Forums > Kitesurfing General

What's this guy got in his hand?

Created by Puetz > 9 months ago, 3 Feb 2011
QLD, 3619 posts
5 Feb 2011 7:30AM
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bjw said...

as all guys do - he's got his bar in his hand

thats what I said too

QLD, 91 posts
5 Feb 2011 7:38PM
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Puetz said...

I'd say a 09 rebel

NT, 2177 posts
9 Feb 2011 8:34PM
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... man you guys are funny!

It's a Heineken!

Actually, the pic was taken just moments before I took a swig and with the pull of the kite upwards, the bloody thing emptied like a shot gun, all 330ml down my thoat!!!

Yeah, I was bored when I posted the pic!

You guys are very inventive, I had a blast reading the guesses!!!



QLD, 6123 posts
9 Feb 2011 10:22PM
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myusernam said...

a heiniken. where do i collect my prize? it on the first page. where is my prize????!!!!

T one
NT, 321 posts
9 Feb 2011 10:11PM
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and that sure as sh!t aint in Darwin...
1 week outta the last 6 and its s'posed to be the monsoon
how was the pond Puetz...? didnt p!ss the locals off too much i hope???

NT, 2177 posts
10 Feb 2011 9:43AM
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... pond was epic ,,, and I think I pissed off some windsurfers .

With all that power, when you jump you cover long distances, more than I am used to, and nearly landed on them, scaring the sh!t out of a few. I apologiesed and they accepted but they were still p!ssed at me I'm sure!

On the other hand, at one stage I got cornered by 3 of them, all of us doing mach 9, and had to jump my way out of trouble and cleared one dude by miles and he woo hoo'd like he liked it and when we passed each other shortly after, he gave me the thumbs up.

Some of the local young guns are crazy, pulling mega loops right amongst the pack, but it was all a symphony of kites and lines moving amongst each other with no one ever getting in trouble. Helps heaps when being a tourist and giving way to locals, is a must in my opinion!

Met a guy a few days later at Point Walter while the missus and I sitting watching the carnage having a few (read many) beers when a dude walking past stopped and said to me, "ahh, your the guy with the 12m going big, I remember you!" Its easy when you have flat water and heaps of power!!

Pond was epic!! Did I say that twice, must be good if I said it twice!!!!

cheers for now,


ps prize for guessing right is the honour of being the first dude to guess right!!??

WA, 36 posts
13 Feb 2011 12:14PM
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Stylin as usual robbie, good to see!

Hey where is the pond...down south in WA somewhere??

Say gday to the crew, cheers mate, Waz in Laos.

NT, 2177 posts
13 Feb 2011 3:27PM
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G'day Waz,

good to hear from you. The Pond I was referring too was in Safety Bay, WA. Had a great arvo there in plenty of wind, lit on the 12m, Michelle on the 7m. Loads of people and windsurfers darting about, something we're not used to but fun all the same. We went to Perth for the Dig Day Out and had a massive time there, only thing missed for the trip was waves that I was looking forward too, oh well, next time, even the famous WA is having an ordinary time of it this year!




Forums > Kitesurfing General

"What's this guy got in his hand?" started by Puetz