, at safetys it is easier to allow the kite to blow down wind before retrieving it, ie shorter distance to take it to the beach if u allow it to blow down a fair way first and taking in the last 20 meters instead of trying to drag it in from middle of the pond.

WA, 570 posts
21 Mar 2010 7:08PM
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I wasn't going to comment on this as I wasn't there, but I suggest you paraphrase your topic heading and statement.

This is a extreme unfair generalisation of a community of kiters. After since hearing from a few other locals it appears that they where off on downwinders, I was driving back from a road trip with another local and both Simons are off the water injured. The other locals that I imagine where there would have not been in the pond region, as the migration of blow ins force them to our 2nd option spot.

Mathias, I'm afraid your critism is ill directed. I personally pick up boards and drop off to riders, I've dragged kites into shore when needed, I've raced downwind to secure kites before they take off into the jetty and windsurfers carpark.

Your whole statement explains why you hardly see the locals around this year at all. You come down once in a blue moon then come on Seabreeze and bitch, we put up with this crap everyday through summer.

I guess the solution is, you should just hang at the last spot you got a good vibe because the teuro invasion is only getting worse, and your dead right they are Ignorant and arrogant which equates to no respect what so ever.

Did you lose your safety leash by any chance

WA, 195 posts
21 Mar 2010 7:34PM
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I had a flat on the freeway today, and no one stopped to change my tire!

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
21 Mar 2010 7:41PM
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sorry dude, i drove past but i just didnt like ya

WA, 195 posts
21 Mar 2010 7:51PM
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Is there a forum somewhere, so I can go cry about it?

WA, 88 posts
21 Mar 2010 9:06PM
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That's what I absolutely didnt want. I did not want to offend any locals and generalise all of them as being idiots. I just wanted to know if it is common down there that hardly anybody feels resbonsible for other kiters. Obviously there werent any locals there yestersday. So it wld simply be: No - the locals r not ignorant. Must have been tourists.

I used to go to Safety Bay a lot two years ago and it was different. Cldnt make it last year. So this year I just wanted to kite down there for one day again.

I know it is super crowded that's y I walked all the way up to the top of the bay, where hardly any kiters were when I came. Apparently as soon as they see a camera many kiters feels attracted to that and come very close. However that is another story.

And Sammy u r completely right that the Euro Invasion has become really bad. That's y I havent been going to woodies really. I dont like intruding other ppl beaches and behave like they have always been mine.

Let's change the topic to: Safety Bay - Pls catch my kite next time - I know u can do it :)

Take it easy. Didnt want to offend anybody. Just curiousity.

BTW: It doesnt matter if somebody is a douchebag or not. U shld always catch his or her kite. U still can tell them off onshore.

WA, 570 posts
21 Mar 2010 9:15PM
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Mathias said...

That's what I absolutely didnt want. I did not want to offend any locals and generalise all of them as being idiots. I just wanted to know if it is common down there that hardly anybody feels resbonsible for other kiters. Obviously there werent any locals there yestersday. So it wld simply be: No - the locals r not ignorant. Must have been tourists.

I used to go to Safety Bay a lot two years ago and it was different. Cldnt make it last year. So this year I just wanted to kite down there for one day again.

I know it is super crowded that's y I walked all the way up to the top of the bay, where hardly any kiters were when I came. Apparently as soon as they see a camera many kiters feels attracted to that and come very close. However that is another story.

And Sammy u r completely right that the Euro Invasion has become really bad. That's y I havent been going to woodies really. I dont like intruding other ppl beaches and behave like they have always been mine.

Let's change the topic to: Safety Bay - Pls catch my kite next time - I know u can do it :)

Take it easy. Didnt want to offend anybody. Just curiousity.

BTW: It doesnt matter if somebody is a douchebag or not. U shld always catch his or her kite. U still can tell them off onshore.

Cheers for not taking my reply out of context.

Teuro's are welcome they just need to follow the guidelines like everyone else....Circle work seems to work fine, but all it takes is one selfish camera hog doing half runs to ruin everyones day.

Here's the link again for those that missed it a few months back, some other info on the site might help with others who are unsure

WA, 314 posts
21 Mar 2010 9:26PM
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Don't go there Carbon Neutral!

You don't know the locals and can't really comment on how much they help out.

I spend heaps of time rescuing other people.

but then maybe you were just unlucky.

And someone did actually get Mathias kite, so why the agro

SA, 2288 posts
22 Mar 2010 12:07AM
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I must preface this by saying always catch people's kites pretty regardless of the situation because it is the right thing to do.

However I think it is something you should not expect and get upset about if someone does not rescue your kite.

Firstly it is your kite and your responsibility. Secondly catching a loose kite can be very dangerous unless you know what your doing.

WA, 88 posts
21 Mar 2010 9:39PM
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I ran along the beach when I saw Damo having a break on the beach 200m away from me. I ran to him cos nobody else re-acted when I asked them to get my kite. He went across the whole bay to get it. So it was not that somebody who was kiting caught my kite eventuelly. Damo had to go getting it.

As I said. Dont worry. I am fine, my kite is fine. I reckon it was just a really bad day with the wrong ppl on the water as I initally said.

WA, 88 posts
21 Mar 2010 9:45PM
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Hey Tom,

As I said. I dont blame beginners who wld have endangered themselves. However ppl who do unhooked tricks shld be able to catch a kite.

But as u say. It is the right thing to do. U wld expect me to get ur kite aswell as I expect u getting mine. Probably it is different as we know each other.

WA, 77 posts
23 Mar 2010 3:11AM
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I usually kite to safety bay, and when someone needs rescuing, there is always 3 kiters coming to help. in case of a flat kite (last one I helped was the flat core, I took is board, and somebody else towed him back to shore)

we have all been beginners, we have all been in trouble and needed help, so we should remember that and help those who need it.

I always go out of my wy to help anyone who looks like they need it
I even towed back to the beach a windsurfer who broke his mast way out in lancelin.

WA, 3464 posts
23 Mar 2010 6:34AM
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I agree with Monkey man, but Mathias my boy............a rider of your caliber should not have a leash break. If it was the standard SS leash, then you need to make your own like many of the top riders, Damo to name one. Seems like some factory leashes are still not up to scratch for top powered riding. A few years back we had many SS leash failures at Woodies, check your gear and perhaps making your own leash.

Anyhow, I just hope the tourist invasion is finishing and we can have a bit of peace and quiet. It is so sad, but my daughter and many of her young friends who started kiting 6 years ago have given the sport away because of the dick head vibes being imported from overseas. The locals are out numbered so chaos seems to reign.

Yesterday I went for a snorkel at S. Beach and was ready really to lay in to a French tourist for cleaning his frying pan full of grease where the fresh water shower is............I took a big breath and told him in French that this was not a camping spot and it is time from him and his girl the get the hell out of the country. That is as friendly as I get to these freeloading, disrespectful dudes who think they are oh so cool and they can do what they please here.

WA, 88 posts
23 Mar 2010 8:41AM
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Sorry.. I didnt know that my nationality wld play any role. I am a bit shocked. But go ahead and put me in the bucket of dick heads.

Secondly my attachment of the leach broke. So the ring which is made as a leach attachment broke of the harness. I made my own leach cos of that reason. I dont think anyone wld expect the handlepass attachment of the harness to break. wld u?

So pls open a new topic to tell the tourist to **** off.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Safety Bay - Pls catch my kite next time.." started by Mathias