Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

Almost getting the slide turn

Created by Gfly > 9 months ago, 12 Jan 2015
165 posts
12 Jan 2015 11:26PM
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I'm trying to get the slide turned nailed.

When I get the kite to 12 and kill board speed I usually sink into the water. I'm thinking I should dive the kite earlier regardless if I'm still moving forward then slide the board downwind.

Any tips?

199 posts
12 Jan 2015 11:38PM
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Gfly said..
I'm trying to get the slide turned nailed.

When I get the kite to 12 and kill board speed I usually sink into the water. I'm thinking I should dive the kite earlier regardless if I'm still moving forward then slide the board downwind.

Any tips?

I like to get as much speed as I can and then bring the kite to 12. However, as I bring the kite to 12 I slide my board upwind. I also like to hold the bar in to give me a bit of lift and prevent me from sinking, but not far enough in that I choke it.

I generally keep my kite at 12 for about half a second before I downstroke. If I hold it there any longer I'll just sink.
Momentum is key, just takes decent timing.
You'll see soon enough :)

WA, 26 posts
13 Jan 2015 7:00AM
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PaulyOS said..

Gfly said..
I'm trying to get the slide turned nailed.

When I get the kite to 12 and kill board speed I usually sink into the water. I'm thinking I should dive the kite earlier regardless if I'm still moving forward then slide the board downwind.

Any tips?

I like to get as much speed as I can and then bring the kite to 12. However, as I bring the kite to 12 I slide my board upwind. I also like to hold the bar in to give me a bit of lift and prevent me from sinking, but not far enough in that I choke it.

I generally keep my kite at 12 for about half a second before I downstroke. If I hold it there any longer I'll just sink.
Momentum is key, just takes decent timing.
You'll see soon enough :)

My problem is the opposite (I think) I bring it over too quick normally and then shoot downwind too quick and lose tension in the lines. the timing just comes with practice and gaining that feel i suppose

NSW, 1714 posts
13 Jan 2015 11:39AM
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The slide turn is the first step towards smooth transitions. Timing is the key.
Plenty of stuff on Youtube eg.

Can I add. Carve upwind to a dead stop, bringing the kite to 12 o'clock. By carving upwind the board should now be pointing downwind in the opposite direction for a smooth get-away.

NSW, 861 posts
13 Jan 2015 1:42PM
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i think i know what you mean.
try keeping the kite parked as your riding then start the slide by driving your board up wind. the kite is still powered but going up wind with the board will slow you down a bit as you are sliding.
as you feel you are loosing too much power, then fly the kite over the top to the other side and ride off.
boards with more rocker are easier and more fun to slide imo.

165 posts
13 Jan 2015 12:20PM
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What I am doing at the moment is getting the kite to 12 at the same time carving up wind to kill speed. I find I dont have enough power/momentum to stay afloat.

So the proper sequence would be to carve up wind first, then kite to 12, then dive kite in other direction.

Is there a pause with the kite at 12 or should I fly the kite in a continuous arc from one side to the other?

443 posts
13 Jan 2015 1:10PM
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Gfly said..
What I am doing at the moment is getting the kite to 12 at the same time carving up wind to kill speed. I find I dont have enough power/momentum to stay afloat.

So the proper sequence would be to carve up wind first, then kite to 12, then dive kite in other direction.

Is there a pause with the kite at 12 or should I fly the kite in a continuous arc from one side to the other?

It's mainly a timing thing, it'll come with practice. You're on it with what you write though. Breaking the basic slide turn down in my head, the act of carving upwind and redirecting the kite, are pretty much simultaneous.

Do what KIT33R wrote below the video posted, but make sure your kite is past 12 on its way in the new direction at that time. At that point, you could think of it as just another water start, but the bonus is, you're already standing and pointing downwind (if that makes sense). Simples

Also, addressing your first line above. You'll get more aggressive with the redirection as your experience & confidence grows. The action of redirecting the kite, creates lift which will keep you "afloat".

NSW, 861 posts
13 Jan 2015 4:22PM
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Gfly said...
What I am doing at the moment is getting the kite to 12 at the same time carving up wind to kill speed. I find I dont have enough power/momentum to stay afloat.

So the proper sequence would be to carve up wind first, then kite to 12, then dive kite in other direction.

Is there a pause with the kite at 12 or should I fly the kite in a continuous arc from one side to the other?

Oh. When you mentioned sliding I thought you meant like a cess slide on a skate board. Sorry if I created some confusion.

443 posts
13 Jan 2015 1:36PM
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Here's the video I was looking for before I replied above.. The best I've seen online. A great breakdown for you.

One final thing that is always forgotten when practicing this new move is to look behind you before you turn. It's just because the beginner is busy concentrating on what needs to be done. When you get experience, you'll be amazed at how many do not look behind them before turning. Then you'll start cursing

Good luck.

NSW, 1714 posts
13 Jan 2015 4:55PM
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Good point Subculture. Look behind you before changing direction. Minimizes the chance of collision.

VIC, 567 posts
20 Jan 2015 11:27PM
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Just add my 2 cents of opinion, I think the reason k fly is sinking is due to lack Of heel side pressure, this then means you lose power from the kite and sink so to stop sinking,sure you can carve upwind but you have to keep tension between you and the kite.

89 posts
1 Feb 2015 8:45AM
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I'm definitely still working on this; but have found a couple of things really helped in my session yesterday (obviously it's always easier to learn in flat water and when the wind is steady and moderate):

1. As you bring the kite over, sort of hunker down. I've not done much board riding before and realized I wasn't sinking down into my legs enough (if you've ever done Tai Chi or other martial arts, you'll know that you need to visualize lowering your centre of gravity to be stronger and more stable). In this way slide turn seems kind like a water start without sinking...that seemed to make it happen easier for me; but i'm still trying to nail it every time .

2. As you being the kite over and make the direction change , back foot pressure is what stops you from being ripped over the front of the board (bit like any water start) so this needs to be engaged before you hit the accelerator. Confidence in your ability to fly the kite.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Almost getting the slide turn" started by Gfly