Forums > Kitesurfing General

You know you are addicted when .........

Created by puppetonastring > 9 months ago, 8 Dec 2004
WA, 4485 posts
7 Feb 2005 2:16PM
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When you are a surfer as well and say "F&*%en easterlies all f*&$@en day for f@&^%s sake!! - Why can't we have a f*&+#en sea breeze" then you stop the rant and realise what you just said....
Oh well if only some swell actually came with the easterlies in Perth I would never be bored.


WA, 316 posts
7 Feb 2005 3:10PM
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...when you're on this website 20 times a day.

WA, 3619 posts
8 Feb 2005 9:57AM
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... you sort through, edit & update your 'contacts' into your new phone directory and find that in only 12 months your "kite file" already outnumbers your "client file" & "business file" combined .
Clients & business do not add to TOW at all

"He who enjoys most - WINS"

WA, 21 posts
8 Feb 2005 11:17PM
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When you look up from the kitesurfing vid your watching and notice face prints on the window from leaning on it waiting for a hint of wind.

loose fin
QLD, 219 posts
9 Feb 2005 12:34PM
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I no longer work out my hourly earnings in reference to food, beer, mortgage etc but rather how many hours worked to afford the kite that i want, or a new board..Money used to be referred to as fun vouchers, now its called kiting vouchers...

All I think about when planning the easter holiday with +1 is, where are the beaches that I will accidentally stumble upon while travelling around. Oh and look 'dear' what a beautiful bay and 20 knot breeze, you dont mind sitting around for an hour of so..... do you

WA, 4263 posts
9 Feb 2005 12:37PM
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Windward side of car (when parked) full of rust and back of car where gear permanently lives (festers) full of rust.

wind dummy
NSW, 68 posts
9 Feb 2005 6:13PM
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when you need Vioxx and Celebrex to go kitesurf...

QLD, 927 posts
9 Feb 2005 8:48PM
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When you look forward to no wind so you can rest up from kiting too much. (nah you can never kite too much) Only when you finish work everyday at 11am just as the wind picks up like me

QLD, 927 posts
9 Feb 2005 9:12PM
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When you start to say 'Don't be such a chickenloop'
When you say 'That persons a bit of a kiteloop, i mean fruitloop'
When your walking the dog in the park & you pick up a stick & instead of throwing it for him, you practice handle passes.
When you start having crazy ideas like thinking you can use a maccas tray as a board.

WA, 859 posts
9 Feb 2005 8:24PM
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I'm hearing ya PsYLor I get this every monday from my work mates... it's a sickness I'm glade to have

Originally posted by PsYLoR

When your answer to everyone who wants you to do something with them tomorrow, on the weekend, next week or next month is.......
Maybe, it depends what the wind is doing.

When you rock up at work & your non kiting work mates dont say how was your weekend...they simply ask "so how was kiting over the weekend"

The Cat amongst the pigeons...

WA, 95 posts
10 Feb 2005 12:17AM
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when instead of writing down a meassage on the forum u use the keyboard to practice your no foot tricks

WA, 106 posts
10 Feb 2005 8:16AM
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* when your girlfriend buys u a "wind speed meter" for Xmas

* when u try and fit all your gear into the back of ya sports car, removing the sub box and amps and spare tyre for extra room!

* when u are thinkin, i could almost kite that flooded paddock

* when its too windy to kite (gale force) u still go to the beach and fly the baby stunt kite, to give u that thrill of "wind power"

* when u remove the back seats from your sports car for more room after the increase in kites and boards gets too much for the "token japanese" boot space.

* when u have the "port phillip bay wind readings" web page permanently open watching the graph update every couple of minutes...watching...waiting for the red line to get into your 12m's wind range.

Thats about all from me at the moment

QLD, 77 posts
11 Feb 2005 10:20PM
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when its raining,
and you still go to the beach.

and youre not the only one there sitting...watching...suffering...

WA, 140 posts
12 Feb 2005 4:32PM
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this is a funny, funny thread.

I think it is perfectly reasonable when you take kite gear with ya when backpacking through Europe for a few months- in their early winter.
OK- maybe rocking up to Jerusalem and walking into the old city (between Israeli teenagers with Uzis and crisp uniforms guarding the city gates) with 180cm kiteboard bag does SEEM a bit weird. Hard to answer the question "what's in the bag?" and "Why? There is no sea here".

Similarly, after making a careful, rational decision that no more kitestuff is needed- is it normal to scroll thru the 'for sale' forum, just in case?


NSW, 118 posts
14 Feb 2005 1:39PM
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You work as an Instructor and have not been able to get any lessons done due to no wind for a week. Your wallet is empty, no fuel in the car and no food at home, on the first windy day you cancel all your lessons just so you can go riding, at the end of the day you ask yourself was it really worth it? Yes!

It Ain't fun unless it goes 20+

niall barrett
WA, 248 posts
16 Feb 2005 10:23AM
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To Paraphrase the Anti Drugs Campaign Slogan


WA, 40 posts
17 Feb 2005 10:32AM
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when your girlfriend says "lets go on holidays to ...." and your only question is "whats the wind like there?".

when you sell your car to buy a more appropriate 4wd to get to that hidden kiteing spot.

when you dedicate a spare room in your house as a kiteing room and its too full to move.

when you realize all the magazines in the bathroom at kiter mags

when you cant help but go into the kite shop you just passed to see if anything new has come out.

when you move house cause it takes too damm long to get to the beach from where i live now.

WA, 4263 posts
17 Feb 2005 10:02PM
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When you kitesurf 12 months of the year because there's no such thing as an 'off-season'.

QLD, 927 posts
19 Feb 2005 1:00PM
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When your split into two minds......

Happy there is no wind so you can recover from being sore & from rashes after 5 hours or more kiting everyday that its windy..... I love my job!

So amped up from watching vids on the no wind days you spend half the day sniffing for wind & reading the graphs waiting for a chance to try your next trick.

WA, 4263 posts
19 Feb 2005 1:10PM
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When your kitesurf kit contains 2 of everything so you can immediately be back in the action in the event of equipment failure or loss.

VIC, 63 posts
21 Feb 2005 5:46AM
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...... youve already spent Saturday kiting at Inverloch after driving down from Melbourne but Sunday drive to the Wilson's Prom side of Shallow Inlet for better wind before driving back to Inverloch the same day still searching but decide that Altona's high tide is the place to be that evening so continue on directly there with so much impatience that stopping for a leak is going to waste an extra 2 minutes so you attempt to relieve yourself into a Gatorade bottle whilst driving but decide it's a 'wee' bit dangerous to 'pull off' (so to speak) and pull over only to find it was much better stopping due to the strange suction effect you discover upon attempting to withdraw yourself from the bottle (any questions speak to MrPlow - thankfully we drove separately & you actually sailed in all that Altona filth after the heaviest rain on record!)
New levels of desperation have been attained.

WA, 221 posts
21 Feb 2005 10:07AM
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when your boyfriend asks you "what did we use to talk about before kiting came along???"
and you both cant remember
then we reassure ourselves that we will kite forever he he

WA, 115 posts
21 Feb 2005 12:41PM
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When your mates start saying "Yes we know ." to every comment you make about kitesurfing and they don't kitesurf .

It's not my fault they dont know what they are missing
at least it leave a little more room on the water .

WA, 145 posts
21 Feb 2005 9:01PM
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haha...NN, thats so true, i was thinking that one the other day, when ur out with all ur mates and all u talk about is kiting, and they ask wat u use to talk about and no one can remember!!
wat a great life

WA, 204 posts
22 Feb 2005 1:52PM
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You know when your addicted when

Your car gets stolen and you still had a good day kiting!!!!

NSW, 609 posts
23 Feb 2005 11:28AM
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Your crook as a dog from some stinking lurgy bug thingy but you can still scrape up just enough energy for a 30 min blast

WA, 272 posts
23 Feb 2005 4:37PM
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When you go night kiting on a SW,it swings SE and is really drops out but you dont care, u keep on going

WA, 4 posts
26 Feb 2005 8:20PM
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you run from work through the CBD to the car park, in a suit, breif cass in one hand, laptop in the other, to gain an extra 5 minutes on the water.

change from suit to bordies on route to kite spot.

WA, 246 posts
1 Mar 2005 9:07PM
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As a non sponsored kiter you've owned 12 kites and 8 different boards and your girlfriend thinks you have an internet lover due to the amount of time you spend perusing this site!

WA, 92 posts
2 Mar 2005 12:52PM
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you install ADSL and setup a laptop in the lounge just so that you can see the graphs all the time


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"You know you are addicted when ........." started by puppetonastring