My video shows 4 different mounting options of GoPro Fusion camera while kitesurfing.
Board mount, line mount , kite mount and bar mount.
I show the awesome footage you can get by using fusion software and overcapture function.
Hope you enjoy.
Maybe it's just me, but all of that footage looked like schidt. None of it provides a realistic or easy to watch platform and it gives the viewer a obscure perspective of the action.
I agree. Unless you have a VR kit, how would anyone else appreciate it? I still think KISS prevails.
The images are more a matter of how they were edited after shooting. The attraction of the 360 camera is you can record the footage then frame it after. You don't have to have the distortion. It doesn't matter too much which way the camera is pointing.
This is the same image shown in three different ways. The shot happens after the 30 second mark. The camera was on a selfie stick wedged into the harness. This was just mucking around. To get better images I need to mount the camera further away from my body to hide the join and reduce distortion.
The editing was done on an ipad. Apparently you can get much better results using a proper computer.
Great job. Good to see how Fusion works on different positions whilst Kiting. I still like the traditional though. Fusion is like a Kaleidoscope. Hero session gives some good easy footage and its small and light. The Hero 7 gives some great stabilisation and lovely footage.
Think Ill have another beer, yet to see really good Gopro footage as well the fish eye lens makes it impossible to get good footage of crew down the line, its almost crash n burn distance to get a good perspective.what else is out there?