Forums > Kitesurfing General

is my dick to long??

Created by fingerbone > 9 months ago, 4 Nov 2014
NSW, 921 posts
4 Nov 2014 8:37PM
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I have bought a pair of dakine harness boardshorts and every time I use them my dick is the only thing holding the chicken loop to the spreader bar.

the loop seems to come off the spreader bar hook completely and is only held on by the stiffness of the my dick.

It does seem quite long but havent had the chance to compare it with anyone elses.

Could this be causing the problem?

Oh its a Cab 2013

VIC, 265 posts
4 Nov 2014 8:58PM
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I get the same thing with my ion Apex harness. It happens at least once a session. I do like to do some dead mans though....does that make me a freak?

QLD, 6493 posts
4 Nov 2014 10:39PM
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Stop pulling in the bar so hard you unhook.

NSW, 861 posts
5 Nov 2014 12:20AM
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Dude CUM on...
Do you have a chicken or a donkey?

WA, 175 posts
4 Nov 2014 9:24PM
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I had similar concerns with my performance. I asked the missus for her opinion.

Apparently that's not the problem...

NSW, 861 posts
5 Nov 2014 12:24AM
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kitcho207 said...
Dude CUM on...
Do you have a chicken or a donkey?

Seriously injured think the harness hook has loads to do with it. I was using mystic and had intended unhookes all the time. Lucky it didn't happen when boosting

NSW, 921 posts
5 Nov 2014 7:19AM
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Kamikuza said..
Stop pulling in the bar so hard you unhook.

That may be the prob.

I think maybe the length of the dick is too long and its rubbing against me as I do basic maneuvers and causing the loop to twist out.

Pretty freaky to glance down while in the middle of a jump and see that the bar has almost come off the hook

WA, 389 posts
5 Nov 2014 4:34AM
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I've experienced a similar problem, I found by just ignoring it an focusing on something else, the issue goes away.

QLD, 1499 posts
5 Nov 2014 1:37PM
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Against Seabreeze protocol I'll offer a serious answer...

I've had the chicken loop unitentional unhooking using this harness. I've also seen plenty of posts about weld/metal failure with this brand.

I replaced the spreader bar with one of these....

So far the chicken loop stays in place regardless of how kooky I ride.... Hope this helps :-)

QLD, 1499 posts
5 Nov 2014 1:38PM
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Pic here....

Foxy Kane
164 posts
5 Nov 2014 12:44PM
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Use two dicks.. Never detached as one down and one up.. Keeps totally locked in place.

QLD, 6493 posts
5 Nov 2014 3:45PM
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fingerbone said..

Kamikuza said..
Stop pulling in the bar so hard you unhook.

That may be the prob.

I think maybe the length of the dick is too long and its rubbing against me as I do basic maneuvers and causing the loop to twist out.

Pretty freaky to glance down while in the middle of a jump and see that the bar has almost come off the hook

I still pull it too hard.

Couple years ago, hurrying back to shore in front of a squall, popped one last jump and floated into the shallow water, just a few inches deep. Splashed down and as I hit the bottom, I jerked the bar to the stops and the kite unhooked. Bar flew out of hand and the safety ripped the D-ring right out of the harness... kite and bar tumbleweeded downwind as the squall caught it - right towards the palm trees at the shore. Luckily, Mark caught itnat the beach and secured it. That was actually lucky, as the squall must have been over 40 knots and we had tonsit on the kites to keep them on the beach... A would have been messy if I'd been caught with the 16m in the air.

Couple of weeks back, splashed down with the 10m and unhooked - bar goes flying again but this time, the metal clip thing at the end of the safety leash... snaps in half :o


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"is my dick to long??" started by fingerbone