Footstraps are limiting. Strapless is limiting.
I want something like what this guy in the photo is riding. Anyone know anything?
Anyone tried something like that? Any ideas you might like to share?
My hoofs would lever those off in about 10 mins.. I have enough trouble keeping normal grip on a board.
this just looks like two tale pads back to back. you can buy them at any surf store. I've seen a few people use them but most just use flat pads that you would put on SUP's and a tale pad at the back, like a normal surfboard.
Try these if you want somewhere in between
There is a windsurfer who rides strapless because his ankles are damaged. He still does back loops. This is a photo of a WHY custom windsurf board made in Tenerife for him where the front hook was moulded by the builder from carbon or glass fibre.
NSX... NCX... NPX... can't remember, but they do something called "horns" that are what you're looking for. Like the Predator things but not so large...
When I started practising with a strapless directional last season I found it really awkward to do waterstarts without having a front strap to hook my front foot under. I ended up screwing down a piece of bungy chord from one front strap mounting hole to the other front strap mounting hole. It means I can still hook my front foot toes onto the front of the board and once I'm up and going slide my toes out and it becomes effectively strapless. It works a treat (for waterstarts)
I just recently installed/tried the NSI kling on foot hooks on one of my boards. I wasn't very impressed with them but I think it maybe mostly because I'm not digging strapless right now. They make water starting much easier but they're pretty big and do get in the way. It's easier to ride through chop with them but I still prefer straps.
Those Predator straps look like they might just do the trick! Just a bit big and clumsy looking like the NSI hooks, really want to give up as little deck real estate as possible.
I reckon I might be able to fashion a much smaller version for myself quiet easily? I'll see what I can build and post back with results...