Forums > Kitesurfing Lost & Found

FOUND Kite Nth of Woodman Pnt!!

Created by MissTraveller > 9 months ago, 24 Feb 2016
1 posts
24 Feb 2016 9:09PM
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Kite found inbetween Woodmans jetty and Coogee Marina, please contact asap as we would like to know you are okay!!

2 posts
25 Feb 2016 7:42AM
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1 posts
25 Feb 2016 9:11AM
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Hey there! I have lost my Kite yesterday afternoon at woodmans point beach 3!!!
Had to totally eject after the saftey release didn't work and I got teabaged thru the water! Made it safe to shore as i had a mate who dragged me back to shore.
We were trying to find the Kite for a couple of hours. Was just about make a topic that I lost it!!
Thanks for rescuing it anyway
Anyway I can get in touch with you guys?
Got all documentation for the Kite to prove it is mine!


Forums > Kitesurfing Lost & Found

"FOUND Kite Nth of Woodman Pnt!!" started by MissTraveller