Forums > Kitesurfing General

lines crossed after backroll, solution?

Created by slyfox > 9 months ago, 20 Dec 2010
VIC, 318 posts
20 Dec 2010 11:34AM
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so after years of just cruising around and doing straight up and down jumps (very vanilla aren't i) i'm adding some variety. had a go at back loops which were fine except my front lines would wrap around one another.. how do i remedy this? i asked a bloke i kite with and he gave me a blank expression and said his bar has a swively system that sorts it out.

i'm using a liquid force CPR bar if anyone is familiar with it. any help appreciated.. especially as i'm going out in half an hour to get some loops in.

QLD, 2057 posts
20 Dec 2010 10:42AM
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front rollls will counteract backrolls!

Front rolls are easier too!

Or learn to backroll both directions.

VIC, 318 posts
20 Dec 2010 11:52AM
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front rolls easier? ..interesting. ok i'll roll with that *boom tish*

QLD, 4083 posts
20 Dec 2010 10:54AM
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To add balance to the conversation, I reckon front rolls are harder. But only marginally.

QLD, 79 posts
20 Dec 2010 11:01AM
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fit an aftermarket swivel!!!! ive done this to other kites works fine!

most kite shops have them and they are easy to fit and cheap fix!

VIC, 318 posts
20 Dec 2010 12:06PM
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sohk said...

fit an aftermarket swivel!!!! ive done this to other kites works fine!

most kite shops have them and they are easy to fit and cheap fix!

this must be what my friend has. i'll contact my local and see what they have in store, might be handy if i start doing multiple rolls and things get messy.

NSW, 4188 posts
20 Dec 2010 1:03PM
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GreenPat said...

To add balance to the conversation, I reckon front rolls are harder. But only marginally.

Agreed, although I always found it easier to do front loop transitions.

As long as there isn't 256 twists in the lines there is no need to worry about front line twists, as long as the safety still works of course...

VIC, 4501 posts
20 Dec 2010 1:04PM
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Just learn backrolls the other direction. Its easier than a swivel. Front rolls are probably a little harder than backrolls the other way.

WA, 773 posts
20 Dec 2010 10:06AM
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Loop ya kite back the other way maybe

VIC, 702 posts
20 Dec 2010 2:02PM
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back loop? i'm not an expert, but i'm not sure if this is a correct term. There is "Kite Loop" and then there is "Back roll", "Front roll" as far as i've been thaught.

No way are the front rolls easier than the back roll!!!

Back roll in opposite direction is easier IMO.

Front rolls look a lot more mad than the back rolls though...

VIC, 318 posts
20 Dec 2010 2:19PM
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superlizard said...

back loop? i'm not an expert, but i'm not sure if this is a correct term. There is "Kite Loop" and then there is "Back roll", "Front roll" as far as i've been thaught.

No way are the front rolls easier than the back roll!!!

Back roll in opposite direction is easier IMO.

Front rolls look a lot more mad than the back rolls though...

ahhh yes, made a slip up there. i've ammended the threads title. cheers.

NSW, 92 posts
20 Dec 2010 2:21PM
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Back roll with a kiteloop the same direction as your roll
No crossed lines

WA, 753 posts
20 Dec 2010 12:04PM
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When you are coming back in the opposite direction of the tack where you did the back roll, downloop the kite on your jibe (no real pull as you wil be heading downwing mid jibe) and voila

little o
WA, 405 posts
20 Dec 2010 12:04PM
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i thought all kites had the swivel..........
yeah front rolls are way harder and usually cause me a lot of pain and a kite that drops out of the sky and repowers in a painful way.

Backroll both ways then try to get as upside down as possible then backroll with a grab.

QLD, 2057 posts
20 Dec 2010 2:59PM
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For those of you recent converts to kiting....

backloop was the original backroll. Just watch some 2005 and earlier vids.

Fatsands IKO beginner DVD even calls them backloops.

WA, 1501 posts
20 Dec 2010 1:00PM
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I feel your pain, I used to use a big cabrinha with no swivel that was so slow it could hardly make it's way round a downloop to undo the tangles!

Now the problem with my C4 is it Loops twice before I even realize what's happening.

NSW, 692 posts
21 Dec 2010 12:01AM
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Backroll is a more horizontal looping action.
Backloop is a more vertical looping action.


WA, 322 posts
21 Dec 2010 8:45AM
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I always thought a back loop was hooked and back roll unhooked.

QLD, 4083 posts
21 Dec 2010 11:36AM
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And I thought a backloop was a backroll kiteloop...

VIC, 4979 posts
21 Dec 2010 2:38PM
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Loops are what you do with your kite.

Rolls are what you do with your body. Rolls have your feet going up and over the top. Also known as flips.

Spins or turns or rotations are turning your body around. Your head stays at the top and the feet at the bottom.

Loops have the kite doing a full 360 turn. If it's only 180 then it's usually a downturn. An up turn doesn't really count because that's just an ordinary turn around.

Powered loops have the kite spinning around the horizontal axis (from the water to the sky and around). Pussy loops have the kite spinning in the vertical access (around in a circle above your head.)

Used to be that the first trick you would do would be a back roll (usually more of a vertical spin.

With new kites the easiest trick is a down turn transition.

Pussy loops are also very very easy to do. Just do a jump. Send the kite too far back, and keep it going around. You can finish the loop with your board on the water (which is why it is a pussy move).

WA, 637 posts
21 Dec 2010 11:44AM
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Can/would anyone tell/teach me how to do front rolls on a surfboard? Back rolls feel so natural and easy. When I try a front roll...... [}:)]....
(usually I try them way out, where I can't hear the laughter coming from the beach... )

WA, 3477 posts
21 Dec 2010 3:50PM
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Andrash said...

Can/would anyone tell/teach me how to do front rolls on a surfboard? Back rolls feel so natural and easy. When I try a front roll...... [}:)]....
(usually I try them way out, where I can't hear the laughter coming from the beach... )

Try them on a TT first, its not that much more difficult on a surfboard you just have to get it clear in your head first what you are doing then really throw your shoulder/ head forward and down while pulling hard on the front hand to keep the forward momentum.
I'm not sure what you are doing but maybe try to pop a bit more than send your kite back.

As for the original question about twisted lines I think the options from easiest to hardest IMO are
I. do a downloop transition on the oppostite tack to your backroll.
II. Learn to do frontrolls.
III. do a backroll kiteloop.

12 posts
21 Dec 2010 6:18PM
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rwtaaffe said...

Back roll with a kiteloop the same direction as your roll
No crossed lines

Exactly !!
This is THE way !

VIC, 136 posts
22 Dec 2010 11:52AM
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Kite loop Back loop it's the way forward.

anyway i strongly suggest you check your kit over!!!
LF CPR bar has a swivel attached to the pulley your centre line go's through.
only thing to watch for is the centre line safety can get twisted so best to either loop the kite or rotate the other way.

VIC, 4501 posts
22 Dec 2010 12:25PM
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Andrash said...

Can/would anyone tell/teach me how to do front rolls on a surfboard? Back rolls feel so natural and easy. When I try a front roll...... [}:)]....
(usually I try them way out, where I can't hear the laughter coming from the beach... )

Big difference I found was to jump off your back foot and tuck your front leg. Make sure you keep your hands centered to stop yourself downlooping (I made this mistake quite a few times initially and its painful coming through a front roll only to see the kite looping and almost touching the water). The reason for this is in the process of tucking your front leg you often pull your front hand down and this causes the downloop.

In short, you need more height so send the kite to 12 (travelling slowly so you don't boost 6m up), and then as you would normally load and pop, load and jump off your back leg through your head in the direction you want to rotate.

Front rolls are normally a bit of an anticlimax the first time you get them right because its a bit like "was that all it was?", but get them wrong and they're a tad painful and funny to watch from the beach.

WA, 637 posts
22 Dec 2010 11:11AM
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Thanks Saffer, it makes a lot of sense. It seems that sending the kite back and jumping from the back foot are key elements, as opposed to back roll when I more or less keep the kite in the same position around 11 and take off from a chop.
I am looking forward to the "anticlimax" as soon as the SSW kicks in again.

NSW, 692 posts
22 Dec 2010 2:34PM
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Interesting versions of backrolls vs backloop.

When I wakeboard i would never use the term "loop". It is strictly the term "roll".

When I windsurf the term i would use is a "back loop", though a roll was always classed as a more horizontal version of a similar trick.

The same manouvre is:

Wakeboarding: - Backroll
Windsurfing: - Backloop
Kitesurfing:- Take your pick. (Seems to be interchangeable)

Does anyone agree


QLD, 2770 posts
22 Dec 2010 1:40PM
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Gorgo said...

Rolls are what you do with your body. Rolls have your feet going up and over the top. Also known as flips.

no- a flip is when you rotate over the rail of the board (eg tantrum) and a roll is when you rotate over the nose or tail (eg backroll).

QLD, 460 posts
22 Dec 2010 1:46PM
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slyfox said...

i'm using a liquid force CPR bar if anyone is familiar with it. any help appreciated.. especially as i'm going out in half an hour to get some loops in.

I thought the CPR bar has the safety line going through middle of the bar but I could be wrong.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"lines crossed after backroll, solution?" started by slyfox