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Travel advice Durban - Port Elizabeth

Created by WallZie > 9 months ago, 23 Jan 2015
WA, 87 posts
23 Jan 2015 5:36PM
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Hi Guys,

We are planning our drive between Durban and Port Elizabeth in a small 2wd car. Thinking about staying in Coffee Bay & East London. What are the roads like in this area of the country? are they sealed roads? can I easily travel 500km in a day if I need to?

I traveled through South Africa 5 years ago and missed this section. My Mother has advised me not to do this section as the roads are terribly dangerous... (I never do what my mother tells me)

Any Advice would be awesome!!

QLD, 1 posts
23 Jan 2015 10:46PM
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Hi Kiwiwill,If you don't have any luck getting advice from this forum you will definitely get some help posting in Have fun on your trip and enjoy the exchange rate

WA, 87 posts
23 Jan 2015 8:51PM
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Thanks mate looks like a busy forum. I might ask for advice there also.

NSW, 1261 posts
24 Jan 2015 12:17AM
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Hi KiwiWill
It's been a long time since I've been in Durbam 2008
There is a section that was called a homeland in the Apartheid era the roads are very undeveloped. There is no coastal highway Much after Southbroome. Peolpe I know drive betkween Cape Town and Durban via Blloemfontein. North of Duran has good road and interesting kiting locations
Fly from Durban to PE or even East London and do the garden route back to Cape Town
I got back from Cape town a couple of weeks ago. Its fun but busy on the water in some areas
Have Fun

WA, 67 posts
23 Jan 2015 9:36PM
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I hired a car in Port Elizabeth in 1998 and hung in Jbay for a month before heading down to Capetown. Wanted to drive the other direction as well to Durban but in that period, a tourist like myself was taking a huge risk and the warning was, do not stop, drive through red lights and stop signs, particularly whilst travelling through the Transkei! The roads were also allegedly crap.
I have heard from South Africans this isn't so bad nowadays but in the nineties, and apartheid still fresh, this was a problem.
good luck and good travels.

WA, 87 posts
23 Jan 2015 10:47PM
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Yeh this section of coast really sounds quite "Wild". Last time I flew to Port Elizabeth and drove the Garden route. The more I read, the more I want to drive the wild coast as well. But don't know if I'll have the time or a 4x4... I'll do more research......

5 weeks and counting

WA, 31 posts
24 Jan 2015 8:23AM
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Hi KiwiWill.

I grew up in Durban and only left 3 years ago to move to Perth. The kiting scene is quite small and you will have endless coast line to yourself,maybe with a handful of other kiters when the wind is up. The swell is big and nice long riding waves,amazing for down winders.

I haven't kited in PE or along the coast from Durban to PE but there will be a few places along the way if you drive the coastal route. Once you head out of Natal and start heading along through the Eastern Cape the roads get quite hectic,they are sealed but there are lots of pot holes. Also along that stretch of road the drivers don't care for road rules,they over take on blind rises and you will have drivers headed towards you head on in your lane. They stop where they want to stop without warning to pick up passengers.

I definitely would recommend not driving at night,make sure your travels are in the day. The is a lot of stray cattle along the roads,plus dogs,horses,people and what ever else you might find. You can travel 500kms in a day and more if you choose. You can stop in some of the towns along the way,but be warned they are not the safest parts of SA. Just get fuel and head on your way,and don't flash money,mobile phones or stuff they might want and you will be fine.

There is a kite shop in Durban called ocean2air and the owner is Rob. ( well I think he still owns it ) He is very helpful and he can give you more information about where to kite along that stretch from Durban to PE. He can also arrange for you to meet up with some of the local kiters and do a DW,and keep you informed about the swell and wind.

Enjoy the trip and keep safe while driving through the Transkei. It's a beautiful part of the country and you will see some amazing places. I am heading back in May and can't wait to kite along Durbans Coast again.

Cheers Russel

WA, 87 posts
24 Jan 2015 9:33AM
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Thanks Russel,

Thanks for the advice. I drove across Zambia a few years ago and this sounds similar. 're driver etiquette & pot holes. It is a shame you always have to be on guard/watching over your back in such an amazing country.

We are considering flying to Cape Town and driving up to Port Elizabeth and flying out from there. Skip the hard part and have more tiime elcewhere. Flights are reasonably priced too.

20 posts
25 Jan 2015 4:25PM
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Road travel from Durban to Port Elizabeth is straight forward and safe on the main freeway. The roads to the many costal resorts along the Wild coast (the former Transkei - Port Edward to East London) are remote and rough but manageable in a 2wd if dry but recommended to be in a 4wd especially if wet. The wild coast is spectacularly rugged with some good kiting spots but remember that you are in a very remote area and help if you get into trouble or are hurt is unlikely to come in time. The coast line between East London and Cape Town is more accessible and more developed with many excellent kiting spots. Remember the further south you go the colder the water gets and from East London South a wetsuit is going to make your water experience more enjoyable. Definitely look up Ocean 2 Air Kiteboarding in Durban for advice, Rob Crystal will look after you. You're sure to have a great time, enjoy!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Travel advice Durban - Port Elizabeth" started by WallZie