Forums > Kitesurfing General

Taboo subjects on this forum (add your own)

Created by Bigwavedave > 9 months ago, 18 Oct 2008
WA, 178 posts
20 Oct 2008 2:51PM
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no matter what you do, you are always going to get some newbies come in ask some of those question. are u guna bite there head off n send them on there way just don't read the bldy topic if it comes up again if you don't like it..

1357 posts
20 Oct 2008 3:19PM
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Give me a cuddle dave

QLD, 181 posts
20 Oct 2008 8:15PM
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Me First!!
In fact you don't want to touch Dave!
I know where he's been.
P.S. I could use some pumping lessons??

QLD, 142 posts
21 Oct 2008 10:20AM
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10 . Bitchen about poor judging at comps....

Danger Mouse
WA, 592 posts
22 Oct 2008 9:15AM
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Starting topics about buying a vowel that's not even a vowel


WA, 205 posts
22 Oct 2008 9:21AM
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Filling your kite with helium.

WA, 205 posts
22 Oct 2008 9:40AM
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What happens when you have diarrhoea while wearing your wetsuit.

SA, 601 posts
22 Oct 2008 12:24PM
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Slingshot Link

WA, 752 posts
22 Oct 2008 12:23PM
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Bigwavedave said...

my apologies to any reader who did not recognise this as humour.

Uncle Sid participation should have made it clear! If a mentally decrepit old man with no prostate and even less retina stability is able to see the humour....

Maybe it's a Queensland thing. We have more things to make us wind, warm water and Uncle Sid's special cream...

PS. It's time this thread disappeared into page 2 obscurity!

I get the warm water bit, but after being on holiday on the goldie for two weeks and hardly a breath of wind, I think you're deluding yourself !!

VIC, 107 posts
23 Oct 2008 3:30AM
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Bigwavedave said...

They are bindings when you wear speedos and footstraps when you wear your boardies over your wetty.

or is it the other way round.?

Why do people wear boardies over their wetsuits ? I've noticed this a lot....I just don't get it

QLD, 561 posts
23 Oct 2008 6:40AM
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au_rick said...

Bigwavedave said...

my apologies to any reader who did not recognise this as humour.

Uncle Sid participation should have made it clear! If a mentally decrepit old man with no prostate and even less retina stability is able to see the humour....

Maybe it's a Queensland thing. We have more things to make us wind, warm water and Uncle Sid's special cream...

PS. It's time this thread disappeared into page 2 obscurity!

I get the warm water bit, but after being on holiday on the goldie for two weeks and hardly a breath of wind, I think you're deluding yourself !!

That's because you were on the Gold Coast

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
23 Oct 2008 8:42AM
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peter lynn auto zenith

QLD, 2057 posts
23 Oct 2008 8:12AM
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Who is Peter Lynn?

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
23 Oct 2008 10:50AM
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Bigwavedave said...

Who is Peter Lynn?

dunno ,but whenever the subject came up there was alot of hoo har

QLD, 2057 posts
23 Oct 2008 3:04PM
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Sorry Lach, Just trying to get a bite!!

Shame sham shame,,,

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
23 Oct 2008 4:59PM
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Bigwavedave said...

Sorry Lach, Just trying to get a bite!!

Shame sham shame,,,


QLD, 40 posts
24 Oct 2008 3:19PM
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Dave, I will have you know I have enough of a prostrate to make me hard enough to ride over your bumpy driveway. You should look at getting some of that lose gravel removed and as for that mentally decrepit comment, I can't think of a come back right now.

But when I do......arrgh...arrgh......falling asleep again...........Oh ****, I just wet myself.....arrgh...I ate wifes a cow............arrgh...........look out, train!.......I would like a blow on me edd seen my cat?

QLD, 2057 posts
24 Oct 2008 3:30PM
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and to think I gave you my vote when you ran for PM

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
25 Oct 2008 10:06AM
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multiple posts about what a place is like at a certain time (no effort made whatsoever to search this or other forums I think it is actually a ploy to pick up) eg "SYDNEY IN JANUARY . Hi I am coming to Sydney in January for work .What is the wind like then,where are the good spots .Can I get a latte nearby ?"

QLD, 2057 posts
25 Oct 2008 10:10AM
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By the way Mr Float, can you tell me what the wind is like in Bali at Christmas? I can't find any info on it anywhere!!

Me and Uncle Sid are slipping away for a dirty weekend after Boxing Day. He is so dotty he won't remember what I did to him last time we were there!

QLD, 40 posts
25 Oct 2008 12:39PM
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I never been to Bali, did however wake up one morning with a very sore passage and dry mouth, not sure where that was from memeory!

Obviously I did not tell anyone, maybe thats why you are inviting me to Bali!

What is the wind like there anyway, is the food cheap and will I find aussie tucker?

QLD, 2057 posts
25 Oct 2008 1:27PM
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Plenty of Aussie sausage in Bali for you Sid

I looked up your family tree this morning and someone threw a banana at me.

So I called your mum/sister in Ipswich

and she lent me this baby photo of you

You are so hot!

Jimbob McBoilygroin
QLD, 82 posts
25 Oct 2008 2:08PM
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Hey! thats my momma too!

QLD, 40 posts
25 Oct 2008 3:11PM
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found a couple of shots of you!

Here is your first trip to Bali - even in LBFMPBR paradise you still could not get laid by a human....

This one of Jim Bob just after finding out his sister been cheating on him...

This is a little photo I found of the real bigwavedave...

Jimbob McBoilygroin
QLD, 82 posts
25 Oct 2008 6:33PM
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momma sent me a picture of me and sids boy from last chrismus. I reckin we definitly are relayted

QLD, 40 posts
25 Oct 2008 6:42PM
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Is the one on the right Andy Yates?

Can't be, must be that Ben Wilson fella, but then again I thought he was 10feet tall?


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Taboo subjects on this forum (add your own)" started by Bigwavedave