Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

Just wanted to say hey :D

Created by gophur > 9 months ago, 8 Feb 2014
QLD, 21 posts
8 Feb 2014 12:39PM
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Hi Everyone :D

I am brand spanking new to kitesurfing.... had 1 lesson that had to be cut short due to kite troubles so i will have to re-schedule :/ Can't wait though..... Took a 4m "trainer kite" for a fly the other day to get the feel of trying to control a kite as we didn't really even get that far at my last lesson and i ended up having my ass kicked by the trainer kite....face planted the ground, almost had my shoulder ripped from its socket and bust one of my fingers (i am VERY accident prone in general anyway so nothing new for me.... but i think i need a smaller trainer kite.....) hmm methinks i have a LOT of work ahead of myself lol.

Anyhoo sailor for many years, surf ski for fun and love the ocean in general ... have always watched kitesurfers for years in awe and never though i would be able to do it.... i suppose i was a bit scared too because of horror stories i have heard but hey what sport doesn't come with risks?Anyway i am completely ready to learn now anyway and cannot wait for that first time i manage to get up on a board :) Just wanted to say hey :D

p.s i live in Brisbane so will probably be looking for some people to KS with when i become a bit more coordinated haha.xo

QLD, 191 posts
8 Feb 2014 2:02PM
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Hey stace, welcome to the sport and the addiction! You'll find once you get through those early pitfalls and accidents that we all have in the beginning you will be checking conditions every 10mins or so then racing down to the beach as soon as it's a steady 15+ knots, I'm guessing you'll be kiting at my local haunts of sandgate and Brighton. If you need a hand once you have had your lessons, let me know otherwise the rest of the crew down there is pretty helpful and friendly and always willing to give a hand. Good luck and have fun

QLD, 21 posts
8 Feb 2014 7:01PM
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Thanks :D can't wait to get some sortif coordination happening lol would live to hook up when I'm a bit less unco and learn from some of you guys :) yeah I am doing some of my lessons in sandgate :)

QLD, 74 posts
8 Feb 2014 7:18PM
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Get the progressions DVD Stace, and practice in lighter wind with ya trainer

QLD, 21 posts
8 Feb 2014 7:47PM
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I have been looking at those DVDs ... Lol yeah sad to say I am pretty sure the wind wasn't particularly strong ... I think I just seriously had no idea it would've that powerful haha

NSW, 601 posts
9 Feb 2014 12:22AM
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Judging by your profile pic I dont think you'll have any trouble whatsoever getting help from more experienced kiters to coach you through those painful first few sessions - unlike what us blokes had to endure . You'll be fine.

Fly on da wall
SA, 725 posts
9 Feb 2014 12:32PM
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Hi, I can help you out with that. Kite over Sandgate a bit n live close so if you need some pointers,come say hi.o

QLD, 21 posts
9 Feb 2014 4:24PM
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Thanks everyone :) had another go with my trainer kite today this time in the water with lighter winds and had a much better experience :D would defiantly like to catch up and go kiting with some experienced people once I've done some more lessons and get my own kit :)

QLD, 191 posts
9 Feb 2014 9:05PM
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Good to hear you had a better time of it today, the winds really were quite light all day which is good for a trainer but sucks for me. Once you get the basics of the trainer down pat move on to the bigger kites as spending to much time on the trainer gives bad habits, ie. pulling to much on the bar will stall the kite on your first few runs trying to get up on the board and getting used to the pull coming from your harness instead of your arms etc.

But in saying that spend as much time under a kite in the beginning as you can and you will get better automatically, who are you taking your lessons from? PM me when you want to catch up im always down there when the wind is blowing

QLD, 21 posts
9 Feb 2014 10:22PM
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Thanks Greggor

yeah i realize the winds were a downer for you guys lol there was noone down where i was which is very unusual ... normally packed lol. I don't like the whole bar not being attached to anything but my arm :/ Dad was thinking of trying to mod the kite to be able to hook onto a harness lol... for now we were just tying the rope around my waist (only in light winds... i assume i may be chopped in half if i did that in strong winds lol)Will message you when im a bit less uncoordinated :D I had my first lesson with Surf Connect but it was cut short and we are going to reschedule it so haven't really had any full lessons yet where i could really get a feel for anything to do with controlling the kite or how to even begin to try and fly one :/I'm sure once you build up some muscle memory and time on the kite and figure out the movements of the whole process it will hopefully click? :D

On another note the kitesurfing community seem so nice :D

WA, 4263 posts
9 Feb 2014 8:46PM
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gophur said..

On another note the kitesurfing community seem so nice



QLD, 21 posts
9 Feb 2014 11:10PM
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Well you guys do.... :D

WA, 4263 posts
9 Feb 2014 9:14PM
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gophur said..

Well you guys do.... :D


What is with the :D ?

You know Seabreeze has a whole selection of smilies, hey ?

Personally I try not to use them.

QLD, 21 posts
9 Feb 2014 11:20PM
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better lol I haven't used a forum in years so I suppose I just expect my :D to magically turn into a big smile! No more smiles then ...

WA, 4263 posts
9 Feb 2014 9:23PM
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gophur said..

better lol I haven't used a forum in years so I suppose I just expect my :D to magically turn into a big smile! No more smiles then ...


You just used 3 smilies in your reply. ^^^




QLD, 21 posts
9 Feb 2014 11:24PM
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No more smiles for you then..... Killjoy

WA, 4263 posts
9 Feb 2014 9:27PM
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I guess tongue is out of the question ?

QLD, 21 posts
9 Feb 2014 11:31PM
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Haha *shakes head* night all! I would put a smiley but apparently I fail at life if I smile #forumetiquette #forumfails ... Oh no maybe a hashtag is uncool too? *hangs head in shame*

WA, 4263 posts
9 Feb 2014 9:36PM
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gophur said..

I haven't used a forum in years .

Liar. ^^

You are an exceptionally good forumer.

Two thumbs up.

WA, 790 posts
9 Feb 2014 10:10PM
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waveslave said..

gophur said..

I haven't used a forum in years .

Liar. ^^

You are an exceptionally good forumer.

Two thumbs up.

Take no notice Stace, Id much rather read your posts with a smilley face than Waveslaves ramblings anyday

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
10 Feb 2014 1:12AM
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Shouldn't this be in the Hookup section

VIC, 960 posts
10 Feb 2014 10:58AM
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harry potter said..

Shouldn't this be in the Hookup section

I think you mean: RSVP ;-)

QLD, 21 posts
10 Feb 2014 10:25AM
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Orrrrrrrrrr let's just stick to the topic I was saying hey i am a newbie so hey! The forums have some great topics so i am looking forward to getting some tips and tricks for start up from the more experienced riders

QLD, 21 posts
10 Feb 2014 10:34AM
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Also on another note... just getting opinions...What are the best kites for start up? I realize there are a lot of different brands, designs etc i am just after a basic start up second hand.... i hear so many conflicting opinions on what years of second hand kites not to touch etc so i was just wondering if there is a good starting point?

WA, 26 posts
10 Feb 2014 8:34AM
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Best thread for starting out

QLD, 74 posts
10 Feb 2014 12:35PM
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This guy has a lot of good info on his channel

He helped me a lot

QLD, 191 posts
10 Feb 2014 1:08PM
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gophur said..

Also on another note... just getting opinions...What are the best kites for start up? I realize there are a lot of different brands, designs etc i am just after a basic start up second hand.... i hear so many conflicting opinions on what years of second hand kites not to touch etc so i was just wondering if there is a good starting point?

If you are going through surf connect, try and get something through them, as they will give discount to you as you have had your lessons with them and advice on the right gear for your experience level, weight etc. As a brand they will push liquid force and although im not a fan of that brand of kites personally i know people who absolutely love them.

Try go an all-rounder hybrid style kite like the ' LF Envy' and not a bow style or C shaped kite as after 6 months kiting you will be looking for something with a little more than a bow and the C shaped kite will be a little hard to handle for a beginner (not saying you cant use it, you will just progress faster on the hybrid). It will give you a good trade off until you decide on which style kiting you want to peruse (wave, wakestyle, freestyle, mowing the grass, and whatever other terminology they can come up with in the mean time), though most people will just stick to that style kite.

I would try and go as modern as you can, all the kite companies are doing really good work in the past few years in terms of safety and ease of use, so i wouldn't go before 2011 (you can go earlier but those kites are starting to get old and will need repairs of some description, not good for a beginner or anyone who cant do the repairs themselves)

At the moment i ride a 'BEST TS' and i enjoy it, tho i like the new Naish Parks and the Ozone Catalyst's as well (But as i said before many of the kite manufacturers have good kites and you will have a good time on whatever you choose)

I hope this has helped you, there is really a lot to take in when your just starting so you will have to just trust the person that's selling you the kite that they are doing the right thing by you. (another reason to buy off a dealer)

QLD, 188 posts
10 Feb 2014 2:04PM
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The LF Envy is an excellent beginner - intermediate kite, very forgiving, stable and predictable. The 2014 Envy has no pulleys and a new bridle making it significantly more responsive, but it's not as forgiving as the 2012/2013. During lessons (start of 2012) we used the BWS Noise, and when I started using my own kit I found it much easier.

My 2012 Envy developed a slow leak just before xmas, SC put a new LE bladder in it under warranty - no questions asked. While I waited for mine, I loaned a current BWS from SC and found it very different, not harder to fly (probably due to improved skill set) but different. IMO service is very important, no water time lost, my kite back good as new. Wonder where I will buy my next kite??? See what LF releases for 2015 maybe the NRG as I progress.

Last year I was away up north and lost my chicken loop, sent him an email, new chicken loop arrived next day in the post.

Oh Yeah - welcome Stace, I've found the sandgate crew always friendly. Sometimes when it is busy, I will set up North of the pool to avoid the crowd (a lot of empty beach) or on the grass just south of the usual set up area. But I don't recommend going to these areas when you're first starting out.

QLD, 699 posts
10 Feb 2014 3:53PM
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Boy it doesn't take much for the hormones with some of you lot to go LA DI LA LA...

.oO (I predict hmmm about 4 to 6 pages of this thread by the time it wears off)

QLD, 21 posts
10 Feb 2014 5:36PM
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Thanks for the pointers everyone Kazan I am sure most of the replies are actually because they are giving out some pointers to help out a newbie not because I am a female

WA, 209 posts
10 Feb 2014 6:28PM
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gophur said..

Thanks for the pointers everyone Kazan I am sure most of the replies are actually because they are giving out some pointers to help out a newbie not because I am a female

well your pic looks hot... so that might be it...

anyway welcome to the forums I just started at the beginning of the year and so far I love it.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Just wanted to say hey :D" started by gophur