Forums > Kitesurfing General

You know you are addicted when .........

Created by puppetonastring > 9 months ago, 8 Dec 2004
WA, 3619 posts
8 Dec 2004 11:04AM
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After considering the funny side of these 2 incidents this morning I thought this thread may make for some interesting reading
whats yours

... you twist your ankle on a loose brick and your 1st & only thought through that exruciating pain is "God I hope this gets better before the breeze kicks in"
... your neighbour rings to say your house alarm just went off and the panic subsides 2 seconds later when you realise you have all your kite gear with you in the car
"He who enjoys most - WINS"

WA, 859 posts
8 Dec 2004 11:38AM
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or you organise your work roster around the days forecast !

or you plan your next child during the off season !

yeah I'm addicted pitty the wife is'nt

WA, 3619 posts
8 Dec 2004 11:47AM
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then theres this one that got a huge laugh on the beach a while back.

... the drop-dead gorgeous new blond in accounts asks you if you would like to join her for a drink after work and as you think of all those little green arrows you cant believe its your voice actually saying "Aargh sorry I'm a bit busy this avo"

"He who enjoys most - WINS"

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
8 Dec 2004 11:47AM
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you crash your car into a pole straining to look if anyone is out at your spot
first thing you do when you awake and at 10 min intervals following is check the wind
when the extent of your conversation is wind direction, recent moves and the best gear available on the market
family holidays are planned to kiting destinations during the on season

Yep i'm fully addicted but unfortunatly my wife isn't and am working on my daughter

WA, 859 posts
8 Dec 2004 11:52AM
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Originally posted by poor relative

working on my daughter

Me too, but she's only 2 1/2...

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
8 Dec 2004 12:14PM
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mines only 3 3/4
had her surfing the boat wakes the other day on the river, great fun

NSW, 609 posts
8 Dec 2004 4:12PM
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when you hit Seabreeze .com 300 times a day

WA, 15 posts
8 Dec 2004 1:31PM
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When you hit seebreeze .com 300 times a day, and you don't even live in oz

Adam Ratajewski
SA, 70 posts
8 Dec 2004 4:44PM
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-you skip uni lectures when its windy, knowing that they are recorded and available on the net (sweet as)

WA, 679 posts
8 Dec 2004 2:31PM
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- you skip uni lectures when its windy knowing they arent recorded and arent available on the net

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
8 Dec 2004 2:35PM
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you dont go to uni between oct and march

WA, 859 posts
8 Dec 2004 3:04PM
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you never went to uni ! full stop !!

WA, 98 posts
9 Dec 2004 2:47PM
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your off uni, taking a break from work, have all the gear in the car ready to and you are stuck at home waiting, watching fireaway for the 5000 time because there is no wind. is this huey's idea of a bad joke??? it is december isn't it?
bring on the wind or fireaway 2...whichever happens sooner

WA, 38 posts
10 Dec 2004 5:15PM
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you knock off work after a 12hour shift and drive 600ks to get home because tomorrows forcast looks good.

WA, 3619 posts
13 Dec 2004 2:57PM
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... you get yourself sorted with an IT phone just so you can check the other beaches out on while you are sitting on one waiting for the wind --- AGAIN

"He who enjoys most - WINS"

WA, 3848 posts
13 Dec 2004 3:13PM
Thumbs Up're at a barbie/wedding/.. and you start to get "edgy" and have trouble focusing on conversations as you notice the leaves on trees start moving..

56 posts
13 Dec 2004 3:49PM
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You just moved to sunny Perth, have been out there kitesurfing more in 3 months than in a year in Europe, and still, everytime that arrow turns green, you just have to be out there.

QLD, 4083 posts
13 Dec 2004 9:02PM
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You move all the way across the country, alone, to a place where you know barely anyone, and leave everything and everyone you've ever known behind: for better wind.

The Green Baron
Terror of the skies and vanquisher of poor spelling everywhere
(now I'm going to look silly if I make a spelling mistake)

WA, 859 posts
13 Dec 2004 8:01PM
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Originally posted by laurie're at a barbie/wedding/.. and you start to get "edgy" and have trouble focusing on conversations as you notice the leaves on trees start moving..

Oooooh yeah my wife hate's this one....

The Cat amongst the pigeons...

niall barrett
WA, 248 posts
13 Dec 2004 8:07PM
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....when you are at your mate's stag and your asking the stripper where she got her interesting body jewellery because you can adapt it to a new quick release you've been working on !!!

QLD, 4083 posts
13 Dec 2004 10:21PM
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Is that the same as being at a strip club and wondering if the strippers kiteboard to keep fit?

...and if so, where, and do they kiteboard nude?...

The Green Baron
Terror of the skies and vanquisher of poor spelling everywhere
(now I'm going to look silly if I make a spelling mistake)

WA, 15 posts
13 Dec 2004 10:43PM
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Or skipping the strip club completely because the wind maybe blowing a little bit, maybe...?


finn mccool
WA, 100 posts
14 Dec 2004 11:29PM
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Originally posted by niall barrett

....when you are at your mate's stag and your asking the stripper where she got her interesting body jewellery because you can adapt it to a new quick release you've been working on !!!

Laffin my RRRs off here
I Like UR Stiall Niall


WA, 98 posts
15 Dec 2004 7:58AM
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your girlfriend looks at you and states "its either me or kitesurfing" but before she has even finished the sentance your already half way out the door, gear in hand and thinking about those green arrows


finn mccool
WA, 100 posts
15 Dec 2004 10:48PM
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OK - bin thinkin all day of sumthin witty enuff to 'a-Niall-8' this 1.

Originally posted by niall barrett

....when you are at your mate's stag and your asking the stripper where she got her interesting body jewellery because you can adapt it to a new quick release you've been working on !!!

I give up
Thats just 2 classic - the man with the funny spelt name wins


WA, 30 posts
16 Dec 2004 12:31AM
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Originally posted by finn mccool

OK - bin thinkin all day of sumthin witty enuff to 'a-Niall-8' this 1.
Originally posted by niall barrett

....when you are at your mate's stag and your asking the stripper where she got her interesting body jewellery because you can adapt it to a new quick release you've been working on !!!

I give up
Thats just 2 classic - the man with the funny spelt name wins


WAIT ... HOLD ON ... I DIDNT KNOW THIS WAS A COMPETITION - IS THERE A PRIZE OR SOMETHING ???????? and did naill barrett win cause of what he said or because his names spelt funny!!!

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_______«·«·^^~.........-|Sea Dog|-........~^^·»·»________
«·´`·.·´`·.·´`·.·´`·.(¸.·´(¸.·* *·.¸)`·.¸).·´`··´`·.·´`·.·´`·.»

WA, 221 posts
16 Dec 2004 8:43AM
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.... when you are all hot and sweaty in bed with your man and you blurt out that you are so excited to be getting a new kite !!!

(sorry baby... but i KNOW you understand my excitement!)

WA, 859 posts
16 Dec 2004 12:17PM
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get a room will ya!

and leave the curtins open... I like to watch !

The Cat amongst the pigeons...

WA, 221 posts
16 Dec 2004 1:45PM
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hey hunglong??
what would happen to you if you did some 'kiting' talk in bed?? i think you would then have to change your name to hungshort

WA, 859 posts
16 Dec 2004 2:11PM
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my wife would kill me as she recons i'm way to addicted...

The Cat amongst the pigeons...

WA, 221 posts
16 Dec 2004 2:21PM
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i knew that! i think thats why im the only girl here making such a comment and getting away with it!

but just for your own safety never never never talk 'kite' in bed... EVER! no exceptions


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"You know you are addicted when ........." started by puppetonastring