Forums > Kitesurfing General

The little things

Created by moons > 9 months ago, 5 Jan 2011
WA, 349 posts
5 Jan 2011 7:38AM
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Sometimes you forget how much the little things mean.
Yesterday I watched on with imense pride as my missus nailed her first turn.
Then as she let out a loud "Woo Hoo" that caught everyones attention, she promtly fell off and got dragged up the beach.
She then jumped up, dusted her self off and headed straight back out again without even dropping the kite.
That's my girl

WA, 925 posts
Site Sponsor
5 Jan 2011 8:47AM
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Funniest thing I read all morning!

Great Stuff! I love the joy in the little things. Nice share.


NT, 2177 posts
5 Jan 2011 2:01PM
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... ahhh, I remember the day too, wait til you see her go upwind for the first time, now that was a red letter day for me, that's when I went 'whoo hoo'!

the gibbo
WA, 776 posts
5 Jan 2011 6:45PM
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good on ya missus moons, love that stuff

one of the bigger buzzes out of kiting for me is watching the same people get better and better, always fun and hearing someone do the woo hoo knowing they've done something that means alot to them

NT, 2177 posts
5 Jan 2011 8:29PM
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... and just as cool is when your son does the whoo hoo as he does his first deliberate jump,,,, or self launches himself in 20 knots safely,,,, or when he self rescues or punches out when in a sticky situation!

Yep, the little things!!!!

209 posts
5 Jan 2011 9:02PM
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IMO life's about how many woo hoos you have........

WA, 77 posts
5 Jan 2011 9:30PM
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agreed puetz. Watching my son Progress at a rapid rate is the best feeling . It almost makes up for my lack of progress.

"hey dad its 19-23 knots already- lets go" are some af the best words Ive heard in a long time....

sharing the whoo hoo is the best!!

WA, 9503 posts
5 Jan 2011 10:19PM
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oldjenkins said...

agreed puetz. Watching my son Progress at a rapid rate is the best feeling . It almost makes up for my lack of progress.

"hey dad its 19-23 knots already- lets go" are some af the best words Ive heard in a long time....

sharing the whoo hoo is the best!!

my son is only 3, already carries around an old kiteboard and bar, when I get home he puts it next to mine to be washed... can't wait to experience what you have described!!

NT, 2177 posts
6 Jan 2011 3:49PM
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... and one of my most memorable kites in my life wasn't the most epic but where the missus, son and I, nicely lit and blasting about, til it got too dark to see, just the three of us sailing past the sunset, fully stoked and whoo hoo'ing each other as we passed by!!

WA, 293 posts
6 Jan 2011 3:00PM
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My wife doesnt kite but you should see her box.

WA, 773 posts
6 Jan 2011 4:07PM
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Mask said...

My wife doesnt kite but you should see her box.

Ok show us, share the stoke

WA, 9503 posts
6 Jan 2011 4:14PM
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Mask said...

My wife doesnt kite but you should see her box.

You idiot.

NT, 2177 posts
6 Jan 2011 6:36PM
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Mask said...

My wife doesnt kite but you should see her box.

... eh?

QLD, 2043 posts
6 Jan 2011 7:14PM
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Mask said...

My wife doesnt kite but you should see her box.

That would have to be the most random comment i have seen on SB

WA, 293 posts
6 Jan 2011 6:05PM
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graceful said...

Mask said...

My wife doesnt kite but you should see her box.

Ok show us, share the stoke

QLD, 6123 posts
6 Jan 2011 8:27PM
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Mask said...

My wife doesnt kite but you should see her box.

well i thought that was gold mask. dont worry about the halfwits or innocents that didn't get it.

you should see my wife's snatch and her clean and jerk!

maybee we could trade photos?

NT, 2177 posts
6 Jan 2011 8:14PM
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Mask said...

graceful said...

Mask said...

My wife doesnt kite but you should see her box.

Ok show us, share the stoke

... what the f#@k? Not sure where this come from, very random!! Looks like a nice over the top right by the way, your wife's got some talent!

ps I must be a halfwit here, still doesn't get it by the way!

NSW, 6451 posts
6 Jan 2011 9:45PM
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I think I can see a budgie Mr myusername

Are you sure its your wife, or husband with a boob job?
Either way Im not going to argue with her/him

the gibbo
WA, 776 posts
6 Jan 2011 6:48PM
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Mask said...

My wife doesnt kite but you should see her box.

thats one of the best comments ever

WA, 139 posts
6 Jan 2011 7:31PM
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the gibbo said...

Mask said...

My wife doesnt kite but you should see her box.

thats one of the best comments ever

2 true

Total Gold

NT, 2177 posts
10 Jan 2011 12:39PM
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myusernam said...

Mask said...

My wife doesnt kite but you should see her box.

well i thought that was gold mask. dont worry about the halfwits or innocents that didn't get it.

you should see my wife's snatch and her clean and jerk!

maybee we could trade photos?

... hey Mask, innocent halfwit here, I know you can stuff up a joke when you have to explain it, but I still don't get it????

WA, 86 posts
10 Jan 2011 12:14PM
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^^^^^^ you cant be serious? HER BOX, HER BOX, BOX, BOX, BOX!

NT, 2177 posts
11 Jan 2011 1:34PM
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yep said...

^^^^^^ you cant be serious? HER BOX, HER BOX, BOX, BOX, BOX!

... well it was very random thing to say in a feel good post, just wanted to know if mask was being disrespectful or merely funny... funny it is then!!!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"The little things" started by moons