Forums > Kitesurfing General

Self Launching

Created by KitingQueries > 9 months ago, 7 Dec 2015
WA, 9 posts
7 Dec 2015 8:02PM
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Is Their Restrictions To The Wind Allowing A Safe Self Launch.
Is Self Launching Safe Regardless Of Skill Level (Beginner/Intermediate Etc.)
Methods Of Self Launching
Dangers Of Self Launching And Precautions Which Can Be Taken, Is It Worth It?


NSW, 2707 posts
7 Dec 2015 11:17PM
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How have you not worn out your shift key yet?

Dave Whettingsteel
WA, 1397 posts
7 Dec 2015 8:21PM
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Suggest you post again in newbies section and don't use caps key.

WA, 9 posts
7 Dec 2015 8:25PM
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NSW, 2707 posts
7 Dec 2015 11:31PM
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WA, 1546 posts
7 Dec 2015 8:32PM
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This topic has been done to death, I suggest you start by reading previous threads:

You will find my video in there somewhere which will answer most of your questions if you read the text below above the video.

Yes self-launching is dangerous regardless of your skill level, but more so for kiter who don't take necessary precautions and/or who don't have quick enough safety reflexes when it goes wrong. Of course is gets more dangerous the stronger the wind is, the more on-shore the wind is, the more obstacles you have and the narrower the beach is, etc. Some kites tangle very easily when self-launching due to the length of the bridles and other factors as well.

I would only recommend tethered launching on a very wide flat beach, wide open space, no obstacles (all this on both sides of your wind window) and attached to something super solid like your car's tow bar for example.

these days many self-launch without being concerned of others in their wind window...and that is very dangerous. No matter how good you are you will mess up a self-launch once in a while, and if others are in your window, you will take them out.


QLD, 491 posts
7 Dec 2015 11:07PM
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I was self launching my new 8m kite last week

On a nice sandy clean beach

It slide across a piece of pummistone with a sharp edge

Sliced open the canopy,leading edge and bladder

WA, 74 posts
9 Dec 2015 6:50AM
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My recent, totally personal, very inaccurate, 100% non-scientific study has shown that it takes on average 1.25 minutes to ask someone for a launch, which reduces the risk of wrecking you kite and/or crashing in to someone else by 83.6%. The study has also concluded that fixing a broken LE and bladder takes on average 4.6 hours (not including the time it takes to go to work and earn the money to pay for the repair and potentially pay for the other guys hospital bills). So my recommendation is that if you're really really in a rush to get out on the water (let's say there's a fire on the beach that you need to escape from or there's a pack of hot girls chasing you like a wild animal), then you would definitely have to go for a self-launch. In all other cases I would say just relax and ask a mate to launch you, just like the rest of us do.

185 posts
9 Dec 2015 1:14PM
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Sigh... yep... even a competent self-launcher can stuff up (ie: me) and the kite slides over some sharp sticks - BOOM!
It's all over red-rover.
Not worth it unless absolutely necessary (ie: no one around!)

QLD, 1371 posts
9 Dec 2015 3:48PM
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KitingQueries said..

Is Their Restrictions To The Wind Allowing A Safe Self Launch.
Is Self Launching Safe Regardless Of Skill Level (Beginner/Intermediate Etc.)
Methods Of Self Launching
Dangers Of Self Launching And Precautions Which Can Be Taken, Is It Worth It?


That first line hurts my head...

I imagine you are suggesting that situations might arise where obstacles windward or leeward interfere with the safety of a self launch?

I certainly maintain a general rule of thumb that I do not self launch where "Their Is Restrictions To The Wind Allowing A Safe Self Launch. "

Especially not where there are people leeward because that wouldn't be safe would it....

WA, 549 posts
9 Dec 2015 3:56PM
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Assisted launch isn't always 100% safe. Wait till you ask some ahole for a launch who then tosses your kite into the air before you're even in position, too far down wind of kite and no line tension. Happened to me at City Beach a couple of years ago ,and yes , he was a kiter. In that instance , self launch would been much safer . It happens

WA, 1549 posts
9 Dec 2015 8:29PM
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For real this thread may be awesome...

I've self launched now for over 5 years with no issues other than a semi hot launch in 30 with my 7m..

Got my pulse racing a bit but let the bar out and it shot to 12 and sat there fine..

If anyone knows waveslaves age and shoe size pls pm me...

61 posts
9 Dec 2015 10:26PM
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RPM you may have been lucky so far self launching. But clearly you must have been dropped a few times when you were a baby. I feel bad for you.

180 posts
9 Dec 2015 11:34PM
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Selflaunch always from the edge of wind window no matter the conditions.
Always leave double the space u think u need downwind.
Always keep 1 hand on safety and be ready to pull out.

Never do it when some1 (nonkiter) is around.

And most importantly, use search button on this forum.

71 posts
10 Dec 2015 1:37AM
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Just2807 said..
Selflaunch always from the edge of wind window no matter the conditions.

But sometime (low wind) some kites have hard time getting up in the air. It can flip over easily when it's just on the edge.

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Just2807 said..
Always leave double the space u think u need downwind.

Good, good but in reality.. Just take care

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Just2807 said..
Always keep 1 hand on safety and be ready to pull out.

I red this on, Toby sad he is doing like this but i think this is bull****. You'll get in way bigger trouble holding bar with one hand vs two. Just hold kite as usual and be ready to eject.

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Just2807 said..
Never do it when some1 (nonkiter) is around.

Good, good, good..

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Just2807 said..
And most importantly, use search button on this forum.

Epic, use Youtube too. there are some great vids there..

Avoid self launch if you can. Less damage to kite, less danger, everything better but i find myself self launching many times.
I think that in 15-18 knots with lots of space there should be no real danger launching or landing kite by yourself.
If one of those things changes, well i can get messy pretty quick

WA, 74 posts
10 Dec 2015 5:35AM
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RPM said..
For real this thread may be awesome...
I've self launched now for over 5 years with no issues other than a semi hot launch in 30 with my 7m..
Got my pulse racing a bit but let the bar out and it shot to 12 and sat there fine..
If anyone knows waveslaves age and shoe size pls pm me...

Good point! That's like saying "I've been driving for over 5 years now and never worn my seat belt, no issues...". Might work for you, but would you recommend a new driver (or any driver for that matter) not to wear it?
Some people self launch, most people don't. All I know is that if you don't your only real concern is with the person that's gonna launch you. But to be fair, it's usually quite easy to spot a not-so-competent-launcher before get in to a dangerous situation (by how they handle the kite, where they're standing in the window etc.).

NSW, 484 posts
10 Dec 2015 10:04AM
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9 times out of 10 I find myself having to self launch either because I'm kiting alone (at a low risk spot) or there are no kiters on the beach (ie all out riding) to assist in launching. I prefer to self launch unless I know for sure that the launcher knows what theyre doing or the conditions on the beach do not permit (ie sticks poking out of sand, hazards immediatly downwind, etc). I am lucky though that most of the places I ride at have sufficient space for a self launch.

Have only had one self launch go wrong in light winds where one of the steering lines wrapped around the bar as I was pulling on the other to flip the kite onto it's side. I always use 2 hands but would have no hesitation in pulling the QR and I am familiar with it's operation without having to look at it.

I find self landing trickier (unless you pull the QR). Usually I just park the kite on the ground on the side of the window, unhook leash, unhook chicken loop and go hand over hand up the centre lines and when about half way up, I pull the top centre line down and upwind to pull the kite onto the ground where it is now secure. I am interested to know other's methods of self landing and your thoughts on my method of self landing (I taught myself). Whenever practical I always prefer an assisted land.

185 posts
10 Dec 2015 10:27AM
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James said..
Assisted launch isn't always 100% safe. Wait till you ask some ahole for a launch who then tosses your kite into the air before you're even in position, too far down wind of kite and no line tension. Happened to me at City Beach a couple of years ago ,and yes , he was a kiter. In that instance , self launch would been much safer . It happens

Well that's your own fault for not asking [1] are you able to launch and [2] if not, I'll show you.

NSW, 1504 posts
10 Dec 2015 1:54PM
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loftywinds2 said..

James said..
Assisted launch isn't always 100% safe. Wait till you ask some ahole for a launch who then tosses your kite into the air before you're even in position, too far down wind of kite and no line tension. Happened to me at City Beach a couple of years ago ,and yes , he was a kiter. In that instance , self launch would been much safer . It happens

Well that's your own fault for not asking [1] are you able to launch and [2] if not, I'll show you.


You know the person, you see them kite, you trust their skills: So you ask them for a launch and they act like a dick and toss your kite.

1st time is their fault!!!!! And you should let them know their a dick. Second time it's your fault.

4862 posts
10 Dec 2015 11:08AM
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bigtone667 said..

loftywinds2 said..

James said..
Assisted launch isn't always 100% safe. Wait till you ask some ahole for a launch who then tosses your kite into the air before you're even in position, too far down wind of kite and no line tension. Happened to me at City Beach a couple of years ago ,and yes , he was a kiter. In that instance , self launch would been much safer . It happens

Well that's your own fault for not asking [1] are you able to launch and [2] if not, I'll show you.


You know the person, you see them kite, you trust their skills: So you ask them for a launch and they act like a dick and toss your kite.

1st time is their fault!!!!! And you should let them know their a dick. Second time it's your fault.

Nah. I agree with lofty. All you need to say is this "Don't let go until i give you the thumbs up".

Its happened to me before and i was astounded this guy didn't know how to do a basic assisted launch. But if I had said those few words it would have been sweet.

4862 posts
10 Dec 2015 11:11AM
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PS Solo launch on grass saves the kite. If you have grass options take them.

NSW, 1504 posts
10 Dec 2015 2:12PM
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Plummet said..

bigtone667 said..

loftywinds2 said..

James said..
Assisted launch isn't always 100% safe. Wait till you ask some ahole for a launch who then tosses your kite into the air before you're even in position, too far down wind of kite and no line tension. Happened to me at City Beach a couple of years ago ,and yes , he was a kiter. In that instance , self launch would been much safer . It happens

Well that's your own fault for not asking [1] are you able to launch and [2] if not, I'll show you.


You know the person, you see them kite, you trust their skills: So you ask them for a launch and they act like a dick and toss your kite.

1st time is their fault!!!!! And you should let them know their a dick. Second time it's your fault.

Nah. I agree with lofty. All you need to say is this "Don't let go until i give you the thumbs up".

Its happened to me before and i was astounded this guy didn't know how to do a basic assisted launch. But if I had said those few words it would have been sweet.

After some stern instruction, my mate now launches after the appropriate queue from the kiter.

WA, 549 posts
10 Dec 2015 1:00PM
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[b]loftywinds2 said..

Well that's your own fault for not asking [1] are you able to launch and [2] if not, I'll show you.

I thought mentioning the fact the guy was a kiter would get my point across. He was not a noob. He was a knob , if you get my drift ??

QLD, 2043 posts
10 Dec 2015 4:33PM
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Also another hazard I had to deal with when self launching today was a topless sunbather.

Had to check my lines 3 times

SA, 313 posts
10 Dec 2015 5:11PM
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absolutely nothing to do with this thread but lol ba hahahahahh aaa there be some golden comments in the stuff above. keep it up

SA, 2889 posts
10 Dec 2015 6:38PM
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Waveslave Is Ageless. Like the Phantom, As One dies Another takes His Place.
Ghost Who Walks, Never Dies.

The Real Unaswered Question is His Shoe Size.

WA, 1019 posts
10 Dec 2015 4:51PM
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toppleover said...
Also another hazard I had to deal with when self launching today was a topless sunbather.

Had to check my lines 3 times

If i'm by myself i always tether launch (uncrowded flat beach) but the only time i've cooked a launch was when the exact same thing happened and the topless girl appeared from the dunes and i lost all concentration.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Self Launching" started by KitingQueries