Forums > Kitesurfing General

Thought twice about posting this!!!

Created by sebol > 9 months ago, 10 Feb 2010
WA, 753 posts
10 Feb 2010 12:55AM
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I know that the safety police will be out with sharp blades but I just can't resist to share how stoked I am with this little 1mn of joy a couple of weeks ago.
Thought some of you old fellows may want to try it out sometimes.

Don't hold me responsible if you screw it.

QLD, 223 posts
10 Feb 2010 6:09AM
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Awesome stuff -
She looks likes she loves it-
thanks for sharing

WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
10 Feb 2010 4:47AM
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Hey Sebol,

Good on you! I look forward to taking my daughters for a ride much in the same fashion. My eldest daughter (turning 5) is frothing to have a go.

It brought a smile to my face. Thanks!


SA, 45 posts
10 Feb 2010 8:03AM
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thats awsome. my 3 and 5 year old cant wait to go.

wave knave
306 posts
10 Feb 2010 6:07AM
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its a cabrinha.

VIC, 702 posts
10 Feb 2010 9:20AM
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the important thing is that you didn't force her into it... and she enjoyed it. Nice video.

last time someone posted a similar video (couple years back), the kid seemed to be traumatized by experience - not good...

NSW, 30 posts
10 Feb 2010 10:34AM
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Good value indeed. I saw a thing with a kid in a kind of harness in an old mag. Nearly shat myself at the start tho because when you start you are sitting down while she gets on your back so all I saw for a sec was a little pink lifejacket holding a big orange kite!!!!!

NSW, 5780 posts
10 Feb 2010 10:37AM
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HAHA, that was cool

.... I'm calling DOCS

NSW, 6848 posts
10 Feb 2010 12:08PM
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Classic! Imagine what she tells her friends!

Good shake of the branches and no Galahs as yet!

VIC, 484 posts
10 Feb 2010 12:47PM
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what you need is a little harness type thing that hooks around your shoulders then under her bum so she doesn't have to hold on for dear life. it will be like wearing a 25kg backpack, but you should be able to have her sitting in the sling and she can lean back and look around, she will love it even more! i rigged up something using an old harness and piggy-backed my missus (only 48kg) for a while on that, it was impossible for her to hold on without slipping down and being uncomfortable, the harness fixed that. my legs died pretty quickly though, the quads couldn't handle the extra load for an extended amount of time.

make sure you put a quick release on it so if you crash you can release her quickly!

10 Feb 2010 2:31PM
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Kitehard said...

Hey Sebol,

Good on you! I look forward to taking my daughters for a ride much in the same fashion. My eldest daughter (turning 5) is frothing to have a go.

It brought a smile to my face. Thanks!


I can't wait to tell her that there is lots of Lava out there!

NSW, 1515 posts
10 Feb 2010 2:48PM
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Richard Branson moment?

NT, 2177 posts
10 Feb 2010 4:07PM
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I did this a couple of years ago, kids too big now, they loved it too!!

WA, 577 posts
10 Feb 2010 2:49PM
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That was a good video and I think you are teaching your kids that they can have fun without dope and booze

Good on ya

NSW, 451 posts
10 Feb 2010 8:20PM
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I cracked out laughing when she started kiting! Mini kiter ;D. Cool vid mate!

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
10 Feb 2010 5:47PM
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Great vid
My daughter is inspired!!

NSW, 9 posts
10 Feb 2010 8:48PM
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mate! you're a Hero she's a champion. The best moment will be in 15 years or so when you put it up at her special birthday and you both relive the memory

WA, 3464 posts
10 Feb 2010 7:04PM
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If she's smiling as she is, you could be on to a winner......nothing better than being out kiting with your girl and opening her up to the wonders of nature and the thrill of the sport.....can't force it though, and it is the exception to have a kid who wants to do what the oldies do.

WA, 570 posts
10 Feb 2010 8:21PM
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Good one Sebol, Been doing this on occasions this summer with my 2 littlens.
Does starts a few fights over who's turn it is, thankfully my good mate came to the rescue the last time by taking one. Don't think I'd trust them with anyone else but him though, very good kite skills are essential if child doesn't have a PFD on.

QLD, 154 posts
10 Feb 2010 11:36PM
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Thats awesome man, my Missus wants to do that but it aint gonn happen.

WA, 637 posts
10 Feb 2010 9:36PM
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Wahh....two-three years ago the response to this same topic was a 99% no go, regardless whether the child enjoys it or not.
Now, it's got the green's great to see......assuming some responsible parents not overestimating their skills...

WA, 570 posts
10 Feb 2010 10:00PM
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Andrash said...

Wahh....two-three years ago the response to this same topic was a 99% no go, regardless whether the child enjoys it or not.
Now, it's got the green's great to see......assuming some responsible parents not overestimating their skills...

Your right Andrash, I only do it when the tides in so if they fall it's about thigh deep. Other parameters are the wind strength, only in around 15-18 knots I'll do it and when there's not many kites around. I go over the fact that if I say to them let go it has to be instant. Like everything weight up the risks, there has been more days I've just said an outright NO than yes which they hate.

WA, 753 posts
10 Feb 2010 10:57PM
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That got her 5 year old sister real motivated!!!!!!
She wanted to have a go too and I said no way,you learn to swim first like your big sister then you can come with dad.
now she wants to go an practice at the swimming pool

WA, 239 posts
10 Feb 2010 11:06PM
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Very nice mate. Has anyone checked out the full vid from the weekend at wedge, dad you and the girls are legends.

So much fun and adventure, those kids rock and will be kool ckicks when they grow up.

Well done and I hope this inspires parents to get out there and do stuff with their kids.

WA, 753 posts
11 Feb 2010 1:11AM
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Thanks all, I thought I may get red thumbs for that one but stoked to realise that there are plenty of stoked mum and dads out there who would love to share their passion with the young ones

I didn't think you would be sussing out the full vid on Vimeo as I wanted to hide my poor attempts at a back rolls on flat water
Lucky for me my mates did raise the bar a bit!

Thanks for the good vibes and see yous all out there

WA, 1501 posts
14 Feb 2010 8:18AM
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Bet you practiced that a few times with little nephews that you hate before you took your cute daughter out!

NSW, 156 posts
15 Feb 2010 2:11AM
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could have thrown in a raley or something. she does have a pfd on

WA, 752 posts
15 Feb 2010 3:04PM
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where can I get one of those pink PFD's in my size


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Thought twice about posting this!!!" started by sebol