I've been experimenting with an underwater kite. Thinking I could design a dual kite system. To break the world speed record for sailing. But using 2 kites, one 10 ft underwater and the other 50ft in the air. And the pilot flys 10 ft over the water. Sounds simple. I'm thinking 50m air kite. Seems like water is 800x denser than air. So the underwater kite can be .5m. Control the air kite with one hand and the water kite with the other. The pilot hangs from the harness. The idea puts the water kite deep enough for clean water. Unlike dirty surface water. The pilot flys over the water so that the turbulence of surface water doesn't matter. I'm testing the underwater kite as a new way to fish. To keep testing cost down. A new way of fishing might be better than a new way to fly.
Great idea mate!! Just one problem. You'll probably need an underwater current that is going the same way down-wind as the wind above water. Other wise two opposing forces will slow you down or break you into two pieces.
Maybe make the underwater kite solid and attach it to a solid pole, which is attached to a board. Then the riding could fly the air kite with their hands and control the board/pole/underwater kite assembly with their legs...
Been done, although the underwater bit wasn't steerable. Can't remember what they called it or I'd give you more info.
Looks like fun though :D
This shows why the sailrocket can go so fast. The foil can counter the power from the sail in an equal manner. As an underwater kite would counter the kite in the air. The faster you go the more power each kite has.
A hydrofoil board could be redesigned. You need to have the center of mass of the board and rider hanging from the opposing power line. The sailrocket is a fixed chassis holding both power wings. So it can have the center of mass where they want. But with a dual kite your going to have to hang from the strings of the 2 inverted power kites.
You could run the control strings through the mast of you sailboat to help reduce heeling and producing more power. It's a good way to fish from your sailboat too.
I'm using 80 lb test fishing line. I have a fish scale to test the pulling power. So far 50 lbs at 5 knots is the best I've got.
Next prototype, 5 gal buckets. The first ones were 2 gal. I'm adding rear fins or scags, on the inside to cut down on the yaw. The further I let it out, the more yaw. I tested one fin on the last proto and it cut the twist in half.
Cool. Most think my idea was crazy. They just need better control. Needs a new harness design so that you can control both kites and position yourself as needed.
I'm had this idea a while back
I was working on an aerodynamic pod with controls for both kites for a high speed setup. Thinking you could hit 100+ mph. I have solidworks and 3D modeling is easy. But my low to no budget has me looking at paint buckets wondering if I could use it to make a flying gismo
I look at old patented technology when I design stuff. Uspto.Gov is the website. You can review 100s of old ideas over a beer or 2
Some lures went back to the early 1900s. Hydrofoil style keels For sailboats went back to the late 1800s. Some sailboats were used to keep gliders in position offshore in WWII.
I tested a scag on the inside of the kite today. It was too big acted funny. I did manage to snap 2 of the 80lbs test line today. The faster it goes the more it pulls. Picked up an industrial sewing machine for harness development. Walking foot. But no zigzag