Forums > Kitesurfing General

spelling and usage

Created by djdojo > 9 months ago, 10 Mar 2009
VIC, 1607 posts
10 Mar 2009 11:57PM
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Perhaps now that "dubya" has been put out to pasture there is a dearth of prominent people who can completely butcher the English language. Perhaps I should salute those bold kiters who are stepping up to the plate. On the other hand there are times when I truly squirm at the borderline literacy on these dear seabreeze pages. Therefore, in the spirit of a constructive response, and rather than refer people to dictionaries, (yes, well-spotted, I have been reading Proust lately, though my sentences are as yet nothing compared with his whole-page dazzlers) I've composed a few sentences to contextualise and clarify distinctions between some of the words that are regularly confounded in these forums. I hope they help.

Look, over there, they're pumping up their kites.

Yes, the show-off knew the local rules, he was definitely behaving defiantly.

As the bridal party's carriage arrived at the church, the horse's bridle snapped, as it had been made in China with inferior components.

He thought it was a waste to throw out his waist harness just because the colour was no longer fashionable.

If you brake gently, you're less likely to break your wine glasses, which you always take to Altona.

His sail was for sale, and he was bored with his board; poor poley.

Butt seresly, tha wavs are gunner bee fooly sikh tumurra sa i hafter git reddy, yers no wot i meen. skewl sux!

Hapy kitten, Dojo

VIC, 772 posts
11 Mar 2009 12:03AM
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Put ya flame suit on mate.... here they come [}:)]

but i agree with you

WA, 1103 posts
10 Mar 2009 10:27PM
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a kindred spirit...the seemingly frightening link between kiting & illiteracy is amazing. whilst the flames are going to be coming thick & fast I've got a brand new fire extinguisher to cover your back...

to add to your list:

where is my rashie? I'd like to wear it when I go kiting tomorrow afternoon...


VIC, 772 posts
11 Mar 2009 12:49AM
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the weather has been bad today, i dont know whether i can shear the wethers, they might be too wet (not really kiting related )

QLD, 2081 posts
11 Mar 2009 12:20AM
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Are you by any chance a fellow teacher!? [}:)]

VIC, 1607 posts
11 Mar 2009 1:57AM
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Well, an underground literati springeth forth. Cheers for the support.

Ah, surfingboye, between reading Proust, kiting and throwing bait your way my life is already overflowing. Now, cough up that hook, line and sinker as it's nearing time to cast again. But we'd best not lose our cool eh; loose lips sink ships.

Elizabeth, I have taught many things over the years, but spelling and grammar only when absolutely necessary. There are some things up with which I shall simply not put!

I now make a crust teaching the Alexander Technique, as well as reading the classics to the appreciative Altona fishos for loose change when there's no wind.

WA, 2184 posts
11 Mar 2009 12:15AM
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mate, i'd be more worried about what some people are actually trying to get across; the spelling mistakes in comparison reduce to nothing.

WA, 3619 posts
11 Mar 2009 12:38AM
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djdojo said...
There are some things up with which I shall simply not put!

classik - lmao
But I think it should have a comma betwix up & with
And yes, djdojo & Lizzy, one of my past lives was a purveyor of the finer skills of literacy to the youth of the nation.

And no I dont think their there is a link; causal or otherwise, between borderline literacy & kiting. Its just that kiting offers a more insightful cross-generational interactivity than is found in 'normal' societal pursuits. 99% of the younger generation are letter-order & grammatically challenged. We older ones just dont get to see it anywhere else but here on SB.
IMO the cause is threefold 1) drop in teaching standards (mostly since I resigned) 2) TV and 3) just bring back the cane.

WA, 228 posts
11 Mar 2009 1:34AM
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So that I can keep up with the times, could someone please tell me the meaning of the abbreviatios lmao and imo? Oh my god I`ve only just realised what omg means. It means "only me girls" right?
Seriously. I get all these messages on facebook etc and I don`t have a clue.
Well I do know one and I think alot of people should learn it and that is HTFU.

160 posts
11 Mar 2009 4:49AM
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I like the fact that it says "author" above your name on the post. For once this is correct. Good post, but will the literacy improve?

NSW, 604 posts
11 Mar 2009 10:41AM
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How do you spell TOSSER !!

NSW, 4188 posts
11 Mar 2009 11:04AM
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djdojo said...

Some technically correct stuff

You must be new here - welcome to the internet!

QLD, 4083 posts
11 Mar 2009 10:23AM
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djdojo said...

Well, an underground literati springeth forth.

Ahh Mr. Dojo, your underground does go deep underground. I have it on good authority that even one of the forum moderators is a seeker of improved literacy skills. His protestations were, unfortunately, muzzled in favour of a greater good. Underground, however, I believe you still have his full support.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
11 Mar 2009 9:29AM
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Its simple improved spelling and proper punctuation add credibility to your posts.

Literature is a dying art preserved by those over 30.

3777 posts
11 Mar 2009 9:31AM
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The fat cat sat on the mat and screamed "me yeps gud enquish speekn gwama" NO umpossiable

I think the major concern now is generation x using mobile phones and jargon
I have a friend who is a school teacher and she sees children writing stories in english language in abriviated txt format 20th century english

is this the new short had do we rlly av time for abrives or ful stopskis
cyah l8rs m8 bbs lullzzz'
'text messages' destroying literacy across the globe

Look, over there, they're pumping up their kites.
"check that **** out"

[/s]Yes, the show-off knew the local rules, he was definitely behaving defiantly.

"Yes",he was a show of ****head and is being a TOSSER

As the bridal party's carriage arrived at the church, the horse's bridle snapped, as it had been made in China with inferior components.

^the chinese **** was Munted

[s]He thought it was a waste to throw out his waist harness just because the colour was no longer fashionable

^the colour was like the scene out of a 1970s porn movie but he still refrained from chuckin the harness out

Butt seresly, tha wavs are gunner bee fooly sik 2moz sa i have2 git redski, yers no wot i meen. skewl sux!

WA, 563 posts
11 Mar 2009 9:37AM
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manicskier said...


the weather has been bad today, i dont know whether i can shear the wethers, they might be too wet (not really kiting related )

Related if shearing gets in the way of ur kiting

VIC, 1607 posts
11 Mar 2009 11:42AM
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There is only one thing worse than being talked about on the internet, and that is not being talked about on the internet.

So divisive an issue too. Who would have thunk it?

On a more serious note, even though it's been outnumbered by the polysyllabic responses on this thread, the regimen known as "htfu" does seem popular. I know so little about it, I wonder if anybody can suggest a good book on the subject? I am ever so curious. Does it really involve the daily consumption of cement and the sacrificing of one's vocabulary at the local altar of conformist masculinity, or are these just nasty urban myths?

QLD, 4083 posts
11 Mar 2009 10:52AM
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poor relative said...

Its simple improved spelling and proper punctuation add credibility to your posts.

Literature is a dying art preserved by those over 30.

Yet you still missed two punctuation marks in your first sentence. I would have just slipped in and fixed it with my awesome moderator powers, but since you have thick skin I thought I would take you to task over the second instead. I am not yet 30, your generalisation is inaccurate sir!

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
11 Mar 2009 10:32AM
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QLD, 242 posts
11 Mar 2009 11:36AM
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Why don't you focus on getting your kiting up to scratch as opposed to reminding people about their grammer you kook!!!

VIC, 270 posts
11 Mar 2009 12:48PM
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VIC, 1607 posts
11 Mar 2009 1:14PM
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If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumber'd here
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yielding but a dream,
Gentles, do not reprehend:
if you pardon, we will mend:
And, as I am an honest Puck,
If we have unearned luck
Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue,
We will make amends ere long;
Else the Puck a liar call;
So, good night unto you all.
Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends.

WA, 368 posts
11 Mar 2009 11:42AM
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djdojo said...

If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumber'd here
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yielding but a dream,
Gentles, do not reprehend:
if you pardon, we will mend:
And, as I am an honest Puck,
If we have unearned luck
Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue,
We will make amends ere long;
Else the Puck a liar call;
So, good night unto you all.
Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends.

I think you want the Dead Poets Society.
This is Seabreeze. The only thing we wax here are surfboards.

WA, 228 posts
11 Mar 2009 11:50AM
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This wondrous world with it`s oceans mountains and vast blue skys
I wonder is it still so wondrous through someone elses eyes
We all see the spectrum of light
but do we all see, like me, the colours in the dark of night
Being alone to me means a time for the minds adventure
but if I was someone else would it mean loneliness solitude and the silent pressure
It`s not what see or what we make of it, or how we answere or how we deal with it
it`s simply saying I played my part and I stood my ground
using my own eyes I searched whether or not I found.

And I still haven`t been told what imao and lmao mean.

WA, 186 posts
11 Mar 2009 11:52AM
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imo= In my opinion
lmao=Laugh my ass off
I've never really understood what a donkey has to do with that one...

SA, 582 posts
11 Mar 2009 1:24PM
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I'm no angel when it comes to my postings, but I have the google toolbar and it has a neat little spell checker built in. Just type and then click the button and it highlights the mistakes and only takes a few seconds!

VIC, 1607 posts
11 Mar 2009 2:16PM
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My, don't they bite! Yet the field seems evenly split on the issue.

I wonder whether Surfingboye's withdrawal of his earlier post was: a gentlemanly concession to the diversity of opinion that this thread has teased out; a broader, paradigmatic change of heart; a realisation that he'd shot himself in the foot by failing to use a question mark even though the question was rhetorical; or perhaps a temporary withdrawal whilst he rethinks his strategy? Come on old chap, gimme sumpin to work with with which to work. You may be flattered to know it was your poetic post here that tipped me over the edge and inspired this thread.

Coastflyer, reliance on spellcheck only increases the misuse of correctly spelled words. A spellchecker will not tell you the difference between "losing your grip" and "loosen your grip."

VIC, 702 posts
11 Mar 2009 2:17PM
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To use boardies over wettie, that is the question!
I'll give you the answer if you keep your attention.
I've tried both and a still had a great session,
Although with boardies i got loughed at and had a depression.
But if your package is big, i'll give you a suggestion,
Use the boardies, to maintain some discression.
And if you still haven't chosen a direction,
Bordies or not, it makes no difference to your skill progression.
Although in this time of economic recession,
Maybe you should buy some boardies... use Rudd's cash ingestion.
My rhyme is so sick, i'll leave a huge impression,
although some may have bedazzled face expression.
And even if you say, HTFU this topic is a closed session,
I couldn't care less, kiting is still my biggest obsession.

NSW, 5780 posts
11 Mar 2009 2:27PM
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GreenPat said...

poor relative said...

Its simple improved spelling and proper punctuation add credibility to your posts.

Literature is a dying art preserved by those over 30.

Yet you still missed two punctuation marks in your first sentence. I would have just slipped in and fixed it with my awesome moderator powers, but since you have thick skin I thought I would take you to task over the second instead. I am not yet 30, your generalisation is inaccurate sir!


WA, 170 posts
11 Mar 2009 1:37PM
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superlizard said...

To use boardies over wettie, that is the question!
I'll give you the answer if you keep your attention.
I've tried both and a still had a great session,
Although with boardies i got loughed at and had a depression.
But if your package is big, i'll give you a suggestion,
Use the boardies, to maintain some discression.
And if you still haven't chosen a direction,
Bordies or not, it makes no difference to your skill progression.
Although in this time of economic recession,
Maybe you should buy some boardies... use Rudd's cash ingestion.
My rhyme is so sick, i'll leave a huge impression,
although some may have bedazzled face expression.
And even if you say, HTFU this topic is a closed session,
I couldn't care less, kiting is still my biggest obsession.

Yes lizard, BRAVO

A true poet covering lifes real dilemmas (fark i hoap i spelled that rightly)

SA, 1390 posts
11 Mar 2009 3:43PM
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Last year I couldn't spell mechanic, now I is one!

Who gives a **** if people cant spell or key in what they want. The important thing about forums is that we can all comunicate and get the information and advice we require. To exclude or shame people that cant spell and make them feel uncomfortable to put in there 2 cents worth will ultimatly make this forum ****ed

See if you can find that in the dictionary..

Regards your illiterate friend and fellow kiter Waxy


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"spelling and usage" started by djdojo