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You can haveFree tickets to see the end of an era?

Created by stabber > 9 months ago, 22 May 2011
NSW, 1114 posts
22 May 2011 10:05AM
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Well the time has come fellas....

I just looked at the Wednesday forcast for Newcastle and thought I might give Berubi a go.

I have not kited for 6 months, feeling really lazy and fat, But I thought I'd go out in a blaze of glory.

huge swell... gale force winds.... gotta be a ticket for diaster..... So I figure I'd give tickets away to see the certain demise of Stabber the brave(or foolish) depending on which side of the fence you sit.

I have 3 levels of seating available....

Gold class, In the dunes away from the carnage, but within earshot of hearing bones crack.
Gold reserve.. on the dunes with binoculars to really get the effect.
Titanium class(the name is fitting as the replacement joints I will need will be made from this stuff)... this is the best seating in the house as you will be personally allowed backstage before the show to meet the star of the show. Stabber will personallly sign your bar and boards... And you get 3D glasses and a can of solo.

One lucky person will also get to hold the mobile phone strategically poised to diall 000.

Come all ye faithfull !

NSW, 4188 posts
22 May 2011 4:25PM
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Sounds cool, good to see the entrepreneurial spirit alive and well!

How about broadcasting a pay-per-view event over the web for those who can't make it to Newcastle for Wednesday?

WA, 1194 posts
22 May 2011 5:50PM
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at least your happy to admit you realy do have tickets on you .....

if i could be so bold to suggest - you may sell more tickets if you digest Ipecac Syrup before heading out...

NSW, 1317 posts
22 May 2011 7:51PM
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stabber said...

Well the time has come fellas....

I just looked at the Wednesday forcast for Newcastle and thought I might give Berubi a go.

I have not kited for 6 months, feeling really lazy and fat, But I thought I'd go out in a blaze of glory.

huge swell... gale force winds.... gotta be a ticket for diaster..... So I figure I'd give tickets away to see the certain demise of Stabber the brave(or foolish) depending on which side of the fence you sit.

I have 3 levels of seating available....

Gold class, In the dunes away from the carnage, but within earshot of hearing bones crack.
Gold reserve.. on the dunes with binoculars to really get the effect.
Titanium class(the name is fitting as the replacement joints I will need will be made from this stuff)... this is the best seating in the house as you will be personally allowed backstage before the show to meet the star of the show. Stabber will personallly sign your bar and boards... And you get 3D glasses and a can of solo.

One lucky person will also get to hold the mobile phone strategically poised to diall 000.

Come all ye faithfull !

and there i was thinking you had retired to the nice hospital at the north of stockton....
similarities ? doppleganger ?

cheers buddy

ACT, 2174 posts
24 May 2011 6:46AM
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only if your on your 12m

NSW, 1114 posts
3 Jun 2011 6:55PM
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Stabber died on that fatefull day.... As predicted he would...

I am His eternal spirit communicating from the afterlife....

He is saying..... something ....... about your mother!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"You can haveFree tickets to see the end of an era?" started by stabber