Forums > Kitesurfing General

Who's at fault: Instructor, Shop or the Kiter

Created by windreams > 9 months ago, 24 Oct 2015
QLD, 258 posts
24 Oct 2015 5:04PM
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I thought I’d share this one with you so you don’t forget what our sport has to deal with sometimes and more to the point, to keep everyone safe.

I went to my local on Wednesday, blue sky, crystal clear water, only a few beach bums on the beach and blowing about 18 knots. I pumped up my kite on the grass and walked it down to the sand and noticed only one other kiter setting up close by (joys of shift work) and a girl sun baking between me and him. I set up and self launched but had noticed he was fart arsing around with his bar and thought to myself something didn’t seam right so I kept an eye on him while I did a few runs.

This is where it got interesting; He finally managed to launch the kite and crashed it into the sand on one side then up it went again only to smash into the sand on the other side. This happened several times and then I noticed where the kite had finally come to rest was only about 10 meters from the girl sunbaking – time to sus this out. Kited back to shore, landed and went over to the guy and asked if he wanted a hand and with a very strong accent he sheepishly said “no it’s ok, I’ve never done this” he then said “maybe you can help me with the bar”.

What I found was a 2nd hand kit probably a 2010 and…
1/ PVC tubing on the chicken loop was broken and the internal rope looked a bit worse for wear.
2/ Alloy around the QR was corroded and lines looked weathered.
3/ The inside lines ran through the bars alloy guide but the safety line ran outside the guide.
4/ There was no retainer finger on the chicken loop.
5/ A rusty washer was tied on the safety line where the leash “should” have attached to.
6/ THEN… I noticed he didn’t have a safety leash, this is when I asked him a few questions .

Q: Have you had any lessons? A: Yes, one. Q: Who from? A: He told me he couldn’t remember his name but described him and it didn’t sound like any locals that I knew. Q: Has anyone shown you how to self launch and land? A: No Q: Where did you get the kite? A: He told me a shop name that I know of but I won’t repeat here. Q: Is this how you purchased it? A: Yes Q: You never got a safety leash like this one (showed him mine) A: No

I had a chat about what I had found, showed him my QR and carefully advised him to pack up before he hit the girl sunbaking, put his kite in the trees or hurt himself and go back to the shop, sort the gear issues out and maybe get another lesson. He took my advice and that was the last I saw of him.

This is all speculation but in your opinion who is likely at fault here; The Kiter, the Instructor, the Retail Shop, everybody or the girl sun baking (joking). Has anybody else had an experience similar to this?

QLD, 226 posts
24 Oct 2015 5:21PM
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Instructor and retail shop are at fault imo.

The kiter should have learnt about the bar, safety release and safety leash during lessons. He should know whats safe and what isn’t.

As for the retail shop why would they sell dodgy gear??

VIC, 942 posts
24 Oct 2015 7:22PM
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So did you lend him your gear and give him a quick lesson?

VIC, 144 posts
24 Oct 2015 8:32PM
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It is disgusting but kiting is be coming a lucrative industry so people will be out to cash in with no consideration for the safety of others. I could understand a learner with no knowledge buying some dodgy gear off gumtree or the like but a shop selling it just stinks of profits over safety and care for the kiting community. Shops should know better but you definitely did the right thing, experienced kites need to keep an eye out for all the newbs getting into this sport.

QLD, 258 posts
24 Oct 2015 8:04PM
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flyingcab said..
So did you lend him your gear and give him a quick lesson?

Only person that had any chance of getting a free lesson that day was the bikini clad sun bather ...

WA, 4263 posts
24 Oct 2015 6:47PM
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windreams said..

flyingcab said..
So did you lend him your gear and give him a quick lesson?

Only person that had any chance of getting a free lesson that day was the bikini clad sun bather ...

You had no chance with bikini-girl.

She was with kiter-noob.

Maybe you could have hooked up with the beach-bum dudes.


165 posts
24 Oct 2015 8:52PM
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Instructor and shop are at fault. Instructors are out to make a quick buck out of everyone a lot dont care if you actually learn anything let alone teach you anything about safety.

Met a guy on the beach who had his lesson from groupon and he was messing about with his kite you knew he didnt know **.

Beginners are ignorant its up to instructors and shops to set them straight.

WA, 1019 posts
24 Oct 2015 9:27PM
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The instructor and shop might be scumbags for taking advantage of someone but ultimately the kiter is responsible. He wants to take the sport up, he's buying gear with his money etc. He should have done more research and lessons and but we all make genuine mistakes so hopefully he sorts it all out properly.

QLD, 105 posts
24 Oct 2015 11:38PM
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He had an accent so maybe english was not his strongpoint.
The shop may well have been Cash Converters or similar.
The guy giving the lesson may well have said he needed 20 more as he was hopeless and this guy set out on his own to save money by buying a second hand piece of junk and just giving it a go.
But not really enough info to really know what went on here.

The kiter is at fault.
If you set out to use equipment foreign to yourself, then you better at least research a basic understanding of the gear and skills required.

Nobody held a gun to his head and told him to fly it.
If you launch your kite it is your responsibility, simple as that.

QLD, 142 posts
25 Oct 2015 1:32AM
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axion said..
It is disgusting but kiting is be coming a lucrative industry so people will be out to cash in with no consideration for the safety of others. I could understand a learner with no knowledge buying some dodgy gear off gumtree or the like but a shop selling it just stinks of profits over safety and care for the kiting community. Shops should know better but you definitely did the right thing, experienced kites need to keep an eye out for all the newbs getting into this sport.

I thought kitesurfing had its peak in the 2010s and is now already starting to decline a litte bit, mainly due to high cost, learning curve and weather/location dependence and that endurance sports like triathlon, running etc have all become more popular again?

QLD, 106 posts
25 Oct 2015 2:18AM
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windreams said..
I thought I’d share this one with you so you don’t forget what our sport has to deal with sometimes and more to the point, to keep everyone safe.

I went to my local on Wednesday, blue sky, crystal clear water, only a few beach bums on the beach and blowing about 18 knots. I pumped up my kite on the grass and walked it down to the sand and noticed only one other kiter setting up close by (joys of shift work) and a girl sun baking between me and him.

I stopped reading at this point, and realised you're the one at fault. For not having the guts to go to the girl, having a small chat and asking her to move further away from the kiter for her safety, and the opportunity of course for a date. The noob kiter? Stuff him. He is ultimately responsible for his own actions.

NSW, 625 posts
25 Oct 2015 6:46AM
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Dont forget this guy could be full of ****e and never had a lesson. Its sounds like he hadnt from info given. If so it may have been some dodgy mate. Too many maybes. ultimately though he is responsible for his actions.

WA, 266 posts
25 Oct 2015 8:13AM
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Instructors and shops, aside from safety, really need to start addressing etiquette. Which itself relates back to safety.

Way too many noobs seem to have the etiquette chromosome missing

VIC, 180 posts
25 Oct 2015 1:19PM
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It simple, its the kiters fault.

You can't expect to be babysat through learning this sport. If I walk in to a shop and want to buy gear to kite without any experience its not the shops fault.
Sure, they can ask if I've had lessons but its ultimately up to the individual to make sure they're safe.

Yes, there are dodgy people out there to make a quick buck, but I would highly doubt its any of the kiting shops doing this. The damage to their reputation would be their undoing.

If the kiter wasn't sure or didn't feel safe then he should either have more lessons, or learn in an environment where he wont hurt others, or himself that much.

All that being said your attitude in helping and guiding him was awesome.

WA, 1546 posts
25 Oct 2015 10:28AM
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Hi windreams,

It may be an unusual experience for you, but I personally witness scenarios like this on a weekly basis in the busy parts of the season. Consequences are often worse due to the stronger winds we have in WA.

The bottom line is we can't stop untrained or undertrained kiters from hitting the beach with dodgy equipment. We need more kiters like yourself who keep an eye out for these kind of people and take some time to try to convince them to look for quality training and gear. As you described, you can most of the time anticipate the problems way before the kite is being launched, just by the way they are manipulating the equipment. This is the best time to approach people like this in order to avoid accidents.

I've seen many Newbies come out with all sorts of lies and tell you what you want to hear in an effort to free themselves from guilt.

Of course there are instructors and shops that cut corners on safety... but ultimately the kiter is responsible. I've seen many cases where students received top quality training, took only 1 lesson and decided it was enough to continue on their own even though they were told to get more lessons. I've seen a few of them show up to the beach on their own with old dodgy equipment (sometimes 10 year old gear!). Even despite firm warnings to not fly the kite, they still do! It always ends up in a big crash/tumble down the beach.

Now that I think about it, every time I've talked to people showing up to the beach without any training whatsoever or people trying to fly outdated kites, I've never been able to prevent them from launching the kite. The same goes with mates teaching mates without any safety concerns. You just can't stop stupid people from doing stupid things. I just warn people around to stay WAY clear of them and just let nature do the work.


WA, 2119 posts
25 Oct 2015 2:17PM
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cbulota said..
Hi windreams,

Now that I think about it, every time I've talked to people showing up to the beach without any training whatsoever or people trying to fly outdated kites, I've never been able to prevent them from launching the kite. The same goes with mates teaching mates without any safety concerns. You just can't stop stupid people from doing stupid things. I just warn people around to stay WAY clear of them and just let nature do the work.



It is so much easier to spot families, sunbathers kids, down-wind and explain to them that this idiot is going to hurt himself and if you move your gear you can watch from that area. Everyone has moved and thanked me. I dont expect beach goers to to know the danger zones of a kite but I expect kiters to.

I had many tourists come into the shop I was working at and insisted on buying sh@! gear, when for $100 more they could have got something with a usable wind range, and could relaunch easily.....
They insisted they had done lessons when clearly they hadnt, and usually came in with a mate who was clearly a beginner. Next was the question? where to go... In the shop 3-7 days later telling you that the kite is defective, sacre bleu!!!
Ive seen the other side as well.

If you try and learn kitesurfing half arsed you endanger yourself, others and wreck your gear.

WA, 467 posts
25 Oct 2015 2:29PM
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Anyone who initially said the shop, should Replace the "kite" with "a car".

I think what should be added to any form of kiting instruction should be (and explained first before any other info) what CAN HAPPEN USING THIS EQUIPMENT WITHOUT ADEQUATE TRAINING.
I was one that learned almost a decade ago and got lucky having only had one lesson and not killing myself.
If I had been taught that death was a possible outcome, I definitely would have invested in more lessons.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Who's at fault: Instructor, Shop or the Kiter" started by windreams