G'day everyone
Am checking the lines on my north 2014 trust bar for the first time in a while and have noticed the supposed to be unloaded fifth line is shorter than the two fronts like in the top pic.
The thing is theres no place to lengthen the line till below the red stopper (pic beolw) which is already hard up against the ring, so lengthening it at the red line in pic bottom two only creates more slack below the ring and in my head I'm flying the kite with a loaded toppart of the fifth line and unloaded bottom part.
Is this a case of buying a little line extension for the fifth line, a whole new top part of the fifth, or am I a complete knumpty and have missed the point somewhere else that I could adjust for this.
Thanks for any advice I've got serious KOD and nelson bay could be on today.
thanks for the reply eppo, I didn't think of that. I'm thinking tie it off loop over pulley add 5kg weight suspended 5cm from the floor should do the trick over time, do you know if it makes a different if I wet the line or not?
you can always make up a short extension to the end of your 5 th which has shrunk but looks.
you can make this up for kite or line end.
done this type of thing heaps of times.
cheers mate, I think I'm going to try streching first but if that doesn't work out do you know a way I can make an extension with knots so to not go through the whole stiching job, btw, I told myself it didn't matter that the line was a bit short and went out today in gusty conditions was on the water about five minutes and got lofted (bar out) like a mofo. The only good thing was how fast I was on the QR after three bounces and stopped 2m short of the beach. I think with that fifth loaded its cut down my kites wind range or gust absorbtion aswell turns out if you are stupid you must suffer. (for information its a three strutt so usually just bounces in gusts)
It will stretch easily that distance.
Anchor one end with a screwdriver (or any fixed anchor point) then put another at right angles through the other and pull. that's just one way.
... I don't think it will stretch that far.
I reckon it would be better to add a small loop in the 5th line above the Y ring.
1: Disassemble the blue 5th line above the Y where the blue line meets the slightly thicker white line at the red ball.
Put an extra loop in where the stopper ball is (it can be a loop or a piece of thicker line with knots at either end). Make sure the ball is still in the 5th line once its assembled.
2: With the 5th line extended, re check that all front lines are even length, if not then simply adjust at the Y point ring under the ball. This adjustment can be made by putting a knot in the thicker white line (you can see this in your second pic), the aim is to make the 5th exactly the same length as the 2 front lines.
3: You might have to lengthen the red safety line that's just above the bar by moving the knot along by one knot, this is incase the entire front line assembly has shifted by a cm or 2. (see 3rd pic)
Lastly, check all the lines with depower rope full and bar against chicken loop.
Hope this helps!
Thanks mate, I'm going to the local shop with your drawing and the advise from eppo and will see what they say.
Eppo's advice is spot on - the 3 front lines were originally the same length so the blue 5th can be stretched to match the two load bearing (stretched) front lines.
Alternatively a cheap and easy short extension can be made from a small length of line, fold in half and knot every couple of cm, giving you a Larks head and a series of knots to choose from when attaching to the existing 5th line.
Try stretching it, but if puetz says it probably won't stretch that far then I'd put my money on, it may not. He's my go to guy when it comes to these north bars and Has always been spot on. let us know how you go or at least email puetz, he will set you right.
... thanks for the props Eppo.
Judging from "awkwards" first pic it's touch and go whether you can re-stretch it back successfully and when I say successfully, I mean permantly. I tried stretching them back but I found it just shrinks back again quick smart so I found putting in the a loop made it more permanent. Either way, getting them even will make the kite perform better and its worth checking every once in a while.
North even give you a small blue loop in the box when you get a new bar, check your kite bag, it might be in there. most people loose them.
Kitemanjohn is right, simply to make a loop, just bend a piece of rope in half and tie the two ends togeather, couple knots and there you have it.
Robbie :)
The bar actually ships with about a 5 cm loop to loop extension for the 5th line check your box or kite bag
Fellas, I checked and remembered tapeing that blue loop (that I didn't know what it was for at the time) to the bar manual I still have it, easy fix I streched the line 2cm this arvo and added the loop thanks a lot for everyones imput. Much appreciated .
You can stretch almost all kite lines way more than you would think if you actually try. If not it's good to keep some pigtails around to even out problems like this, keep them in the car .
Yea mate thanks for your input, I got halfway there by streching and then added the supplied blue loop today ive rigged up the line again to see if it will go an extra couple of cm, so I can keep the loop as spare for quick fixes at the beach. I dont know if this is the right way but its worked so far (photo).