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Snowboarding after kiting

Created by wishy > 9 months ago, 14 Nov 2011
WA, 1501 posts
14 Nov 2011 11:52AM
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I am interested to know other people's experiences with snowboarding after a few years kiting.

I've been a few times before 4 years ago, but just wondering if I'll be able to ride & jump switch straight away given that 50% of the time kiting you're going "backwards".

I guess the other thing i'll have to remember is snow actually hurts so not to go apesh!t like you do when boosting on a kite (with nice soft water underneath!)

WA, 808 posts
14 Nov 2011 12:58PM
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Did the opposite, first snow than water...Didn't think it would be so hard to learn kiting bit it did.
Easy to switch and small jumps, also heel riding so easy (no pulling kite:)

Snow does hurt, hence stretching is so much more important. But I'm 42 so...

Where u going? Japan was all in ice last Feb (broke my wrist). Hokkaido might be better the Honshu.

209 posts
14 Nov 2011 1:28PM
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Unfortunately I don't think kiting helps that much. It probably does when you're riding switch in a straight line, but the action of turning a snowboard is quite different to carving a kiteboard. I find that when I want to turn while riding switch I instinctively start leaning back and taking my weight off the front foot which is a no no on a snowboard in non-powder conditions.

VIC, 1159 posts
14 Nov 2011 4:44PM
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Snowboarding is a different action altogether - and you pay more for your mistakes.

For a start - you lean over your leading leg rather than over your back leg. The front half of the snowboard rail does the turn initiation. The back end of the board comes into play for stopping. I ave seen friends from a surf background try and use their back leg on turns and you get punished.

Riding switch - you will always have a preferred side - even if you set up your bindings in a open duck stance and ride an even board.

Jumping is completely different - it's not like you have a kite lifting you into the air - and gravity is more of a harsh mistress.

That said, once you hit the deep pow, the game changes and it becomes more like kiting.

WA, 1501 posts
14 Nov 2011 1:56PM
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dbabicwa said...

Did the opposite, first snow than water...Didn't think it would be so hard to learn kiting bit it did.
Easy to switch and small jumps, also heel riding so easy (no pulling kite:)

Snow does hurt, hence stretching is so much more important. But I'm 42 so...

Where u going? Japan was all in ice last Feb (broke my wrist). Hokkaido might be better the Honshu.

I'm going to a secret location 10+ hours north of whistler.
The other tips I wanted were your favourite hill bombing songs?
No friends on a powder day (which should be most days)

WA, 522 posts
14 Nov 2011 2:18PM
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Try freeboarding, closest thing to snowboarding without snow. If we go skiing next winter I'll be getting one to get some practice beforehand.

WA, 808 posts
14 Nov 2011 2:39PM
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Freddofrog said...

Try freeboarding, closest thing to snowboarding without snow. If we go skiing next winter I'll be getting one to get some practice beforehand.

Nothing can get you ready for icy conditions.

I'm going to a secret location 10+ hours north of whistler.
The other tips I wanted were your favourite hill bombing songs?

Whistler - nice!

"favourite hill bombing songs?" sorry, I don't follow?

WA, 522 posts
14 Nov 2011 11:44PM
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dbabicwa said...

Freddofrog said...

Try freeboarding, closest thing to snowboarding without snow. If we go skiing next winter I'll be getting one to get some practice beforehand.

Nothing can get you ready for icy conditions.

I'm going to a secret location 10+ hours north of whistler.
The other tips I wanted were your favourite hill bombing songs?

Whistler - nice!

"favourite hill bombing songs?" sorry, I don't follow?

Dont know about replicating icy conditions. Not tried freeboarding as yet so cant really make any valid comments, but certainly looks fun.

And hill bombing is riding you skate/long/snow board etc downhill as fast as possible.

WA, 19 posts
15 Nov 2011 12:02AM
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I was snowboarding yesterday in Cervinia, Italy, for the 1st time in 4 yrs. Can't really say that my kiting helped my snowboarding, but it will once I start snowkiting in a few weeks time

If anyone has some good tips for that..... I'm a bit worried that my Rebel 8m might be a bit flighty for land based stuff

NSW, 1637 posts
15 Nov 2011 9:32AM
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The only thing relative is that you are riding a board strapped in. As mentioned, snowboarding is about driving off the FRONT foot, and the sooner you get that into your head you will be off and running. As your body is moving forward down the fall line people have a natural tendency to lean back and try and push the board to slow themselves down. The front foot drives the board into the turn and creates the flex that makes the board turn. As the board is turning you unweight the flex of the board pops back into shape and leads you into the next turn. In many ways snowboarding is much easier to learn than kiting, but if conditions are hard, and they will be from time to time even in the best spots, crashing hurts.
I skied professionally for several years in my early 20's when snowboarding was in it's infancy, and the first time I tried it I was given the advice of driving off the front foot, and by mid day I comfortably riding the upper slopes in NZ. Kiting was much harder for me to learn as my kite skills were shi t.
Have fun and don't get too reckless. Where you are going will find you set in some of the best powder in the world, but it would be better for you to get some basics down before you venture into the land of the avalanche.
Good luck!

WA, 808 posts
15 Nov 2011 10:49AM
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Freddofrog said...
[eally make any valid comments, but certainly looks fun.

And hill bombing is riding you skate/long/snow board etc downhill as fast as possible.

Cheers mate, something new every day!

I like carving more than bombing:)

Fully agree with dafish...Sounds like you'll need an XC board:) Or this:

So useful when doing a bit of XC. I would jump or go on rails with it but that's what you do in a park anyway...:)


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Snowboarding after kiting" started by wishy