Forums > Kitesurfing General

Who influences your decision to buy gear?

Created by Wizard > 9 months ago, 13 Nov 2013
VIC, 47 posts
13 Nov 2013 8:12PM
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Hi fellow kiters,
I was wondering if you could help me with a Uni marketing assignment I have got going at the moment.
I am focusing on, in particular, whether team riders/professionals influence your decision to buy particular equipment they are using. If you saw a top ten rider with particular gear, are you more inclined to purchase that brand?

For those involved in sponsoring team riders (ie - shops) - do you get your money's worth out of supplying free gear to sponsored riders? Do they bring you in revenue exceeding your outlay or is it more about promoting your business? Is it an effective marketing tool for your business?

And to all kiters - do professional or sponsored riders influences your decision to buy products - or is it more the school you did lessons at, your mates, product reviews in magazines etc??

Thanks, I really appreciate your views.

534 posts
13 Nov 2013 5:14PM
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I base all my purchases on the 27 kites and 16 boards eppo reviews each season

QLD, 1694 posts
13 Nov 2013 7:16PM
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Eppo lol

NT, 2177 posts
13 Nov 2013 7:17PM
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+ 1 for Eppo!!!!

QLD, 238 posts
13 Nov 2013 8:03PM
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Just like the others have said. I base my purchase on the opinions of those people I know and respect (their knowledge in their chosen field). In the loop, KP, the POM Kiter Prez etc.

I dunno Eppo

Fly on da wall
SA, 725 posts
13 Nov 2013 8:41PM
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It's a bit like the invention of the wheel....

Some took too it, and some native Aussies didn't,but
once it was invented,it was so simple that marketing
was needed too suck us in too buy a better wheel!!!!

Technology develops thanks too the comsumers buying and promoting,or using
their products. That give's them the cash too do soQ!

For me, I like what I like... But I'm NOT A WANABE FOOL!

QLD, 1011 posts
13 Nov 2013 8:20PM
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4862 posts
13 Nov 2013 6:30PM
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yeah. I don't care what the pro's are riding. They are paid to ride it!. I want to know what unsponsored guys who don't have a vesting interest in the product this.

The guy who has paid his hard earned cash. that is who I will listen to.

VIC, 144 posts
13 Nov 2013 9:35PM
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Mainly my wife!!! Unfortunately she does not understand you need lots of kites and a range of boards...

QLD, 6493 posts
13 Nov 2013 8:46PM
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Price, then availability, then reviews from people using it for the same purpose I intend to.

And then sometimes, I just buy random **** outa the blue...

NSW, 68 posts
13 Nov 2013 9:51PM
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Try before you buy - its the only way!

54 posts
13 Nov 2013 7:14PM
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What ever the best deal is going at the time on ebay. Your gear is only as good as the person riding it. So it doesn't matter whether my gear is good or s**t.

NSW, 984 posts
13 Nov 2013 10:17PM
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Select to expand quote
Wizard said..

(1) If you saw a top ten rider with particular gear, are you more inclined to purchase that brand?

(2) do professional or sponsored riders influences your decision to buy products -

(3) is it the school you did lessons at

(4) your mates

(5) product reviews in magazines etc??

Thanks, I really appreciate your views.

(1) no
(2) not that I'm aware of
(3) I never went to kite school
(4) yes it gives you a chance to see, demo.
(5) a little
But it comes down more to quality, performance, price, availability, and there are some brands I'm just not into so wouldn't consider.
Some of the most talented kiters aren't the best re reviews. Also it's so subjective , even taking out variations in weight, riding conditions, skill level, and expectations of performance in certain wind ranges you can get wildly varying opinions.
eg we nearly all fly by feel, hardly ever even looking at the kite. If I came from a kite with heavier bar pressure and demoed a kite lighter on the bar, it would be easy to choke it. In other words you instinctively fly the kite how you would with you regular quiver, which may not get the best performance out of it. Hence I'm dubious of 1 ride reviews, where they haven't dialled the kite in. There are certain reviewers on here I trust, who are about the same weight and use similar equipment, who would influence a purchase decision. Rant over. Hope you pass your assignment.
Btw I think the Best kites brand marketing is useless as all the best riders helmets just fog up when they look at those bikini clad nymphs

QLD, 271 posts
13 Nov 2013 10:08PM
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Gotta listen to eppo, he's usually thinking the same thing I am once I've had a demo on a certain kite, unfortunately I don't get to try out nearly half of what he does.

QLD, 390 posts
13 Nov 2013 10:15PM
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From people I think know what they are talking about but also follow a similar style to me as well as have an understanding of the conditions I am faced with

So , not pro riders but local mates and others who have a similar approach or can understand my conditions.

I don't boost much, don't do tricks , just look for waves and finding a balance in life. Those are the people I look for advice from.

WA, 3271 posts
13 Nov 2013 10:54PM
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I have to admit Eppo influenced my switch to Edges and from memory both Eppo and Cauncy helped talk me into a Shinn Monk and I'm super-stoked with both. Despite Eppo's 'enthusiasm' and 10,000 word essays I took the time to send him a PM and he was pretty good at pointing me to a couple of kites to try and narrow down a new purchase without getting lost in the choices available. Though I'm sure he drives the couple of shops he hits up for all his demo's crazy.

And Eppo is a good bloke to have a beer with, he never shuts up long enough to empty your fridge

4862 posts
14 Nov 2013 6:03AM
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To be honest i'm a bit annoyed at the hype each year. This years model is sooooo much better than last years.

I have lost faith completely in sponsered riders. They typically are completely one eyed and totally unable to highlight any negative points about a kite/board.

As others have have said. Try yourself. that is the best option.
If you cannot test yourself, lets face it not everyone has access to lots of kite brands to demo. If this is the face then look for advice from experienced guys who have a similar style to you.

PS Kamizuka. Price is your primary concern? don't you have a 21m speed? the most expensive kite on the plannet? how did you allow yourself to buy that if price was your primary concern.

VIC, 292 posts
14 Nov 2013 10:19AM
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Shops are useless they just want to sell you what they have on the floor, I know I used to work in retail. The best way to sell is to let people try the kites you sell. If they like them they will buy them.
I must admit my first kite was proposed by my kite teacher. It was a good choice at the time. When you become better you try different things.

VIC, 32 posts
14 Nov 2013 11:13AM
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Invention of the wheel.

Hence why Naish sold so few Helix's!

WA, 4263 posts
14 Nov 2013 8:30AM
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Pimps, brand-whores and shop-goons influence me.

WA, 1255 posts
14 Nov 2013 8:48AM
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my mum

WA, 753 posts
14 Nov 2013 11:09AM
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Since you can demo the gear, you would have to be nuts to listen to pro-riders or shops.
Try it, like it, buy it

WA, 119 posts
14 Nov 2013 11:31AM
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Plummet has a good point about access to try before you buy, some people don't have that luxury I am one of those ones where I had to think about it a bit before purchasing gear. So that includes reading this forum and having discussions and so forth, also taking in consideration of particular style of kiting I want to do or want to get into. And what are the best options to get me there. However ill admit I also learnt from buying from not so trust worthy people and bought dodgy kites and boards. So I am thankful I met some kiters that were willing to give advice and lend a hand.

QLD, 1451 posts
14 Nov 2013 1:35PM
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i visit/watch factory processes of the production of the kites.

so manufacture wise cabrinha business wise ozone.

WA, 221 posts
14 Nov 2013 11:49AM
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G-SPOT extreme sports !

WA, 2940 posts
14 Nov 2013 12:36PM
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default's mum

QLD, 3620 posts
15 Nov 2013 10:21AM
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I choose the kite that resembles most the fashion choices of Rick Kane in the movie North Shore.

WA, 349 posts
15 Nov 2013 8:56AM
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WA Surf & Foil
WA, 250 posts
15 Nov 2013 10:50AM
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Lots of gullible sheeple around

WA, 908 posts
15 Nov 2013 12:13PM
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I base my purchases on the Seabreeze 'pay per review' format..

If EPPO says it's good, then obviously why would you bother with anything else.

If only he could predict when waveslave will be placed in a retirement village or even the Keno 10/10 number sequence.

SA, 161 posts
15 Nov 2013 2:56PM
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What influences my purchases is when you enquire about a kite and the retailer shows that he actually cares about your purchase. I have emailed and contacted a number of stores asking when they will have something in stock or when something will be released etc and have had no response. It shouldn't be the buyer chasing the seller. In the end I purchased from the retailer that gave the best service.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Who influences your decision to buy gear?" started by Wizard