Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

Best "newbie superman" pic.

Created by Greenarrowz > 9 months ago, 1 Apr 2018
NSW, 301 posts
1 Apr 2018 10:22AM
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Paraglider mate who is quite good gave kiting a go recently..
After 30 mins of flying the kite he got good air lol

Was fun to watch

Feel free to add any good pics you may have.

WA, 1399 posts
1 Apr 2018 10:14AM
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NSW, 301 posts
1 Apr 2018 4:33PM
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Great Superman ^^^^^... and instructer doing a jesus walk lol gold.

QLD, 409 posts
11 Apr 2018 6:32PM
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My 11 year old learning to kite .... he actually nailed staying upwind and turning without falling in the water today.

26 posts
8 May 2018 12:31PM
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I keep coming back to this when I need cheering up. Solid gold.

WA, 2 posts
12 Jul 2018 9:38AM
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These are great pictures! They are hilarious but for a newbie like me I will be getting a lot of these fail attempts once I have started my kite surfing later this week. Goodluck to me! :D

WA, 122 posts
12 Jul 2018 11:47AM
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katethebest said..
These are great pictures! They are hilarious but for a newbie like me I will be getting a lot of these fail attempts once I have started my kite surfing later this week. Goodluck to me! :D

If you find a good teacher you won't have these extreme experiences.

WA, 1399 posts
12 Jul 2018 1:17PM
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katethebest said..
These are great pictures! They are hilarious but for a newbie like me I will be getting a lot of these fail attempts once I have started my kite surfing later this week. Goodluck to me! :D

My advice is to wait a few months. Winter is not the best time to learn and there are less instructors around this time of year. Interesting first post, a bit bot like I must admit, but I'll bite. Good luck.

WA, 1566 posts
14 Jul 2018 9:17PM
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Hi katethebest,

I strongly agree with Jhana and westozwind. If you are taking lessons at this time of the year in WA/Perth you are most likely going through an unlicensed operator (no permits, no insurance). All legitimate schools in Perth are currently closed for a reason, it's the wrong time of the year to learn. Safety should be your primary concern when learning this sport and learning in storm fronts is the most unsafe thing you can do.


WA, 2 posts
19 Jul 2018 9:58PM
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Thank you so much guys for the tips and advice. I have called my instructor and cancelled all my lessons. I think I will follow all your advice and will start taking lessons after winter.

I am truly a newbie with regards to kite surfing but I am eager to learn. I keep on watching YouTube videos. Maybe I will stick to the video first. :D

QLD, 1079 posts
23 Jul 2018 2:39PM
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katethebest said..
Thank you so much guys for the tips and advice. I have called my instructor and cancelled all my lessons. I think I will follow all your advice and will start taking lessons after winter.

I am truly a newbie with regards to kite surfing but I am eager to learn. I keep on watching YouTube videos. Maybe I will stick to the video first. :D

Or come up to Townsville/Cairns. Heaps of wind and water is still over 22deg, air 27deg.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Best "newbie superman" pic." started by Greenarrowz