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Winds back & Seasons Over...

Created by rod_bunny > 9 months ago, 8 Mar 2011
WA, 1089 posts
8 Mar 2011 3:34PM
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Yesterdays session ended with "A number of Intra-articular fractures through base of 1st, 2nd, 3rd metatarsals and a number through the medial middle and cuneiform"

ie my foot is busted.

Session ended within 2 minutes of launching by a lull then gust at takeoff that caused the board to sink and catch the reef and me being dragged off the board onto shallow reef...

See orthopeadic surgeon on thursday to find out what he's gonna do with it...

Wife's just gone out to helpfully "clean my gear ready for next season"

the gibbo
WA, 776 posts
8 Mar 2011 4:04PM
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bummer mate at least it happened at the end o season not the start, get set for next one

good luck

NSW, 27 posts
8 Mar 2011 8:28PM
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I had an operation to repair torn ligaments in my wrist last month.
Being positive as always, I'm looking forward to winter westerlies here in greater sydney!!

Mister Dugong
368 posts
8 Mar 2011 8:25PM
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I will bring some wine for bun mate, it's awfully kind of her to wash your gear and totally deserves it for improving the resale value so you can get a brand new kite

Sorry to hear it seriously bad luck.

WA, 100 posts
8 Mar 2011 10:31PM
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where were you kiting, sorry to hear the end has come sooner then wanted:0(

rod_bunny said...

Yesterdays session ended with "A number of Intra-articular fractures through base of 1st, 2nd, 3rd metatarsals and a number through the medial middle and cuneiform"

ie my foot is busted.

Session ended within 2 minutes of launching by a lull then gust at takeoff that caused the board to sink and catch the reef and me being dragged off the board onto shallow reef...

See orthopeadic surgeon on thursday to find out what he's gonna do with it...

Wife's just gone out to helpfully "clean my gear ready for next season"

WA, 1089 posts
9 Mar 2011 9:23AM
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chelles888 said...

where were you kiting, sorry to hear the end has come sooner then wanted:0(

Went out off Robert Point at Halls Head... wind is offshore there, so after dragging the kite back in I then had to swim out to get my board that had drifted off.

Got a whole bunch of funky painkillers now but my 15month old son is now finding great joy in taking the TV remote or my crutches and distributing them throughout the house whilst boobie trapping the walkways with all his other toys.

(heehee I said boobies)

WA, 1089 posts
19 Mar 2011 1:35PM
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Got back from docs yesterday. another 10 days off my feet!! Couldn't put a full cast on as my foot was still too swollen. (Giggity)

If you're bored (like I've been) check out for the overview of what I did.

Summary if your not bored.
Injuries to the Lisfranc articulations frequently lead not only to arthritis but also to severe pain. They carry a high risk of chronic secondary disability.
Lisfranc injuries account for 0.2% of all fractures. Incidence of this uncommon injury is reported as approximately 1 per 55,000 persons per year.

Patients with undisplaced injuries are treated conservatively. All suspected injuries require a careful workup. Even significant injuries can reduce spontaneously*, thereby hiding the initial deformity. The exaggerated swelling is the key in the differential diagnosis of subtle injuries.

*This is what has happened - smashed it but then walked on it and popped it back into place - I have displacement but not enough to require surgery - yet.

Just a bit bummed at the moment as I was hoping to be more on the mend than I am. Dr reckons he sees less that 2-3 a year of this type of injury and I very lucky that it didn't displace more than it had, another 1mm and I would be getting wires and plates and **** in my feet, (I still might but they cant do anything until the soft tissue damage heals itself fully and the joints come back together more - worst case if I do need it, the 6-8 weeks off it starts again!)

Looks like the winter fronts are off as well...

So... Anyone got anywhere on the internet I havent been too in the last 10 days?

WA, 66 posts
19 Mar 2011 4:49PM
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dang to hear that shizz, well the internets 90% porn so youve got alot of getting around till your better :P

QLD, 3619 posts
20 Mar 2011 12:46AM
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That sucks. But bad shiz happens to every one who kites at some time.this is just your turn. AS some one else said better now than in november.

Also you said boobies.

Joe Cron
NSW, 450 posts
20 Mar 2011 8:24PM
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rod_bunny said...

So... Anyone got anywhere on the internet I havent been too in the last 10 days?

Try Stumbleupon, it randomly loads pages from a list of interests you supply. I find lots of funny and informative stuff using it. Lots of nonsense too.

Monday coming, I'm having my right extostectomy (removal of 'surfers ear' bone growth). I had the left done last year, for the second time in 20 years.

Eight weeks out of the water, can't get it wet for about 4. Showering with a drinking glass pressed over it. Ear packed solid for 2 weeks, can't hear a thing.It's really mentally challenging. Not looking forward to it.

Trying to stay positive, lucky to live in a country where the medical system can supply such a service, get to lay around for a week instead of going to work, access to some high end painkillers.

I told the wife and kids it's 'Dig in for Dad' week. What ever it takes to get dear old dad as much kitesurfing this week as possible. If he can't pick you up from an activity until after dark cause the wind is blowing, just dig in for dad.

Not sure if they are on board with it yet.

Best wishes on your recovery. The day will come for us all when we will be out there again.

Until then, I suggest don't check the wind, and don't go to your local spots to watch.

(Of course I'll do both.)

NSW, 1317 posts
20 Mar 2011 9:37PM
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Select to expand quote

Monday coming, I'm having my right extostectomy (removal of 'surfers ear' bone growth). I had the left done last year, for the second time in 20 years.

Eight weeks out of the water, can't get it wet for about 4. Showering with a drinking glass pressed over it. Ear packed solid for 2 weeks, can't hear a thing.It's really mentally challenging. Not looking forward to it.

get a number one all over before buddy ,negates the need to wash your hair and a normal shower cap will cover it, but far be it from me to stop you having a schooner or two in the shower .. one of the small pleasures in life beer and a friend(maybe that makes two friends) in the shower

WA, 1089 posts
5 Apr 2011 5:30PM
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It just gets better

After the f*cktard of a Dr* had me laid up in bed for 3 weeks I now have a DVT in 2 veins in my calf.

Daily injections of heparin until the warfarin kicks in... and then on that for 3 months.

*Seeing a new surgeon now... as I found out the last one was widely regarded as a bit of a tool. ie On the second visit (ie after 10 days) I said I had pain in my calf and it could be a DVT - "nothing to worry about"... apparently.

New Dr was not too happy about the 3 weeks of bed rest "Somewhat old school treatment" - put me in a removable walking cast as I should have been from the beginning.

On the upside, I can hobble around now so can get some stuff done around the house instead of surfing the porno net.

Downside is, alcohol affects warfarin and I'm limited to 2 units a day but... I'm told not to cut it out completely - so I'm taking that as a prescription for 2 units daily

and yes... beer in the shower is one of lifes simple pleasures

WA, 9503 posts
6 Apr 2011 12:05PM
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Fellow local hear. Sorry to hear this man, never kited at that partic spot - was on the soft westerely was it? yeh some crappy reef around there. Get better soon.


WA, 1089 posts
19 Apr 2011 10:45AM
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Oh the Irony

Back from Surgeon yesterday... getting surgery in 2 weeks.

As a permanent reminder of my kiting I'll have a little bit of kite line* in my foot as a tightrope fixation to repair the damage.

*From my limited googling this morning the braided suture line they use is high tensile polyethelene - much the same stuff as dyneema used in kite lines

And as my wife is currently quite over driving me everywhere and doing everything around the house - that bit of kite line in my foot maybe the closest I get to kiting for the next year... or 10


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Winds back & Seasons Over..." started by rod_bunny