Hey, just wondering if anyone knew how to spray paint a kite board.
Mine is dark coloured slingshot misfit and i want to spray it light coloured.
I want to know if i use automotive spray paint or normal and what sort of clear protection spray i use to seal the paint.
Any help would be sick.
I sprayed my board with the cheapest water-resistant paint I could find at bunnings... didn't even cover it or anything but it stays on juuust fine as long as you don't ride on sand, over rocks or such
Probably your biggest concern is getting the board prepped properly before ya paint it. THeres not much point in doing a nice design on ya board, when the first ride strips it off.
This is the second board I have made, (And just smashed it from a sketchy backroll attempt!) however the paint has stayed on!
I just used some black matte spray paint, then cut out a stencil using cardboard and then used yellow spray paint for the design, followed this up with about 3 coats of a polyurethane (spelling?) - I think it was Cabot's aqua deck or something like that... been riding that board for about 7 months or so now... well not any longer!
Car touch-up spray paint works well. Not as tough as a marine grade paint, but a whole lot cheaper, and with a much bigger range of colours.
If you ever need to do any repair work on your board it's a bit irritating.
- it sands terribly
- it gets dissolved by acetone and fibreglass resins. But nto well enough to remove it to avoid sanding
I use a cut out stencil to puit the artwork on. I got the blank for the stencil from a tattoo website, then cut it out - that's because I have zero artistic talent myself
Some sick ideas! Will def sand back abit using wet/dry fine grit then spray paint with something borrowed of internet then seal it will clear coat.,
Between all of ya i should get it sweet and hopefully i wont have trouble spooting my board in the water again