Forums > Kitesurfing General


Created by JonC > 9 months ago, 14 Jan 2016
WA, 2 posts
14 Jan 2016 3:31PM
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The Ocean, the Wind, board sports in general have been a passion of mine since my big toe found the ocean.
I took up kite surfing in about 2006 cause Perth's surf spots were becoming a ridiculous competition for what was at best a mediocre wave on most occasions. Kiting allowed me the freedom to enjoy the inevitable afternoon sea breeze here in Perth and a cool way to chill down after work without having to fight for space.

A couple of years ago i went down the beach on a blustery end of season afternoon. Not a lot of folk on the beach and about half a dozen kites out enjoying the South South Westerly. I asked a random ( An Orthopedic Surgeon as it turned out ) to help me launch. Unfortunately this gentleman didn't understand the careful instruction that i gave him in launching my kite...Or maybe i wasn't clear enough in the safety aspects of launching a kite.

Either way up went my kite before i even had the moment to make eye contact. Needless to say it all ended in disaster when I landed about eight meters from where i was standing with my right foot firmly lodged between my buttocks.

**** happens! I was knocked out of action for quite sometime and when i did get back on the horse after missing a winter and a summer season i found my passion had lulled a little and my knee wasn't completely up to the pounding that i had been used to giving it. No biggie. I sat on my kite for a couple of seasons and finally came to the conclusion that my knee was going to keep giving me grief and kiting had become nearly as crowded as surfing used to be.

Its time to move on and find some new toys. I advertised my board and a near new Rev9 here in Seabreeze, for what i thought was a reasonable price for a good condition older kite. I have had a couple of calls but so far no takers.

I thought this would move a little quicker but always the optimist i wondered why. Then as is usually the case we get what we ask for. I received a most informative and educational message from a Victorian kiter has the fore knowledge to have called him 'mypassingwind '. I'm guessing that they chose this nick because 'obnoxious-ass' was already taken.

Having worked in the music industry for a lot of years i have learned that expression comes in many forms and passionate release maybe considered either garbage, or art. By my definition 'art has no reason but then for the most part neither does garbage.

The following two messages are both informative and educational. They are evocative and passionate. They scream attention! This man is the punk rock of email.

It seems this individual has a message that needs to be heard so i have taken the liberty of broadening his audience and posting it here in this forum. Is it art or garbage?

Message 1]
You don't actually believe you're going to sell a 8yo kite for $600 do you?
You realize a 2013 RPM is the same price, don't yeah??

Seriously... I just bought an immaculate 09 Rev 11m for $120, and a mint 09 15m for $150 ....... I'm looking everywhere to complete a quiver of them because they're great kites for anybody on a budget.

But $600 bucks?? Are you ****ing mad??
I bought my 2014 naish 12m ride in July 2014 for $700 with bar and lines.......

Maybe your space suit isn't sending enough oxygen to your brain because you must be a space cadet!!
What planet are you from again??

Please forward me the number of your drug dealer, coz you must be buying and smoking some seriously good ****!!

Good luck selling!!

Message 2]
For $50 extra you can buy this

For the same price I could buy this!

And for $100 extra I could buy a 2015 kite......

I hope whatever kite you buy next is a ****ing lemon and you drown. Kiting is full of good people and here you are trying to take advantage of somebody and rip them off with a kite priced four - five times what its worth. Your ****ing kite isn't worth $200 buddy, hence why all the old revs for sale over $200 have been for sale for nearly 12months. And somehow you believe your Rev is worth $200 more than everybody else's?? Are all your pulleys made from gold, are they??

I hate people like you who try to take advantage of people, scamming and ripping people off. Our sport has no place for you ****bag!! I hope you drown while your children watch arsehole!!

Go on! Jump on the forum and tell people what you're doing and see what people will think of you. You are a disgrace to our sport!!

I'm not a troll either. My address is [removed]. Feel free to drop by anytime you slippery ****!!


So. To those i might have offended by pricing my equipment at a higher rate i am truly sorry.
To my source of inspiration ~ 'mypassingwind' Thanks so much for the eloquent way you have put forward your point of view.

The kite, Harness board and stuff is still for sale. Sunday is looking hot for a small kite.
I am open to negotiation . all the very best

WA, 2940 posts
14 Jan 2016 3:38PM
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cool story from a first poster :)

WA, 209 posts
14 Jan 2016 3:42PM
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Probably not the best way to address it.

But yeah.. I wouldn't offer more than 200 for a kite that old.

Good Luck.

WA, 1347 posts
14 Jan 2016 3:45PM
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You still haven't reduced the price of your kite though.

QLD, 1451 posts
14 Jan 2016 6:00PM
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to be honest the glue on all kites tends to go after that many years. valves aside theres a fair bit of glue used in the fabric side of things. even with your kite being unused and stored correctly its not worth anywhere near $600

id take the $200 and run if i was you OP because i wouldnt even consider your kite sellable. 8 years is twice as old as anything i would consider worthy of a $400 doller price bracket.'

its not necisarily your fault. you just dont understand the true cost of sporting equipment.

as a general rule of thumb take any kiteing equipments RRP (lets say $2000) and halve it (so now we have $1000) this half RRP is pretty much what the distributer pays for that kite.

now lets say the kite is a year old unused that RRP comes down to about $1500 now 2 years old is $1000 3 years is about $750 and 4 years is $500

hope that helps.

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
14 Jan 2016 7:06PM
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You have every right to put whatever price you wish on your kite.
It's not for others to demand you drop your price.

WA, 527 posts
14 Jan 2016 4:24PM
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If you want to ask $5000 for a ten year old kite, you have every right.
This douche has no call to wish on you to drown while your kids watch!
This is disgusting behaviour.
Unfortunately he won't learn from this. This is just the type of person he is.
His own words speak volumes .

ewan kite
VIC, 926 posts
14 Jan 2016 7:36PM
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heavy.. I'm 99% sure i know who this is and I've had a similar message trying to get me to sell my 2015 board brand new for $300 because he got quoted the same thing for that. then he said if i dont want to do that I should tell him where I live so he can come and steal it...

VIC, 858 posts
14 Jan 2016 7:38PM
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I agree with Harry, your gear you name your price, the market will respond accordingly...

The guy is a knob, can't wait to read his reply if and when he reads this... Popcorn at the ready...

WA, 779 posts
14 Jan 2016 4:54PM
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Bloomin eck! What a tool and what a reaction
I would buy it for 200...sure many more would to :-)
Good luck!

QLD, 147 posts
14 Jan 2016 6:55PM
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Funny the dude had to create another profile to send such a ****ty message..

QLD, 799 posts
14 Jan 2016 7:15PM
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VIC, 249 posts
14 Jan 2016 8:52PM
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Uhh, it's just around the corner 5 min away, I maybe stop by for a beer at his place. Should be quite cheap, I'll give him a dollar!

QLD, 41 posts
14 Jan 2016 7:54PM
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To be honest mate it dose mildly annoy me when people over value their gear, I invision an ignorant person in a parallel universe and you think to yourself someone with 2 brain cells would at least scan the market to properly value their second hand kite.

But yeah that email is a bit rude and you have the right to list for any price you want. That is no good about your injury, I cannot believe you would trust some random stiff to help launch your kite.

VIC, 98 posts
14 Jan 2016 9:18PM
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What a bloody goose!
It's all too obvious who it is, as well.
A quick check of the suspected profile confirmed it, as it lists the gear they have been buying too!

WA, 247 posts
14 Jan 2016 6:31PM
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Everyone likes to think that they are getting a reasonable deal. The market value of your gear has nothing to do with this situation. This person has shown a complete lack of class or respect. It is unfortunate that people think it's acceptable to communicate in such a primitive way. Sad you're leaving the sport, hope you find a new passion

2129 posts
14 Jan 2016 6:32PM
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Gilly3 said..

Sh** brilliant!

WA, 2 posts
14 Jan 2016 6:52PM
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In line with what sirstomp had to say. Yeah pretty easy to figure the who the guy is...but irrelevant.
The Gear..Well yes maybe a little on the expensive side but there are a number of kites from 2009 - 2014 priced between $500 and $700.I don't think the ad is ignorant, it was left negotiable. I think we would all prefer to get more than $200 for the investment we made. If it sells then great.
Yep Gilly3.....Dreamin :) You gotta dram big dude

On another note. Its good to see the camaraderie that was evident when i entered the sport is still alive and well. So many awesome quotes and opinions!

I found a hang glider and want to increase my hang time. See you on the coast

WA, 1790 posts
14 Jan 2016 7:27PM
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I've got a great 2014 Vegas 12 meter for sale, at a great price in the for sale section. More $ than the best, but that's. Because north is much higher quality than best

WA, 530 posts
14 Jan 2016 8:27PM
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Welcome. To. The. Internet.

WA, 1549 posts
14 Jan 2016 11:55PM
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I just LOLd when you said you wanted a return on your investment... Bahahahahahahahhaa

Seems like your panties are in a twist because someone has told you straight up your gear is overpriced.

If your a little bit sensitive then toughen up and move on.

Or take the replies on board, be realistic and drop your price to what is in line with the year and condition of the gear you have for sale.

Or you could keep posting this 'listen to me' dribble looking for sympathy from other forum members..

Maybe you should invest in a sewing machine and turn your kite into a nice handbag and a pair of chaps to wear around. May be just what you require!!!!

Pls post pics when your done.

4862 posts
15 Jan 2016 4:14AM
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My rule of thumb is this for a s/h kite price.

New $2000

1 year 50% $1000
2 years another 40% $600
3......................30% $420
4 years +......................Good luck.

WA, 255 posts
15 Jan 2016 7:01AM
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4 years +......................recycle it and make a mint .

bags of all sorts
shade covers

WA, 29 posts
15 Jan 2016 7:11AM
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Wow!!! I hope his riding is better than his online attitude!!! Hahahaaaa My Kitchen Rules!!!!

QLD, 2060 posts
15 Jan 2016 12:09PM
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Those yuppies that live along the Melbourne bay area, are the biggest scabby dogs I've ever known (except for Highazakite - he's reasonable).

I love it. I am going to put an old kite up for $2000 and see what abusive emails I get and more importantly, from who!! HAhaha..

ps. To those above that whinged about your said price - go and suck eggs. Have you seen some of the rubbish on eBay for thousands!? And yet their ads show (2 or 3 SOLD!!!). Seriously - it's a free country and a free market. Do what you want.

VIC, 858 posts
15 Jan 2016 3:01PM
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Loftywinds said..
Those yuppies that live along the Melbourne bay area, are the biggest scabby dogs I've ever known (except for Highazakite - he's reasonable).

Nice work Lofty, love to know what makes us all scabby dogs and what makes you the expert on us??? The knob in Seaford does not make us all knobs...

WA, 132 posts
15 Jan 2016 2:16PM
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Have a f@ckin winge. Never read a bigger load of nonsense. You started by saying you got injured because you asked a random to launch you. Fool. Then showed us some emails from someone chipping you because your prices are absolutely crazy.
Did your Mrs laugh at you also?

WA, 59 posts
15 Jan 2016 3:38PM
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We all have dreams.

I tried to sell a pair of complete 2011 Rebels for $1000 in 2013,and realised I was dreaming and pulled the ad.

When I first pump a new kite I figure that's about $500 off the price, and it slips away rapidly after that.

We should all be happy about every time we get to fly our kites as one mistake and we might not get to use them anymore.

Good luck on finding a new lower impact sport.

But if something costs more than you want to pay then ignore it no need to be rude about it.

WA, 396 posts
15 Jan 2016 3:56PM
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I know a guy who would be interested in your REV. Have a look at this thread.

WA, 258 posts
15 Jan 2016 4:55PM
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I can't imagine all the hostility this guys is spewing was unprovoked and think it's pretty poor form to post his emails AND ADDRESS (please remove that..) without posting your own side by side.. Takes away a lot of legitimacy/credit from your post. But it obviously should never have got to where he is wishing harm upon yourself and family..

WA, 1007 posts
16 Jan 2016 1:14AM
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JonC said..
The Ocean, the Wind, board sports in general have been a passion of mine since my big toe found the ocean.
I took up kite surfing in about 2006 cause Perth's surf spots were becoming a ridiculous competition for what was at best a mediocre wave on most occasions. Kiting allowed me the freedom to enjoy the inevitable afternoon sea breeze here in Perth and a cool way to chill down after work without having to fight for space.

A couple of years ago i went down the beach on a blustery end of season afternoon. Not a lot of folk on the beach and about half a dozen kites out enjoying the South South Westerly. I asked RPM to help me launch. Unfortunately this gentleman didn't understand the careful instruction that i gave him in launching my kite...Or maybe i wasn't clear enough in the safety aspects of launching a kite.

Either way up went my kite before i even had the moment to make eye contact. Needless to say it all ended in disaster when I landed about eight meters from where i was standing with my right foot firmly lodged between my buttocks.

**** happens! I was knocked out of action for quite sometime and when i did get back on the horse after missing a winter and a summer season i found my passion had lulled a little and my knee wasn't completely up to the pounding that i had been used to giving it. No biggie. I sat on my kite for a couple of seasons and finally came to the conclusion that my knee was going to keep giving me grief and kiting had become nearly as crowded as surfing used to be.

Its time to move on and find some new toys. I advertised my board and a near new Rev9 here in Seabreeze, for what i thought was a reasonable price for a good condition older kite. I have had a couple of calls but so far no takers.

I thought this would move a little quicker but always the optimist i wondered why. Then as is usually the case we get what we ask for. I received a most informative and educational message from a Victorian kiter has the fore knowledge to have called him 'mypassingwind '. I'm guessing that they chose this nick because 'obnoxious-ass' was already taken.

Having worked in the music industry for a lot of years i have learned that expression comes in many forms and passionate release maybe considered either garbage, or art. By my definition 'art has no reason but then for the most part neither does garbage.

The following two messages are both informative and educational. They are evocative and passionate. They scream attention! This man is the punk rock of email.

It seems this individual has a message that needs to be heard so i have taken the liberty of broadening his audience and posting it here in this forum. Is it art or garbage?

Message 1]
You don't actually believe you're going to sell a 8yo kite for $600 do you?
You realize a 2013 RPM is the same price, don't yeah??

Seriously... I just bought an immaculate 09 Rev 11m for $120, and a mint 09 15m for $150 ....... I'm looking everywhere to complete a quiver of them because they're great kites for anybody on a budget.

But $600 bucks?? Are you ****ing mad??
I bought my 2014 naish 12m ride in July 2014 for $700 with bar and lines.......

Maybe your space suit isn't sending enough oxygen to your brain because you must be a space cadet!!
What planet are you from again??

Please forward me the number of your drug dealer, coz you must be buying and smoking some seriously good ****!!

Good luck selling!!

Message 2]
For $50 extra you can buy this

For the same price I could buy this!

And for $100 extra I could buy a 2015 kite......

I hope whatever kite you buy next is a ****ing lemon and you drown. Kiting is full of good people and here you are trying to take advantage of somebody and rip them off with a kite priced four - five times what its worth. Your ****ing kite isn't worth $200 buddy, hence why all the old revs for sale over $200 have been for sale for nearly 12months. And somehow you believe your Rev is worth $200 more than everybody else's?? Are all your pulleys made from gold, are they??

I hate people like you who try to take advantage of people, scamming and ripping people off. Our sport has no place for you ****bag!! I hope you drown while your children watch arsehole!!

Go on! Jump on the forum and tell people what you're doing and see what people will think of you. You are a disgrace to our sport!!

I'm not a troll either. My address is [removed]. Feel free to drop by anytime you slippery ****!!


So. To those i might have offended by pricing my equipment at a higher rate i am truly sorry.
To my source of inspiration ~ 'mypassingwind' Thanks so much for the eloquent way you have put forward your point of view.

The kite, Harness board and stuff is still for sale. Sunday is looking hot for a small kite.
I am open to negotiation . all the very best

There I fixed it for you


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Seriously?" started by JonC