Buying and selling on seabreeze is usually pretty good as its a small community but - Ive recently had 2 less than ideal situations as a buyer .....
Laurie - where are you are with bringing in the Ebay "rate the seller' type of thing ?
And Seabreezers - is this a problem that is common enough (sellers not being honest with item condition) to 'fix' the problem?
Id love to see feedback from other buyers before I decide to buy from a SB seller - and would love to provide appropriate feedback for sellers so that potential buyers know what they are walking into ...
Maybe Ive just not asked the right questions - but to define poor / average good/ excellent / as new condition is subjective but feedback provides buyers with a chance 'interpret' the sellers perception of their flogged gear being in as new condition??
Yes - I know buyer beware but when SB 'Buy and Sell' is shifting gear around Australia is pretty hard to view before buying - I think we need a sellers rating from buyers
Anyone else want to chip in their 2cW ?
It's a lucky dip,
Dont part with your money if not 100% sure.
ive had good and bad with gumtree ,eBay, and seabreeze.
The best deals I have had over the past eleven years is eBay and kiteaddiction
But as a seller you can't beat seabreeze.
.My 2cW
satisfaction ratings would bring in a whole new set of problems I would think, if you look at their profile and see what they have sold recently and see what comments they put on you might get a gut feel.
I have had a few bad eggs over the times and with some wrangling with the seller have sent back for a refund so now I hardly ever buy from interstate unless its a shop.
I bought of Windgenuity the other week couldn't be happier said I would rather give the biz to a local Kiter / biz then to Chong bong Joe of e bay. My mate asked me advice and I said it's less likely to get smoked buying off seabreeze as the person selling wouldn't want there name dragged up. Where as 2 meth heads from Perth with a stolen kit may not share the warranty of a normal human being :-)
100% agree Lambie... I've commented on a similar thread in the past so I'll keep this one short.
Once bitten twice shy so I will never again purchase from this site unless I can touch the kite myself. Before somebody tells me to make a complaint to Laurie so he can investigate; well I couldn't be bothered wasting more time chasing bad money and it's pretty hard to prove anything.
I feel more comfortable purchasing from eBay because of the rating, not perfect but better than nothing.
The problem is that people butt heads on the forums. Some people started making bunches of accounts and following people around red thumbing every single contribution they made. Now they have taken the red thumbs away. If you gave some people another way to hurt someone they don't like, they would jump on it.
It would be awesome if there was a freight service that also acted as an intermediary for second hand gear being sent around aus - something that would allow a buyer to reject an item if it is faulty and could handle the payment and delivery to ensure both parties get their end of the deal- they could have a system for writing out contracts of sale and have the buyer only put up the money once the item is in the depot
The business would get the freight business also they could take commissions and they could also incurr interest from holding funds much like a bank does - still don't know if it would be fully viable as there could be a lot of hassles
I have ever bought from a private seller that I could not meet with and Inspect the item - ill wire you the money and please pop it In the post for me- oh and you reckon it's in top notch condition aye? This doesnt seem like an adequately secure system to me
We keep the Buy & Sell as secure as possible and unless somebody is not telling us, fraud/rip offs are pretty much a non-occurance. It's been quite some time since anybody has even brought the idea up or written us an email. Am I missing something? All seems good from where I sit.
I'm all ears about improvements to the Buy & Sell .. always eager to make it the best it can be - write here, or send via contact link at bottom of the page.
(And lambie, we've got something in the works, but it's a little whiles off...)
I have bought a number of items on Seabreeze and have been very happy.
Bought a stand up paddle board and the description did not fit but to his credit the seller paid for the repair.
Maybe you need to talk it through with the seller?
Honest descriptions of condition with pictures always gets results. Overpriced gear with "Only used twice" when it's flogged to death will always get bad feedback. 95% of sellers fall in to the honest category, but unfortunately the 5% dickhe@d factor still exists.
The breeze buy and sell connects buyers and sellers. Up to us to follow through with due diligence.
Funny somone one said a good honest line to use in your add to me the other day...
'hardly used on no wind days".
Name and shame will only work for ppl like yourselves who are regular users...
Ive used b/s for both and had good experience on both sides. You really do need some trust and the first time I was nervous as fark.... we are a pretty good community