Forums > Kitesurfing General

Should stupid people be culled

Created by shodan > 9 months ago, 18 Oct 2012
NSW, 271 posts
21 Oct 2012 11:36AM
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shodan said...

The answer of course is yes. They take up space, steal oxygen that could be used by more intelligent persons and just generally annoy the crap out of people. And by people I mean me!

But how do we recognize those who should be culled?

Maybe we could use this simple guide.

If you play on the road but you complain of the risk of being hit by a truck then your a stupid person.

If you play lawn bowls on the African plains but are constantly losing partners to those annoying animals with big teeth, four legs and a taste for human flesh and so believe they should all be shot then your a stupid person.

If you enjoy taking a dip in the amazon, get nibbled on by piranha every other day, but persist in your aquatic activities then your a stupid person.

If you stick your finger up your poopy hole then complain about the smell and/or taste then your a stupid person.

If you choose to participate in any activity that involves entering the ocean in an area, like Perth, where large carnivorous fish, lets say for example Great White Sharks, are known to live then your a stupid person.

The only question now that we've established that stupid people quite obviously should be culled as a community service, not to mention an entertaining way to pass the time when there's no wind, is to find a humane way to remove them from the gene pool before they take over the world.

Anyone wishing to add to the list or suggest methods for the upcoming cull please leave your feedback at

You're the stupid one stupid!

WA, 3619 posts
21 Oct 2012 3:34PM
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dogfish said...
PJ O'Rourke:
"an arithmetical fact - 50% of the population are below average intelligence."

Don't know P J O'Rourke? but you just added 2 to the culling list.
P J for saying it; yourself for believing it. Gets u both a guaranteed place in the cue.
But for actually quoting it ??? you get to go to the front.

4862 posts
21 Oct 2012 3:56PM
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puppetonastring said...
dogfish said...
PJ O'Rourke:
"an arithmetical fact - 50% of the population are below average intelligence."

Don't know P J O'Rourke? but you just added 2 to the culling list.
P J for saying it; yourself for believing it. Gets u both a guaranteed place in the cue.
But for actually quoting it ??? you get to go to the front.

And for quoting the quote of the quote you go to the front of the que!!!!... damn now i'ev just quote the quote, quote.... bugger. I guess i'm being culled to.

VIC, 4501 posts
21 Oct 2012 7:12PM
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If you want proof that people will cull themselves, do a search on youtube for win fail. Best videos ever.

SA, 32 posts
22 Oct 2012 11:50AM
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dogfish said...
PJ O'Rourke:
"an arithmetical fact - 50% of the population are below average intelligence."

"an arithmetical fact - 50% of the population are below median intelligence."

Thankyou, seeing as this is an intelligence thread, I thought I should point that out...but already done. Only true in a normal distribution.

high as a kite
SA, 1312 posts
22 Oct 2012 1:58PM
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I'm glad I'm in the other fitty percent

NSW, 921 posts
22 Oct 2012 5:06PM
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Momma says stupid is as stupid does......Forrest Gump...

WA, 532 posts
23 Oct 2012 10:46AM
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dogfish said...
PJ O'Rourke:
"an arithmetical fact - 50% of the population are below average intelligence."

The world needs more Mr O'Rourkes, though ...

NSW, 68 posts
23 Oct 2012 10:06PM
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Just remove all safety labels and instructions - and let natural selection sort it out - simples

QLD, 205 posts
25 Oct 2012 8:12PM
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Maybe we should just cull everyone who participated in this post, oh **** now I am doing it!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Should stupid people be culled" started by shodan