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Swine Flu O.T.

Created by kyteryder > 9 months ago, 6 Jun 2009
NSW, 692 posts
6 Jun 2009 9:42PM
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Is it politically correct to call kite connections Pigtails, or do we have to change their names.


2129 posts
6 Jun 2009 8:05PM
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NSW, 604 posts
7 Jun 2009 8:06AM
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I rang the swine flu hot line on this topic.. but could not hear a thing there was to much crackling ...

NSW, 6451 posts
7 Jun 2009 8:29AM
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aaawwwwwww milko,your really hamming it up.

NSW, 2707 posts
7 Jun 2009 9:49AM
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kyteryder said...

Is it politically correct to call kite connections Pigtails, or do we have to change their names.


i think you must have selected the wrong topic heading, you used humor, certainly not funny.

QLD, 431 posts
7 Jun 2009 11:44AM
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Doctor – I think I have the swine flu.

How long have you felt like this?

For about a Wee wee wee wee eek!

He he he he he - ive broken out in Rashes

NSW, 93 posts
7 Jun 2009 11:50AM
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QLD, 431 posts
7 Jun 2009 12:16PM
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this little piggie went to market
this little piggie stayed at home
this little piggie had roast beef
this little piggie had none
this little piggie had swine flu and now theyre all gone!!!

QLD, 362 posts
7 Jun 2009 12:26PM
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another goverment scam ,,, amazing how they can extend the expiry date on tamme flu , and the drug is goverment controled so this will help out our defecit conditioning the cattle ,,,,

VIC, 3 posts
5 Aug 2009 8:59PM
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WA, 1874 posts
5 Aug 2009 10:54PM
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Haa Boarder - funny az

The Tamiflu stuff ... a weeee bit of useless unlife saving info

FACT: The Tamiflu does not protect you from it at all !!!!!!!

It was designed for chickens - but they spent so many millions on it, that they have to justify it!

So they found that it..... May ..... alleviate some symptoms, and have a longer shelf life ??? - so thats why we have it.

'The Conspiracy' is in who in politics in the previous U.S government - vice presidency, has a major share in the producing company... & some stupid ozzy gumboot spent our dosh on it !

The poor folk who in good health, passed away in " hospital "
What were they treated with ???

The Vaccine

It may be my ignorance - but why are they going to 'TEST' it on babies to see what dosage works !!! WTF..... Side affects were what ?

WA, 577 posts
6 Aug 2009 10:01AM
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Probability: Mankind will extinct by viruses.
Fact: Some greedy companies are speeding it up by making new viruses which they think they have the cure for it.

NSW, 1714 posts
6 Aug 2009 12:46PM
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ashkiter said...

Doctor – I think I have the swine flu.

How long have you felt like this?

For about a Wee wee wee wee eek!

He he he he he - ive broken out in Rashes

Did you get some oinkment for it?

VIC, 1159 posts
6 Aug 2009 1:22PM
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I hope it doesn't cross-mutate with the Bird Flu, because then the symptoms will be fowl...

WA, 577 posts
6 Aug 2009 11:26AM
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lostinlondon said...

I hope it doesn't cross-mutate with the Bird Flu, because then the symptoms will be fowl...

That's when the pigs flying

WA, 170 posts
6 Aug 2009 1:35PM
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i am assuming you all know how the pig crossed the road?


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Swine Flu O.T." started by kyteryder