Forums > Kitesurfing General

Stolen Kite gears

Created by SeyTas > 9 months ago, 24 Feb 2017
3 posts
24 Feb 2017 3:51PM
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Someone broke in my car and stole all my kite gears ( see photos attached) at the TT-Line terminal car park in Devonport on the weekend of 10th to 13th February 2017. If anyone see these items or people trying to sell them please contact me on 0419904771 or the local police, thanks a lot, cheers.

QLD, 1694 posts
24 Feb 2017 5:53PM
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WA, 337 posts
24 Feb 2017 5:15PM
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Sorry to hear - will keep eye out on Gumtree and SB for ya

NSW, 153 posts
26 Feb 2017 6:30PM
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I had similar experience,had my board and cabrinha bar stollen from rear of my car.
Thief advertised on seabreaze and Gumtree with photos.
I had detailed police report with all details Before it was advertised with photos.
Guy sent me his address,name phone number but police said they were to busy to worry about such things.
My advice is like me ,put it on your parents house contents insurance or yours to cover loss or theft.
AAMI with $100 excess,much easier.........but crazy!!!

3 posts
26 Feb 2017 5:56PM
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Yeah definitely getting g insurance on the next set of gears

WA, 810 posts
26 Feb 2017 7:55PM
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ALL of that gear?!!!?
Thats loads...will definitely keep an eye for u
Sorry too

WA, 467 posts
26 Feb 2017 7:58PM
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gdownie said..
I had similar experience,had my board and cabrinha bar stollen from rear of my car.
Thief advertised on seabreaze and Gumtree with photos.
I had detailed police report with all details Before it was advertised with photos.
Guy sent me his address,name phone number but police said they were to busy to worry about such things.
My advice is like me ,put it on your parents house contents insurance or yours to cover loss or theft.
AAMI with $100 excess,much easier.........but crazy!!!

Pls tell me you went round his house with a mate or two rather than the insurance path?

VIC, 240 posts
27 Feb 2017 9:55AM
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gdownie said..
I had similar experience,had my board and cabrinha bar stollen from rear of my car.
Thief advertised on seabreaze and Gumtree with photos.
I had detailed police report with all details Before it was advertised with photos.
Guy sent me his address,name phone number but police said they were to busy to worry about such things.
My advice is like me ,put it on your parents house contents insurance or yours to cover loss or theft.
AAMI with $100 excess,much easier.........but crazy!!!

Next time they say they're too busy......

go go to the house, then call the cops and say "I went to go collect my stolen property, and I've shot somebody!"

every cop in 50km will be there!

"I thought you said you shot somebody??"

"I thought you said no officers were available??"

1357 posts
27 Feb 2017 7:58AM
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Tt line terminal would have a ****e load of cctv cameras, even in the carpark, might worth geting them to help you out, and all cars coming and going would have registration recorded by camera, such is teh world we live in now, checking the cctv is something the funstoppers should have done !


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Stolen Kite gears" started by SeyTas