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The joys of travel:Take 3

Created by dafish > 9 months ago, 2 Aug 2015
NSW, 1637 posts
2 Aug 2015 10:32PM
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One thing I have found is that surfers and now kitesurfers, are a pretty adventurous clan of people. In the spirit of these en devours I have have been able to travel the world and meet kindred souls, some becoming life long friends. But in the pursuit of the empty lineup there are times where the elements don't co operate. I have never been bored waiting for the next swell or bank of wind. We have invented games of coconut bowls, gotten silly drunk, scaled nearby mountains, or explored villages by local means. Often though it can be just laying in a hammock reading a book.
On my last post Cauncy made a nice reply about his adventures in the Pyrenees. While in France I was skunked for wind, but not adventure. I did some long hikes in the Pyrenees exploring lakes and waterfalls, some walks were 30 ks long. Often I was alone experiencing the beauty. I also stayed in a tiny two street village called Dufort in the midi Pyrenees, a village that has been crafting copper pots and pans since the 1200's. It sits on a river sandwiched between two mountains where Roman forts once stood. The local artesian spring has been providing the village and beyond with the sweetest water at no charge since the 1200's. But what I enjoyed most was having an old unused church to play my guitar in while my wife ran an art retreat. The acoustics were incredible. Our time there happened to coincide with my wife's 50th birthday so I used the time to write this piece of music for her. This to me is what traveling is about.
Currently in Guinche Portugal for another week, then on to Tarifa. As much fun as this trip is, I have come to realize that I am very spoiled at home when it comes to surfing and kiting.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"The joys of travel:Take 3" started by dafish