Forums > Kitesurfing General

kites will never be bladderless. never

Created by amirite > 9 months ago, 15 Aug 2019
350 posts
15 Aug 2019 4:38PM
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why am i so certain
cause lots of dosh to be made from sale of parts

WA, 3224 posts
15 Aug 2019 7:31PM
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Coming from a pole dancer, that would explain why they will always be p!ss weak.

but i digress, maybe you should post this in the foil section. See what they think

WA, 668 posts
15 Aug 2019 7:38PM
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I flew kites before and after the bladder

NSW, 5784 posts
15 Aug 2019 10:33PM
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This forum is becoming so boring that split personality man has relevance

4862 posts
16 Aug 2019 2:51AM
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um........ not a bladder in sight over than the ones holding urine.

QLD, 3665 posts
16 Aug 2019 7:40AM
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amirite said..
why am i so certain
cause lots of dosh to be made from sale of parts

That went well.

350 posts
16 Aug 2019 5:48AM
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talking about real kites for kitesurfing
not doonas for goldcuping

NSW, 408 posts
Site Sponsor
16 Aug 2019 8:01AM
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Was done already seasmik kites were bladderless.

350 posts
16 Aug 2019 6:06AM
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sure, not saying bladderless can't be done
but why kill the goose, there's doh rae me to be made on parts

QLD, 3665 posts
16 Aug 2019 10:19AM
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The kite co's don't make anything out of parts like bladders, they make money because the kites only last 3 or 4 years. Lines stretch and kites deform over time making them perform worse over time.

My guess is that a bladderless inflatable kite would have its own set of issues with leaking and repairing. But it'd be more like tubeless bikes, you'd put some glue in to fix the leak.

QLD, 1079 posts
16 Aug 2019 11:45AM
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My business is relying on you being correct there AmI - can I call you AAMI?

Luckeeeee I'm with AmIRigggghhhttt

ps: please bring back the red-thumbs, seriously.

QLD, 6493 posts
16 Aug 2019 11:49AM
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Never replaced a bladder, can count the number of repairs on one hand. Perhaps I'm buying the wrong brand of gear...?

WA, 668 posts
16 Aug 2019 10:07AM
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Its like comparing my sperm to normal healthy sperm.

350 posts
16 Aug 2019 11:01AM
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bjw said..
The kite co's don't make anything out of parts like bladders

so tell me then
why do companies bother stocking sets of replacement bladders

350 posts
16 Aug 2019 11:03AM
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Kamikuza said..
Never replaced a bladder, can count the number of repairs on one hand.

lucky you
others not so lucky

WA, 9581 posts
16 Aug 2019 11:21AM
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Can concur with kami'. Rarely replaced nor fixed bladders except during that north 2010/2011 brain fade time. Since then ... hardly ever. Most bladders no matter how messed up can be repaired nowadays anyhow.

Material technology will surely make the current bladder requirement defunct eventually. So to say never... well never is a long time and history will prove that "never" never is correct. Except human madness, corruption and war. That will never stop until we no longer exist.

350 posts
16 Aug 2019 11:37AM
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eppo said..
Can concur with kami'. Rarely replaced nor fixed bladders

well that confirms it then
nobody in the world will ever buy bladder parts again

QLD, 146 posts
16 Aug 2019 3:14PM
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QLD, 6493 posts
16 Aug 2019 3:24PM
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amirite said..

eppo said..
Can concur with kami'. Rarely replaced nor fixed bladders

well that confirms it then
nobody in the world will ever buy bladder parts again

Oh is everyone buying a decent brand now? Or cut down all the trees?

QLD, 3665 posts
16 Aug 2019 4:08PM
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amirite said..

bjw said..
The kite co's don't make anything out of parts like bladders

so tell me then
why do companies bother stocking sets of replacement bladders

How much have you spent on bladders compared to kites over the last 5 years?

Its more likely a special order from a shop to get a bladder. If it was such a money maker why wouldn't they hold stock?

350 posts
16 Aug 2019 2:09PM
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bjw said..
My guess is that a bladderless inflatable kite would have its own set of issues with leaking and repairing.

so you're saying a bladderless kite would have the same problems
as a kite with bladders

QLD, 3665 posts
16 Aug 2019 4:40PM
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Yes and no. If they had an active liquid like bike tyres it would self fix slow leaks, but it would add weight as it got older and you had to add more liquid glue. You would also have to add more if you did any stitching repair.

350 posts
16 Aug 2019 3:05PM
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bjw said..
Yes and no. If they had an active liquid like bike tyres it would self fix slow leaks, but it would add weight as it got older and you had to add more liquid glue. You would also have to add more if you did any stitching repair.

so after all the trouble and expense to produce a bladderless kite
it will still get leaks

WA, 169 posts
16 Aug 2019 5:33PM
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I also can concur with kami and eppo. Only ever replaced one bladder after crashing my kite into a wall (read house) when learning and I really flog my kites. Always trying stuff beyond my abilities.
Bladders for me and the crew I know have proven their worth and dependability considering what we put them through and the thin material they are made from.

NSW, 115 posts
16 Aug 2019 8:55PM
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If the leading edge is air tight/waterproof do you need a bladder inside it?

so how would you attach a canopy to it (a tubeless bike or car tire)?


Dip the needle in storm seal and stitch it?

QLD, 6493 posts
17 Aug 2019 1:14PM
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amirite said..

bjw said..
Yes and no. If they had an active liquid like bike tyres it would self fix slow leaks, but it would add weight as it got older and you had to add more liquid glue. You would also have to add more if you did any stitching repair.

so after all the trouble and expense to produce a bladderless kite
it will still get leaks

*This* is why well never have bladderless kites -- bladders are the simplest cheapest solution.

For the foreseeable future...

350 posts
17 Aug 2019 3:55PM
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Kamikuza said..
so after all the trouble and expense to produce a bladderless kite
it will still get leaks

*This* is why we'll never have bladderless kites

so i was half correct then

WA, 668 posts
17 Aug 2019 4:54PM
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This is all a big wind up right?

Are any of you free riders actually getting your kites wet?!? Bladders are just hindering your performance you should all be on rigid framed deltas. Not like you need your kites to float anyways

QLD, 6493 posts
17 Aug 2019 7:14PM
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causehecan said..
This is all a big wind up right?

Are any of you free riders actually getting your kites wet?!? Bladders are just hindering your performance you should all be on rigid framed deltas. Not like you need your kites to float anyways

Is this more of the "if you're not crashing, you're not progressing" nonsense? Cos if you're getting better at flying your kite ... it shouldn't be constantly tomahawked into the water cos you've let the bar go like a newbie.

WA, 668 posts
17 Aug 2019 5:16PM
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Working on osmosis passes i gotto letgo

QLD, 6493 posts
17 Aug 2019 11:13PM
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causehecan said..
Working on osmosis passes i gotto letgo

Oh yes -- "Wakestyle". Haven't heard that word in ten years ... do people still do that?


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"kites will never be bladderless. never" started by amirite