Forums > Kitesurfing General

The way we post reflects on our sport....

Created by airush geoff > 9 months ago, 6 Feb 2009
airush geoff
974 posts
6 Feb 2009 2:41PM
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I am reading some of the threads on here and noticing that when a noob asks a question that has been asked before or when somebody strongly disagrees with somebody elses statement some posters are quick to get aggressive and offensive.

A while ago I was very outspoken about a local issue and somebody politely pointed out to me how badly my attitude reflected on our sport...I thought about it and changed the way that I post.

When somebody asks for help offer advice and help not sledging, sarcasm and bagging - if you don't want to help it is easy, just don't respond.

I don't want to sound holier than thou but the amount of negativity on here is starting to get me down.

Think about the stoke we get from doing this sport and maybe keep those positive vibes flowing through these forums........

I fell in love with this sport as much for the new mates and friendships as the buzz I get from riding. As it grows let's try and keep the same camaraderie and spirit !!!

WA, 14 posts
6 Feb 2009 2:49PM
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Yeah, I've only just discovered this forum and I've already noticed the same thing. There's no point, I mean who needs the aggro? People should either say something positive or helpful, or else just click on the next link.

WA, 190 posts
6 Feb 2009 3:05PM
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Hear, hear!

VIC, 702 posts
6 Feb 2009 5:12PM
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i think this forum is similar to when you go to play soccer with your mates... you sometime (the more competitive ones especially) get into argument, but then off the field you are all good mates again. So this is like a kitesurfing/sailing soccer field... people use it to express excess energy, or lack of wind frustration, or just boredom in the office, and then later on the beach everyone's friends again...

but the humour here is pretty good you have to admit... you get some great laughs out of some of the threads... and laughing creates positive mood which is good for one's health...

i'm just trying to put some positive spin on it...

airush geoff
974 posts
6 Feb 2009 3:16PM
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Some of us have known each other for a long time and it is ok to sling a bit of mud in jest but when a noob comes in and sees the aggro side it is not a good advert... I get a good laugh over some of the stuff on here too- but some of the stuff that my mates and I find funny may not be taken as a joke by somebody outside our circle. Not telling anyone off or wanting to censor anyone but it was brought to my attention and made me think twice about what I wrote and i thought maybe others could do the same...

WA, 381 posts
6 Feb 2009 3:27PM
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100% Correct.

NSW, 584 posts
6 Feb 2009 5:34PM
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this forum pretty much reflects the same sort of behaviour I see on other forums I have been on....

there is always heated debate.
there is always unwanted spam.
there is always trolls
there is always mostly helpful people.
there is always people who will disagree with whatever you say....

its not a reflection of our sport as such.
its a reflection of a bunch of people sitting at work with not much else to do...


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"The way we post reflects on our sport...." started by airush geoff