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Forums > Kitesurfing General

Surfboard on a Foil? This is why..

Created by Sir V > 9 months ago, 3 Aug 2014
Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
3 Aug 2014 3:03PM
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I've been asked many times why I have a Surfboard on my foil - this is why!

Sessions at Narrowneck back-to-back yesterday 02Aug - Foil and Surboard, same board, 2 different styles. This is the reason why I got it custom made by the best in the business: MHL Custom, Puerto Rico..

Regardless of the disparity of opinions - photos don't lie. Sharing the stoke guys :)


WA, 293 posts
3 Aug 2014 6:04PM
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Sir V said..
I've been asked many times why I have a Surfboard on my foil - this is why!

Sessions at Narrowneck back-to-back yesterday 02Aug - Foil and Surboard, same board, 2 different styles. This is the reason why I got it custom made by the best in the business: MHL Custom, Puerto Rico..

Regardless of the disparity of opinions - photos don't lie. Sharing the stoke guys :)


Sorry, still don't get it..

SA, 161 posts
3 Aug 2014 8:31PM
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VIC, 600 posts
3 Aug 2014 9:34PM
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This post is more confusing then a tranny on the pill

WA, 203 posts
3 Aug 2014 7:39PM
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hookworm said...
This post is more confusing then a tranny on the pill


4862 posts
3 Aug 2014 7:43PM
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KiterBen said..

The bigger question is which is answered in this careometer.

How many care's (farks) do you give consuming a Pie.

The answer as we can all see is.


VIC, 1090 posts
3 Aug 2014 9:49PM
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Smashen those waves would be WAY more exciting on a board without an anchor mounted upside down.

WA, 8407 posts
3 Aug 2014 8:41PM
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just read a 4 page article from brian lake one of the worlds top racers who has been on a foil for a while and a longtime north shore surfer, he was asked is the any hope for a foil on waves, he said your gonna be able to carve and squiggle around but you never gonna be able to smack the lip, kiteworldmag issue 69

QLD, 6493 posts
3 Aug 2014 10:57PM
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For the love of Cheeses gentlemen, if you must quote a post with a mountain of images in it, please do us a favor and delete the images...!

SA, 161 posts
3 Aug 2014 10:29PM
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Awesome photo quality !

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
3 Aug 2014 11:12PM
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cauncy said..
just read a 4 page article from brian lake one of the worlds top racers who has been on a foil for a while and a longtime north shore surfer, he was asked is the any hope for a foil on waves, he said your gonna be able to carve and squiggle around but you never gonna be able to smack the lip, kiteworldmag issue 69

I totally agree, this is why I enjoy both ... that was the point of my post: Sharing the stoke. Of course I cannot (yet) smack the lip with the foil, I have a surfboard for that. I am just happy to add carving and squiggling around to my list of fun things to do under kite power

Me? I get it. I have both experiences in my bag and I am happy. If this forum is not about sharing the love for the sport, in whatever format we each decide to take, what is this website for?

I will remember all the disgruntled opinions next time I am on the water, and I will smile even harder eheheheh.

Peace up and sweet Seabreezes for all


WA, 8407 posts
3 Aug 2014 9:33PM
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not bagging your passion v, any day with the kite overhead is a good day

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
3 Aug 2014 11:54PM
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cauncy said..
not bagging your passion v, any day with the kite overhead is a good day

With you there my friend .. may there be many days on the water for us all

VIC, 5048 posts
4 Aug 2014 11:14AM
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suniboy21 said..
Smashen those waves would be WAY more exciting on a board without an anchor mounted upside down.

Errrm. If you look closer at the pictures in a lot of the wave smashing shots he is riding the surfboard without the foil.

I am guessing that is the reason to have a surfboard on a foil. So you have two riding disciplines covered in the one, convertible package.

The only problem for me is that the micro raceboard look of the modern foil boards is so sexy, and a surfboard on a stick is not.

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
4 Aug 2014 1:46PM
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Compromises mate compromises... I tried to make it sexy on a stick but I'm possibly not the best ambassador in that respect. Put a six foot blond on my board and everyone will think different, including me

Here's a look at both models, my previous boards. And some photos of this one too.. my current model is the 2014 and it has a new foil.

Sexy is in the eyes of the viewer and everyone has a different taste. How would you suggest some changes to make this model look 'sexier'.. I can always use the advice and modify my next order eheh


QLD, 263 posts
4 Aug 2014 2:17PM
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You take board love to a whole new level big v!

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
4 Aug 2014 2:49PM
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WillyO said..
You take board love to a whole new level big v!

Noice huh..

QLD, 2060 posts
4 Aug 2014 2:57PM
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You call this surfing?

4862 posts
4 Aug 2014 1:16PM
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That's definately some unfettered board love!.

My personal thought. Put the smallest board possible on top of the foil. That will give you the best performance when foiling. Then you can have foil board and surfboard on the beach at the same time. Swap between them during the session for 3 way board lovin.

You need to take those pics again but drape a busty young lass over the board!

WA, 96 posts
4 Aug 2014 4:51PM
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I can just imagine you going down the Gold Coast hwy with these boards strapped to the roof of your car. I'm sure it would turn a few heads.

WA, 4263 posts
5 Aug 2014 5:32PM
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Sir V said..
Sharing the stoke guys :)

Sir V's enthusiasm about foilboarding borders on religious fervour. ^^^

He's like a horny grommet who just experienced his first root,

and can't wait to tell all his mates about the juicy details.

His super keenness is like a disease,

but I must confess, it is somewhat infectious,

like full-blown aids.

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
6 Aug 2014 10:32AM
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waveslave said..
Sir V said..
Sharing the stoke guys :)

Sir V's enthusiasm about foilboarding borders on religious fervour. ^^^

He's like a horny grommet who just experienced his first root,

and can't wait to tell all his mates about the juicy details.

His super keenness is like a disease,

but I must confess, it is somewhat infectious,

like full-blown aids.

Is this Waveslave or the Doctor? - Infectious? Totally.. eheheh

The below is not directed at anyone in particular..

Food for thought: have you seen me here bagging anyone or having a negative comment? I am, like many of us, sick and tired of seeing this forum used as a bagging vehicle, frustration relief mechanism and ranting device platform. I've never used a red thumb unless it was to share my displease to a derogatory comment made against someone that in my view didn't deserve it.

At least my posts have illustrations of the sport and are usually accompanied by good advice, positive remarks or stoke stories That's my bag and I am proud to be a positive guy and not a nagging grandmother.

I save my frustration for the water and use it to battle my own demons, thus getting more out of life that way. If my stoke or lack of skill messes with your mind it's time for a reality check: You chose the wrong sport, or the wrong Planet

Damnnn I love kitesurfing.. enough said

Later guys, Sweet Seabreezes to all

4862 posts
6 Aug 2014 9:38AM
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Sir V said..

waveslave said..

Sir V said..
Sharing the stoke guys :)

Sir V's enthusiasm about foilboarding borders on religious fervour. ^^^

He's like a horny grommet who just experienced his first root,

and can't wait to tell all his mates about the juicy details.

His super keenness is like a disease,

but I must confess, it is somewhat infectious,

like full-blown aids.

Is this Waveslave or the Doctor? - Infectious? Totally.. eheheh

The below is not directed at anyone in particular..

Food for thought: have you seen me here bagging anyone or having a negative comment? I am, like many of us, sick and tired of seeing this forum used as a bagging vehicle, frustration relief mechanism and ranting device platform. I've never used a red thumb unless it was to share my displease to a derogatory comment made against someone that in my view didn't deserve it.

At least my posts have illustrations of the sport and are usually accompanied by good advice, positive remarks or stoke stories That's my bag and I am proud to be a positive guy and not a nagging grandmother.

I save my frustration for the water and use it to battle my own demons, thus getting more out of life that way. If my stoke or lack of skill messes with your mind it's time for a reality check: You chose the wrong sport, or the wrong Planet

Damnnn I love kitesurfing.. enough said

Later guys, Sweet Seabreezes to all

Well there's certainly a lot of stoke police on the forum.
Haters are going to hate. I actually feel sorry for them. They don't understand how to enjoy life. Can you imagine the terrible life of these guys constantly going around looking for things to hate? The negativity they expose themselves to.
Why waste your time hating something someone has typed on the internet?

Keep those stoke threads rolling Mr V. Even though I don't foil (I will one day) I enjoy reading others stoke.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Surfboard on a Foil? This is why.." started by Sir V