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Forums > Kitesurfing General

To deck pad or to not to deck pad?

Created by Puetz > 9 months ago, 5 Sep 2012
NT, 2183 posts
5 Sep 2012 12:36PM
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G'day all,

I've recently got a production surfboard (Airush Cypher 5'10") and it doesn't come with deck pads up front, there is one on the aft deck, just not up front. I've waxed it and goes ok but I got to thinking, should I get an after market pad anyway for the durability of the deck. Initially it was slippery but I waxed it up again and seems okay now.

I figure that a production kite/surf boards would be built for the job and handle the front foot pressure better than say a glass surfboard but would I achieve anything if I did put some pads on the front? Is it worth it?

Your opinions would be greatly appriciated!

cheers for now,


ps I'm riding it strappless by the way!

QLD, 2056 posts
5 Sep 2012 1:18PM
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If your going to paddle surf it as well then wax - for kiting only def full deck pads.

QLD, 1203 posts
5 Sep 2012 2:20PM
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Deck pads don't prevent any pressure dents - I'm talking the standrad 5mm pad - so the only reason to put one on would be for anti-slip. I have one board with foot straps with a pad and one without foot straps with just wax as I also paddle surf the board. With the higher front foot pressure with kiting, the wax does compact and spread quicker so I kite with a wax comb in my pocket.

WA, 1675 posts
5 Sep 2012 1:05PM
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I would go the deck pad for kiting. I think it spreads the load on the deck a bit but is more comfortable as it reduces the jarring on your heels and ankles.

WA, 18 posts
5 Sep 2012 1:22PM
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Put another rear deckpad on the front. One with a raised end, but have the raised end facing forward. Great for locating your front foot when your mind & eyes are elsewhere.

NT, 2183 posts
5 Sep 2012 3:54PM
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ZenDog said...

Put another rear deckpad on the front. One with a raised end, but have the raised end facing forward. Great for locating your front foot when your mind & eyes are elsewhere.

Thanks every one for your input, much appriciated.

I tried a North WAM and it had the raised end type of pad on it and I thought it was great, really good grip.

Wax makes the board look more legit but me thinks I should be more practical and get the deck pads.

cheers for now,


WA, 198 posts
5 Sep 2012 3:03PM
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flat pads are good for ever last grip, although you cant beat a freshly waxed board
i still surf on them with the pad just cant do it without a rashy on.

dont put a tail pad on the front deck. not only does it look stupid when you start doing strapless airs you will find your foot can land anywhere and the last thing you want is that massive hump under your foot.

note. use wax and grease remover on the board before you try to stick anything to it

QLD, 1203 posts
5 Sep 2012 5:35PM
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^ ^ ^ ^

I'm with Surfy on this - go for a flat pad under the front foot. On one of my boards with the foot straps I use a Squid grip pad.

QLD, 581 posts
5 Sep 2012 9:09PM
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especially if the water is colder, wax wears out quickly when u are standing moving your feet around on it for long time. Deck pads smoke wax, they also smoke your nipples - as in you way grind the whole things off if you want to surf on it too.

NT, 2183 posts
5 Sep 2012 8:59PM
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... ^^^^ our water goes from p!ss warm to hot p!ss warm so does that mean wax should last longer???? I used a whole cake of wax for the first application and found it a little slippery, although ok but I did a second coat the next day and it was way better.

I've been recommended Squid pads (thanks Damo and Sunseeker), they look good. I think I should get the 'foam sheet' so I can make my own shapes to suit the board.

What sort of wax/grease remover should I get, is there anything I can get from Bunnings,,, cheap?? Should I stay away from anything?

Muchas gracias again guys,


WA, 198 posts
5 Sep 2012 10:57PM
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the bigger the better (thats what she said)
dont buy something the same size as a tail pad.. you will find it real annoying how only half your foot fits on half the time and when you kite in light winds you will move that foot even more randomly.

place the pad 100-150mm past the front of where you normally put your foot and about 200m back from the heel ( so you need it to be around 400mm )

If not you can always just wax around it

QLD, 120 posts
6 Sep 2012 8:15AM
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Another option is to use:

Dakine Fish Pad for the rear pad.
Dakine Longboard pad for the front pad.

You get lot of pieces and lots of coverage.

QLD, 111 posts
6 Sep 2012 8:27AM
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You can also get the padding for jet ski deck which you can cut to. What ever fance shape you like.
I think it works out cheaper in the long run if you want to do a few boards over time.

NT, 2183 posts
6 Sep 2012 10:20AM
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... just remembered, a year or so ago we had a dude (Kev from NZ) travelling through town and he had a surf board with a full deck pad which he etched out a pattern and completely made the board look wicked. At the time I didn't really take notice of what the material was but the design was great and the material was really grippy too. Sorta wished I'd taken notice.

Anyway, any one have any ideas what it could be?



QLD, 29 posts
6 Sep 2012 11:14AM
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Personally I think if you can use the board for conventional surfing then leave the pad off. It's just easier when you're holidaying etc to have the flexibility to do both and results in minimal baggage.
True the board can get dents, however I've only noticed that happening when I'm using straps. My strapless firewire doesn't seem to have that problem. It's a better quality board though to be fair.

WA, 724 posts
6 Sep 2012 6:26PM
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I've bought a roll of adhesive cork about 2mm thick that I have been meaning to stick to the front and back ( over the existing grip to add a little bit of extra shock absorbing material) on my kite surfboard.

If it works I may just put on the back of my paddle surfboard as wax is the best for paddle surfing.

If I had a board that I used for both I would see what the cork would do to my stomach.l


michael r
NSW, 46 posts
6 Sep 2012 11:46PM
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The stuff Kev the kiwi was using might have been Gag (Get a grip).Its made in Raglan.Google Raglan Kitesurfing the shop name is "Blow Me"i think.Cool name and good grip even though i prefer the direct feel of wax under my front foot.

WA, 5355 posts
6 Sep 2012 9:54PM
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I love wax, but I think I could get used to riding a pad if I wanted to. What I couldn't get used to though is how bad it looks!!! .

WA, 724 posts
7 Sep 2012 8:32AM
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^Agreed, but I could not give 2 sh!ts on how uncool I look as long as I enjoy my sess.

But nothing worse than when the wax starts caking up on you and or your foot is slipping all over the place.

My other reason is for the the shock absorption, I find my one board "flutters" so much in choppy conditions to the point were you start feeling it in the joints - it is more a surfboard than a kite surfboard. My other board which is slightly smaller and narrower and more stiffer has no problems in choppy conditions.


WA, 1255 posts
7 Sep 2012 9:54AM
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sir ROWDY said...

I love wax, but I think I could get used to riding a pad if I wanted to. What I couldn't get used to though is how bad it looks!!! .

could probs go the white front grip on white board..

WA, 5355 posts
7 Sep 2012 11:03AM
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True, you don't really notice it then.
To be honest though I was just joking around. I never have a problem with my wax disappearing so I don't see the point in having a pad.

WA, 198 posts
7 Sep 2012 1:04PM
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sir ROWDY said...

True, you don't really notice it then.
To be honest though I was just joking around. I never have a problem with my wax disappearing so I don't see the point in having a pad.

What wax/s do you use? And how do you apply it, how often do you re-apply

QLD, 1203 posts
7 Sep 2012 3:33PM
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I use warm water (harder) base and then cold water (softer) top coat. Mrs Palmers

I also have a wax comb in my pocket during summer and attached to my harness during winter.

QLD, 2056 posts
7 Sep 2012 3:33PM
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Surfy31 said...

the bigger the better (thats what she said)
dont buy something the same size as a tail pad.. you will find it real annoying how only half your foot fits on half the time and when you kite in light winds you will move that foot even more randomly.

place the pad 100-150mm past the front of where you normally put your foot and about 200m back from the heel ( so you need it to be around 400mm )

If not you can always just wax around it

What make of board is that ^^^

WA, 685 posts
7 Sep 2012 2:07PM
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+1 Deck pads

WA, 5355 posts
7 Sep 2012 2:29PM
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^^^ Hey that looks pretty sleek Slack!

Surfy31 said...

sir ROWDY said...

True, you don't really notice it then.
To be honest though I was just joking around. I never have a problem with my wax disappearing so I don't see the point in having a pad.

What wax/s do you use? And how do you apply it, how often do you re-apply

Well whatever I have lying around... Are you guys using straps? Because I don't use those. I'm not sure, maybe it's just that I don't stand in the one spot all the time??? If I'm just riding along I will ride switch and if I'm just cruising I don't stand in the position I surf. I usually stand with feet close together and angled for easy upwind riding.
I use the same board to surf and I don't re-wax to often really maybe every 2 to 3 sessions maximum.

NSW, 126 posts
7 Sep 2012 5:17PM
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Very nice job Slack looks sick, what make of board, hows it perform and where did u get the pads???

WA, 685 posts
9 Sep 2012 8:27PM
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Slashrockson said...

Very nice job Slack looks sick, what make of board, hows it perform and where did u get the pads???

Tuflite F4 Stretch 5'9”. Board goes better than my strapless skills that is for sure.
I just got some offcuts from a mate and made what I could out of them.

NT, 2183 posts
11 Sep 2012 12:03PM
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Slack said...

+1 Deck pads

... nice looking board. Can you ask where your mate got the deck pads from? These look exactly what I'm after, simple and elegant!




Forums > Kitesurfing General

"To deck pad or to not to deck pad?" started by Puetz