Just a heads up; saw this in the windsurfing forum they brought it up in a thread... lol...
Windsurfer in a bag! LOL
So if you've lost one then find out who this guy is!!!!http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Slingshot-Fuel-Wind-Surfer-15m-In-Bag-WIth-Acc_W0QQitemZ180286060935QQihZ008QQcategoryZ2920QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
"Slingshot Fuel 15m Windsurfer
In Bag With Acc"
WTF!!! Seriously something dodgy going on there. The guy is a powerseller with a whole bunch of sporting goods. He/she is either a cash convertors or a seriously good thief!
Did it occur to you that because they are a power seller that they probably do not pay much attention to each individual item as one of us might. Maybe they got it through dodgey dealings or maybe they got it through legitimate dealings. Either way they probably have some person trained to take photos, do research and try and sell it even though they do not know what it is.
From my view just as likely to be legit. Who would pay a starting bid of $200 for a 2003 15m Fuel though I don't know.
Just a heads up that's all!
I didn't mean that HE was the one in fact that might have stolen it, it just seemed quite strange that he didn't know the name of the product he was selling! You'd think you would research "slingshot" and find out what it is if you want a decent profit!
It just seemed odd; apologies if you were offended at the potential warning.