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Forums > Kitesurfing General

Windiest place on the est coast

Created by jerome78 > 9 months ago, 1 May 2008
25 posts
1 May 2008 2:18AM
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Hello, i am french and i come to Brisbane on the 26th june.
I have heard that there is no wind during this period.
I would like to know if i will be able to kite
I would like working during one month and move to a place where the wind is better.
What are your sugestions?

WA, 3159 posts
1 May 2008 7:23AM
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harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
1 May 2008 12:03PM
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A picture tells a thousand words !

QLD, 68 posts
1 May 2008 1:32PM
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Dont want to put a damper on Cairns wind but so many times ive seen weather predictions like that above (or even strong wind warnings) get blocked out by overcast conditions only to get 10 knots or less. You want real wind go north Cooktown, Lizard Island

WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
1 May 2008 12:11PM
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Jerome, Ali is right, there is no contest whatsoever. Cooktown in possibly the windiest place in Australia, let alone the East coast.

Cooktown cranks. You'll need only a medium and a small kite to visit Cooktown. You can camp at Archer Point for free (last time I was there anyway) and the riding is wicked! You'll need to take everything in with you as there are or were no facilities at all. Just a grassy spot behind the beach and lots of windy water. A little bit croccy and a wee bit Tiger Sharky too but so worth it! But water and beach is clean and it is quiet.

The best of flat water and also has the closest thing to a surf breaking wave in the entire North East Coast.

Cairns is nice if you love riding in poo brown, choppy water, and moderate winds. It has night life and such, but for pure kiting Go north young man!

Good winds,

QLD, 249 posts
1 May 2008 3:20PM
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or go further North and fly with us in PNG :)

WA, 3619 posts
1 May 2008 2:04PM
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Kitehard said...

A little bit croccy and a wee bit Tiger Sharky too but so worth it!

Easy to avoid both. Just sit back & wait till you see a croc dragging out a 5M tiger shark. The battle for food will have scared all the other sharks off and a decent feed like that will keep the crocs quiet for quite a while.
Safe kiting for the rest of the day - at least.

Just be wary of the stingers - you are too far from hospital to expect to survive a nasty encounter.

Coral Sea
QLD, 476 posts
1 May 2008 4:57PM
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Lizard Island - Cooktown plus 5-10knots

QLD, 1245 posts
1 May 2008 5:55PM
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neoniphon said...

Lizard Island - Cooktown plus 5-10knots

steamers... wtf!?

QLD, 110 posts
1 May 2008 6:00PM
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I have a feeling they stinger suits, not wetties.

Coral Sea
QLD, 476 posts
1 May 2008 7:55PM
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3mm steamers yes.

Mid-winter, early morning, 22-26knots and a day of diving to come....warm campers are happy campers!

WA, 243 posts
1 May 2008 6:24PM
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What is the accommodation like on Lizzard Island? Is it very tidal, can you kite at all tides?

Does it blow pretty consistently through june/july?

QLD, 110 posts
1 May 2008 8:34PM
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Really?? Wetsuits up north?? Do you really want to admit that?

Coral Sea
QLD, 476 posts
2 May 2008 9:37AM
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for info on getting to Lizard, pics, and Camping there see this thread from last year

WA, 3159 posts
2 May 2008 12:06PM
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ali said...

Dont want to put a damper on Cairns wind but so many times ive seen weather predictions like that above (or even strong wind warnings) get blocked out by overcast conditions only to get 10 knots or less. You want real wind go north Cooktown, Lizard Island

This is actually true
Near on 20 at Green today, no wind and rain on the coast

Guy up here, Ant, is doing trips north of Cooktown, everyone who's been comes back very happy

QLD, 1326 posts
2 May 2008 4:11PM
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Keep going North....It's over 20kts in Port Moresby today

But JayP and I are a bit buggered after yesterdays session. Looks like it will be blowing until November now, so maybe some rest for a big session tomorrow...and Sunday...and next week....

Oh - sorry, it's the off season down there isn't it? [}:)]

WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
2 May 2008 10:12PM
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GRRRRRRrrrrrrrrr! [}:)]

QLD, 431 posts
3 May 2008 12:30AM
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just made the move to Sydney from QLD... one word Ghey!!!

NSW, 144 posts
3 May 2008 7:32AM
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More info on PNG would be great!

QLD, 1326 posts
3 May 2008 11:08AM
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I'm sure we can oblige. What would you like to know?

JayP is the resident guru on all things water sports here, and also happens to be good at organising kite trips. Feel free to PM him or me if you want specific details.

Windy season starts about now and goes through to Oct/Nov. In summer we get the odd NW which is kiteable, otherwise its wakeboarding and diving season.

These are some photos of our local from a few weeks back. 20kts, flat lagoon, surf out the back on the reef. The beach is in a wind shadow so can be a pain to launch (check out the gust front on the first photo - they are fun), but otherwise a great spot. Lots of other spots around too.

Coral Sea
QLD, 476 posts
3 May 2008 12:49PM
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Might be worth mentioning the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) have updated their website pages that deliver the data from their reef monitoring stations.

Nice graphical output and real time info that updates every few hours. The Cleveland Bay site (off Townsville/Magnetic Island) is here:

and the tabs across the top of the page take you to the other stations.

You can now generate custom graphs of past windspeed data and see which are the best months and how often the trade flow comes and goes - see:

QLD, 3 posts
3 May 2008 3:05PM
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Hi mate,

I am based in Cooktown and would be happy to help out if you were thinking of coming up here for a kite. We are a small community but I am in the process of creating a local crew of kiters and we would all like to see visitors here.

If you would like more info, let me know!


Ps: that goes for anyone else too!

25 posts
11 May 2008 9:33PM
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Thanks a lot for all your responses.
I think that i will work one month in Brisbane and go to cairn for kiting and working.

I would like going to Lizard Island, but i will have to find people because alone it is not very fun.

I am sorry for my english.
So if someone wants to go in Lizard Island contact me!

Coral Sea
QLD, 476 posts
12 May 2008 10:23AM
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Jerome I will be at Lizard working from June 1st-23rd along with Lynita, we will both have our kite gear, if you plan on coming up then send us a message.


QLD, 68 posts
12 May 2008 11:05AM
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Hello Neoniphon, i have met you on Magnetic Island where we have a holiday house, am working in WA at present. I am one of the lucky ones who has kited Lizard, got about 5 weeks there 3 years ago, keen to get back up there when i return to the Sunshine state in the coming weeks. What the best way to get up there these days and is it worth volunteering at the station or just stay at the campground? Last time we sailed up there, this time more looking at a week or two.
Thanks in advance.

Coral Sea
QLD, 476 posts
12 May 2008 2:41PM
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Hi Ali,

Hinterland fly there daily to service the resort, cost is about $400 return I believe but their luggage limit is pretty restrictive, if the plane wasn't full you should be OK but if it is chockkers then you might have trouble with a swag of kite and camping gear.

Skytrans also fly up regularly to service the dive boat market, would be worth speaking with them too to see if you could join a charter.

There is a little seaplane that flies up from Cooktown, I have seen it dropping off campers before.

Sea Swift shipping send the barge up every fortnight from Cairns, it may have some cabin space?

Station volunteering is a good option, you need to do 4 hours work a day and pay for your food and travel, but you get a comfy bed and all the amenities and access to the best launch site on the island (Loomis Pt). Plus Lyle the station director is a kiter too, so he enjoys some company! Tobes went up last year for 10d with his Instinct 9m and had a blast.




Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Windiest place on the est coast" started by jerome78