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Kozzie said...Plummet said.. jackforbes said..
Do they do the whole wall without mortar? Was that price labour only?
Bricks and mortar kite shops aren't making enough margins these days to afford the mortar.
hahahahaha :D
well done
as for the board... its for kooks. seriously. cant believe you old men are frothing over this?!?!
oooo yeah those smooth rounded corners are so easy on my poor arthritic knees in the chop yeeehoooooo
flat based with marginal rocker how is this anything worth mentioning? honestly.
groundbreaking boundary smashing or just making a super simplistic board thats as boreing as boreing could be for the masses ensuring its as easy as possible to use cause 90% of kiters are old kooks
its fine it is the latter. but dont all get worked up about it. it should be your secret shame not something to gloat and brag about.
Have you rode the board , I'd say no as it's not released here yet, as for flat no rocker
I've passed it over to the boot riding crew and had glowing reports, most said it was a step up in all round performance,
Only a small percentage of kites and boards are purchased by the likes of yourself
Conditions dictate what you ride, around here there's no point riding certain boards or specific kites( however they'll work)
Chuck some boots on the board and take it for a run, ( it'll handle them) and then give us your thoughts
I've just got in from a cracking little session on the board, shame I'm not as good as you to pick fault