Forums > Kitesurfing General

Skin cancer and melanoma

Created by chronic > 9 months ago, 26 Nov 2007
WA, 66 posts
12 Dec 2007 1:55PM
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I just posted a bit on suncreens (UVA/UVB, photoactivity, ingredients, studies) in the other thread here

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
12 Dec 2007 4:23PM
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Great topic inspired to get my lumps n bumps checked.
Rang the number no appointments til March...
anyone know of a good skin specialist in Perth??

Going to see my GP instead to seek a referral seems the best WTG

NSW, 318 posts
13 Dec 2007 12:01AM
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ring 1300 136 600 australia wide
use this clinic first -and as always "get a second opinion" so you can know for sure
if the first says melonoma and so does the second.....say no more

in 2007 the cancer council has recorded an approximate 3800 cases of melonoma which is expected to increase in numbers by 10% every 3 years.

the HIGH majority of affected are regular beach users and outdoor tradesmen.

NSW, 383 posts
13 Dec 2007 8:17PM
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Looks like Im in the high risk group.

Outdoor tradesman
When Im not working and the wind is blowing Im kiting.

Good work chronic , looks like the Lo is booked in down the coast as well, the man is hungry for green island.

island girl
13 posts
13 Dec 2007 10:13PM
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This is an excellent thread and i have to admit i was one of those lurkers who had read this a week or so ago and was inspired/prompted to ring the doc as he had been on my case about getting a mole removed back in that i've left it so long it's really startin' to physically annoy me...altho i have to wonder whether that's just psychological...better to be safer than sorry i guess so appointment is on Monday to make the BIG appointment....altho i'm a little concerned he's goin' to take one look and say it's gotta be removed straight away....
While i'm there i'll be makin' an appointment for hubby as he falls into the catagory of an outdoor tradie and livin' on the beaches on the weekend...

WA, 15 posts
14 Dec 2007 5:08PM
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Scares the crap outta me! I get checked every year without fail and us the industrial factor 30 from work, go out looking like a snowman! The stuff is seriously like treacle!!!
If you don't wear a hood or helmet, don't forget the crown of your head too, if in doubt just smash more on and reapply regularly if your in chop 'cos it washes off pretty quick.

Happy Days...

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
14 Dec 2007 7:30PM
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chronic said...

ring 1300 136 600 australia wide
use this clinic first -and as always "get a second opinion" so you can know for sure
if the first says melonoma and so does the second.....say no more

in 2007 the cancer council has recorded an approximate 3800 cases of melonoma which is expected to increase in numbers by 10% every 3 years.

the HIGH majority of affected are regular beach users and outdoor tradesmen.

Chronic i rang the number they told me no appointment til March.
Have since got numbers for specialists, and made an appointment with my GP.
Thanks for the wake up!

QLD, 4083 posts
14 Dec 2007 9:07PM
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Yeah I rang the same and got almost the same answer. I got a bit persistent with them and now have an appointment in January. Not ideal but fits in with my Christmas plans quite nicely.

Danger Mouse
WA, 592 posts
16 Dec 2007 7:10AM
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surfinchick said...

Dawn Patrol said...

Avoid buying sunnies from Bali etc. They do not meet australian standards, and are often worse for your eyes.
They cause your pupil to dilate (get bigger) and allows more light in. But the lense only makes it darker, doesnt stop the uv rays etc. Your eyes will get more rooted due to more uv than normal getting through.
Not sure about polarised sunnies being different. But if you buy in austalia (even kmart etc) they have to by law pass the same standards. I got my kiting sunnies from bigw. Polarised for 30 bucks. Got a little rope thing to hold em on. If i lose the lot im down $45. No biggie. Id rather look like a tosser, than not be able to look at all.

This and the previous posts on protecting eyes from uv rays all show the effect of marketing on our perceptions.
I had corrective laser eye surgery a few weeks ago (...wooo hoo no more specs...) and the eye surgeon told me that everything you hear about what type of uv block out your sunnies provide is all crap.

A simple clear lens, ie bit of glass, like normal prescription glasses, will block out 99% of any harmful uv rays.
She said there is absolutely no difference, in terms of protection of the eyes from uv, if you buy a cheap $20 pair of sunnies, or a $250 pair.

Who do you believe, an eye surgeon or a sunglasses retailer?
I don't know what the Australian standard for eye wear relates to??

I can say that this is totally true. As a fabricator/welderof 10 years I can tell you that if you are wearing safety glasses (clear or otherwise) and spot welding things in place, you will get burned everywhere except where your glasses are. I have to admit not the smartest thing I've ever done, but sometimes when we are young we don't want to listen to what is "best for us".

The idea of the cheap sunnies in one I use too. I get cheap $15-20 servo sunnies, use one of those duva-lackies that slips over both ends of the glasses and goes around the back of your head with a simple adjustment to tighten it. Then I just tie that to my harness with enough extra to no hinder movement, but not enough to get tangled on stuff.


QLD, 1051 posts
5 Jan 2008 2:14AM
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Rod hi - Top of the Year!! Quick question - what is EFFIDUX treatment? - You mentioned this in your post and when googled the only response was your post!!
(If anyone else knows please respond).

Try to mostly cover-up these days - xmas present = and have taken up using the skins skiing leggings I bought years back. Swear by the leggings for the performance claims - not so obvious on torso - but UV block is good -

The face & feet cop alot of UV. Zinc is all I use now and often use after sun gel (anti-oxidants)


ps the NY resolution was to kite more so I could change posting name once I get better!!

S  Carver
QLD, 42 posts
6 Jan 2008 1:15PM
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Try spelling it "Efudix" - you should find heaps on it.

I have thought about your suggestion of long leg skins but haven't tried them yet. I've been looking for some longer boardies, full or 3/4 length but can't find them.

I've seen a guy on a naish video with a pair of full length ones.
Does anyone know where you can get them?

WA, 102 posts
7 Jan 2008 2:34PM
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S'cuse my nonmedical explanation, the internet will surely provide better detail, but briefly Efidux is a cream which applied twice daily to an area for 4 weeks will cause any solar keratoses/BCCs that are present under the skin, which are as yet undetectable, to come out in a sore which then heals leaving new skin. It beats waiting until they are big enough to detect and possibly then needing to be cut out, especially if on your face.

Happy new year to you too.

WA, 814 posts
7 Jan 2008 3:20PM
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Efudix is an externally applied chemotherapy and pretty much only targets damaged skin cells. It really is only effective on areas of soft supple skin such as the face. Skin on arms and legs can be treated but usually takes 8 weeks or more of dedicated application twice a day.

I've used the stuff on my forehead and temples and had what the dermo described as a good reaction which meant the areas I treated were bright red. I looked like a victim from a nuclear accident . In the final days the treated area began to swell and throb to the extent that I stopped application. The red areas of skin then died and peeled leaving prefect looking new skin.

The stuff works but be prepared for some pain and discomfort and avoid sun exposure while treating, so wait for winter.

Another product on the market is Solaraze

WA, 59 posts
8 Jan 2008 7:07PM
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Hey guys
Really impressed by this thread. It is so important to be on top of this issue. Skin Cancer is a serious issue and should be treated as such. There is a great Skin Check Clinic in East Freo that I go to called MoleStop. The no is 9339 4116. They don't bulk bill but you do not have the normal 3-4 month wait for an appointment that you get from other places. And time is something that you should not waste..... Hopefully this thread will make people more aware about the seriousness and common problem that it is.

WA, 4485 posts
14 Jan 2008 4:06PM
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I went to Molescan in Wembley lat year (got in easy no real wait) and had the usual areas (arms, face, back - no not crack) checked out.

I had meant to go for ages but was prompted by a very suss looking mole/blemish on one of my stumps. The chap was finished pretty quickly, and almost seemed a touch dismissive, but did check out my leg and gave me a pretty good explanation in the end of the suss stump blotch. He assured me it would not be a problem and would likely disapear in a few months. I was still a bit less than convinced when I left but sure enough the suss, irregular moley thingy, was gone in a couple of months, after being around for a few months already.

Short story is these molescan folks do seem to be ok.

Top Post Rod n co.

Oh P.S. finally got a pair of Blueye Squid glasses - very good indeed. Couple of spots of supergoo to make sure lenses stay in and the rest is history... Can't believe I ever kited sans glasses now. Get a pair of shades (any is better than none) today

WA, 206 posts
19 Jan 2008 3:30PM
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I was inspired too back in November when this thread started and had my appointment at Molescan last week.

I told the doctor that a thread on our forum had prompted me and she chuckled - amused that the work was rolling in from people telling horror stories.

Came out with a clean bill of health and left yet another person behind clearly interested in kiting yet trying to decide if they were brave enough to give it a go.

QLD, 4083 posts
20 Jan 2008 8:57AM
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Nice one Jess!

I had my appointment with the people from the 1300 number lined up for last week (booked 2 months in advance due to availability). I had to come out to work though, and when I rang to reschedule they said they didn't have anything until May or so. I asked if they could try to shuffle me with someone from this coming week and they said they 'don't do that' [}:)]. I'm mildly concerned because:

a. I haven't had a mole check for over three years, and that was by GP.
b. I have a few odd looking moles, some multicoloured, one that gets itchy occasionally.
c. My sister just had some moles cut out.

So I rang molescan and I'm booked in for first thing in the morning my first day back in town. Woohoo . You might be on even odds for some beer here Chronic.

VIC, 4982 posts
20 Jan 2008 10:20AM
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It's a good plan to apply sunscreen at least a half hour before you go in the water to let it dry. If you put it on and go straight out it tends to wash off quite quickly.

When it washes off it tends to run into my eyes and they get really sore. Wearing sunglasses makes it harder to wipe my eyes to get rid of the sunscreen or excess salt water.

I have started wearing a surf hat with a chin strap. It works well and stays on. It looks kind of daggy but I like that. It's kind of fun to turn up on the beach looking like a dick then throw a lazy kite loop as you leave the beach. I've got to get that Aaron Hadlow running launch happening.

VIC, 275 posts
31 Jan 2008 3:33PM
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Great thread,

I am off to 'Molemap' next week for my annual checkup which I have dragged out to 18 months this time. They look at your whole body and take photos of all moles/freckles that could be of concern now or in the future and any that you are worried about and have them looked at by a dermatologist and compared to the last years shots. I am not sure if this is the best option but it sounds like a good idea.

I have fair skin and burn easily and people find it quite funny as I reapply my 30+ sunscreen every hour and a half but even with that I will still get a little burnt if I am out for a few hours. When kiting I always wear sunnies (blueye goggles) and a helmet and since I am in Melbourne the long wetsuit stays on most of the time anyway.

I have recently taken to using ‘invisible zinc’ which is a clear zinc on my face followed up with 30+ sunscreen just in case I miss any spots – over kill maybe but I have noticed a reduction in the amount of sunburn I have received since going for the double dose

Good luck to all those who are going to get checked, I think the stats are up to 1 in 2 getting melanoma in Australia during their lifetime.

WA, 3619 posts
2 Feb 2008 4:51PM
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Gorgo said...
I've got to get that Aaron Hadlow running launch happening.

Definately - someday .
How cool is that.
Watched it x20 times to make sure it wasnt just one more of Andys seamless editing tricks. Nope - definately for real.

SA, 402 posts
4 Feb 2008 9:17PM
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I am about to start efudix treatment on my bottom lip - it has a solar keratosis on it from years of sundamage - they used to blister and burn all the time when I was young before I knew what sunscreen was.

Now I have this white crusty scab almost on my lip and the colour difference between my lip and facial skin has blurred - apparently this treatment will bring it all back to new although its meant to be really painful

Has anyone else been through this on their lip and does anyone have any tips for dealing with the side effects of this treatment (pain, burning etc) while going through the process?

Once this is done Im thiking along the lines of full suits or some substitute in the warmer months and a physical barrier for my lip, I currently always wear a hat, sunnies and long sleeve rashie - but its not enough, god I would wear a balaclava if they made them - the sun just isnt worth the risk sometimes.

WA, 3619 posts
10 Feb 2008 3:56PM
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this is a cut & paste from another post by 'Jeremy'

I read with interest an article in the NOV 2007 medical journal of Australia regarding a 35 yo male professional kite surfer who died from metastatic melanoma. He presented with multiple liver lesions. The primary was found to be from his eye,more specifically his retina. The kite surfer never wore sunglasses. Melanoma from the retina spreads more quickly than skin lesions as their are no lymphatics in the retina. Skin melanoma's might spread first to a lymph node (surgical treatment still reasonably effective ), whereas from the retina it goes straight into your blood stream to your liver ( your cactus).

Kiting exposes you to direct UV radiation as well as reflected. You can reduce your risk of melanoma by wearing sunglasses.

WA, 3619 posts
10 Feb 2008 3:59PM
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Just came across another melanoma of the retina victim
No problem at all till 4 weeks ago.
Now facing the big end in about 2 weeks time.
In his 40's & all he did in the sun was play cricket.

Go get some glasses - they are a pain in the butt - but the alternative isnt real cool either.

WA, 27 posts
10 Mar 2008 1:17PM
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Hi guys,

I just came to WA from Ireland in Jan. Looked in a few pharmas for PARASOL (it's a silicone based oil that's a once a day application). Used this stuff in Egypt for 7 days of kiting in 40 degree weather, this stuff is amazing.

Ended up getting some from a UK website a few weeks ago -

Let me know if anyone can get it in WA.


WA, 27 posts
10 Mar 2008 1:18PM
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Hi guys,

I just came to WA from Ireland in Jan. Looked in a few pharmas for PARASOL (it's a silicone based oil that's a once a day application). Used this stuff in Egypt for 7 days of kiting in 40 degree weather, this stuff is amazing.

Ended up getting some from a UK website a few weeks ago -

Let me know if anyone can get it in WA.


NSW, 318 posts
11 Mar 2008 7:09PM
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Parasol Sports 25+ - 200ml

Parasol 25+ Sport provides 25 times more natural protection against UVB rays. It helps protect against long-term skin damage and UVA-induced allergies. Specially formulated for all skin types, vulnerable parts of the body, including the scalp, and long-term exposure to the sun. Due to its extreme durability to water and perspiration, it is ideal for outdoor and water sports. Not recommended for children under 2 years

Our Price : £22.00 (€uro 29.69) Including VAT at 17.5%

hey Sean on your pack does it mention SPF ? as they have a few different types 10+ 15+ 20+ and 25+ - but no mention of spf.
22 pounds per tube about $50 plus post! gold plated for sure.

went for another check up today -a new doctor who was really suprised at my operation before considering the fact that i have really dark skin and not the usual type of skin he gets in his office- got dark skin doesn't matter you can get it - all clear next one is 6 months away

another good website to learn more about this


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Skin cancer and melanoma" started by chronic