1. Solid in the air, doesn't fall out the sky
2. Quick turning
3. Goes upwind well
4. One pump
5. Solid construction (kite, bar)
6. No bridle, 5th line
7. Bar pressure not too heavy
8. what else?
1. Mega fast turning, like ultra fast turning, like superman fast turning...
We all know thats what we really need to ride waves well, Mega ultra nanospeed turning kites. They just can't make them fast enough yet, every year they make them quicker but it's still not quick enough. At the moment you can still see the kite actually turn when you pull the bar, we need instantanious turning so we can really just whip it back and forward without thinking, sit back with your ass touching the water, get dragged around and send some massive rooster tails out in front ALLL RIGHHHHHTTTTT giggity.
without a doubt a wainman smoke.. 2010
Mine is for sale due to hip and knee injury..
1300$. had it for 6 weeks. Have reciept and kite is in VGC with all the goodies that come with it.
Located in sandgate, QLD
Hey Lazarus,
You mentioned you don't want a 5th line, NEW kites have 5th lines but you can fly them without, great flyers, good upwind, turns quick with basic contruction.
I have the 7m OS and loving it but there is the NEW Alibi aswell that looks good but smallest size is a 8m.
Are you still in SA and if so what part, either way the NEW kites are a reasonable price.
The Jekyll I hear is a good kite, basic bridle without pulleys and dacron framing all over.
I also hear the Vapour X is a nice kite, bridled or 5th line but I don't know if it uses pulleys.
just leave one outside line off so it is always turning and dont have to worry bout turning the kite nor bar pressure.
I personally have been stoked with the performance of the new Kahoona V2. The Sth African boys have been testing the kite longer than what we have, so if thats where you are you should look them up. Great crew.
The Kahoona has bridles, but I cant see a prob with that at all. Some of the hardest wave riders in West Oz have given this kite the thumbs up and are too stoked with its performance. One pump system is a debateable addition to a wave kite, I would prefer standard inflate.
price tag is great also,
Thanks guys, but not really what I am looking for. I dont want to hear about what you ride or what is a good deal or about this kite or that kite.
I want to know what you think is important in a wave kite. Rowdy has identified "turning" as the most nb thing and I think he is right, but what else would you ask of your kite designer (if you had one). Obviously whatever is designed will come out in all the sizes from a 5 up. You would say to your friendly kite designer: "Listen dude, design me a kite that turns fast, that is one pump, that ...."
is like saying what is the ideal wave, never ending,, we are all out there on the "search" it will never end... whatever gets you into that perfect wave.... look down the line, im not lookin at my kite ... are you????
ever heard of LOU WAINMAN?
fastest turning kite???
I have one and this is a fact. Do your research!
I totally agree with au_rick...
Sounds like a dreamer to me!
More time on the water and less time dreaming.
Lazurus is 47 yrs old and rides a 10 meter 2010 torch. In his previous posts he's asking why it's falling from the sky in just over 12 knots. PLEASE! It's not oversheeting its because its 12 FKN knots and you!
Me thinks this saffa might has not much of a clue. You have been kiting since 99as it says in your profile? WTF! By now you think that you would have got a good understanding of which kites/brands do what.
Post your questions from now on into the 'newbies' forum and stop fishing for replies to your lame questions!
why is everyone obsessed with having a fast turning kite? if you want the kite to turn quicker then pull harder on the bar.
i think slower is good. its better to have a stable kite that sits in one spot so you can watch the wave. the last thing you need when waveriding is to have to worry about what a twitchy kite is doing
Something like this one?
The difference between park and ride and the other style which seems to slash and smash the lip ala Margs style, is turn speed and good power from a smaller sized kite (7 or 8M).
Hey Boot, Ek moenie verstaan nie??
Have you been smoking boom, maybe Durban Poison, what ever its turned your brain into pup!
Only joking about the pup but seriously I don't get your post, if these guys are recommending kites, they usually like the qualities in those kites???
Toetsiense (spelling)
Seems to me ole Lazzy fancies himself as a bit of a kite designer & is attempting a bit of market research.