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Kite equipment for female newbie?

Created by Mazz > 9 months ago, 8 Jun 2016
QLD, 3 posts
8 Jun 2016 8:54PM
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Hi everyone!

I was just wondering if anyone could give me an idea what sort of kite to buy? I started out with a North Dice, which I really liked. However switched to a Vegas 10 for a while. I found that it was more responsive when it came to turning, alongside of discovering my progress in riding was a lot more quicker. I am still learning how to turn more regularly without crashing, I have good kite control, and I find I'm pretty good on the board now. Though I guess just need more confidence. I am looking at the Slingshot, Cabrinha, Naish and Ozone range, any recommendations? Also I'm after a board and harness too.

Female, 52kg. I'm more freeriding at the moment, though I can see myself wanting to learn how to so some jumps soonish.

WA, 1541 posts
8 Jun 2016 7:40PM
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Hi Mazz,

Many newbies ask similar questions regularly on this forum and rarely get the answers they are looking for, mostly because of a lack of information in the initial post. There's also countless kites on the market that could suit different needs and styles it's impossible to narrow it down to just one or two choices.

You've already progressed on kites that are not beginner friendly (More C-shape kites = freestyle), and from what you describe you're progressing quite well so that's great news.

The most important question is what style of kiting interest you the most ? What's your budget? Do you want to buy brand new or second hand ? Are you going for a single kite quiver or multiple kites quiver? How often can you go out or want to go out kiting ? Do you have any background in wakeboarding or other board sports? Do you have interest in getting into unhooked wakestyle tricks? Do you want to just cruise around and do basic hooked-in tricks? Ride waves? Other important information is, what locations do you kite mostly ? flat water, ocean, waves ? what wind conditions do you have most of the time in your area? 10m is a BIG kite for someone your weight, which should really be the biggest or close to the biggest kite size in your quiver. Depending on the wind conditions in your area, you should probably look for a 6 to 8m kite as your main kite. If you want to really get into kiting regularly and get out as often as possible you will eventually need a 3-kite quiver. If you lived in Perth @50kg that would be something like 4/5m kite + 7/8m kite +10/11/12m kite.

Some kite manufacturer's websites have ''kite selector'' tools which can help you find the right kite for you, depending mostly on which discipline interest you the most.


WA, 89 posts
8 Jun 2016 8:40PM
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I really like my Mystic Diva waist harness, its super comfy. It is my first harness so i dont really have anything to compare it with; however a few experienced female riders assured me that's its a good one (which is why i got it). Also it comes with hook knife attached . I have North Neos (wave/freeride) and find that they turn fast enough for me, and I think they are quite forgiving as well. I am happy with them, but they are all I know

QLD, 130 posts
9 Jun 2016 11:58AM
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Hi Mazz. Welcome to SBRZ and kite surfing! You'll love it, if not already.

I showed your post to my partner and she wanted me to tell you to stick with what you've got in terms of cost. Keep it to a minimum. Also, she highly recommends the Dakine Vision seat harness for women, as it has a low hook and stops it going up your torso and become uncomfortable. Waist harnesses are ok too, but you'll probably have more comfort with a seat harness. Also in terms of everything else - Christian above has said pretty much all of it. Good luck!

QLD, 3 posts
9 Jun 2016 6:37PM
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Hey Again!

Wow! Can't thank you guys enough for your replies. I absolutely appreciate the time you have taken to pass on your advice.

Christian, you have actually given me a lot to think about. Still unsure with what kind of kiting style I'd like to take up? Though at the moment I guess I just want to gain my confidence with riding a bit more and start doing in hooked tricks, then gradually progress to unhooked tricks.

As for purchasing brand new or secondhand? Now I would only be going for one kite, board, and harness set up, as my budget would be roughly around $3000. However, guess I would like something new, but if I could get gear that is still in good condition I definitely wouldn't rule it out.

I am based between Cairns and Mission Beach at the moment. Though I have advance lessons this Sunday in Palm Cove, so I guess I'll find out what the weather conditions will be like then. I have only kited in Boracay Island,Philippines, and over there it's sometimes wavy then flat. Have had little experience wakeboarding too.

I also agree with the Kite being too big, as there were times that I felt I was overpowered and had to come back in.

I would also love to get out on the water more often, so yes I also will be looking at purchasing more kites down the track. :)

Also I have just come across a great site as you mentioned about "Kite selector" so am getting onto it now..haha

Thanks again!

Bronnieren and ColoColo, thank you! Though I do prefer a waist harness, but I will definitely look into the one you have recommended. Thanks again!

WA, 89 posts
9 Jun 2016 6:10PM
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Best of luck and happy kiting Mazz!

WA, 1541 posts
9 Jun 2016 6:45PM
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You can get some nice piece of brand new kit for $3K with a single kite!

You'll soon realize that kite selection is all about compromise, kites that are good for one thing (i.e. upwind performance and hangtime) aren't good for other things (i.e. unhooking and wakestyle) and vice-versa. Most beginners typically choose ''all around'' kites which don't excel in any discipline but will allow you to do just about anything as a beginner and gain more skills before feeling the need for a more discipline specific kite.

Being light in kiting is a huge advantage, you can get going in less wind and you don't need massive kites. Small kites are much more fun (and cheaper) than big kites. Anything above 10m is just slow and not as fun. When you get in sizes below 9m, you'll find just about all kites are pretty fast.

Where you live doesn't often get over 20 knots, so perhaps getting something around 8m and a bigger board (i.e. 133-136cm) is a good idea to start with. With that sort of kit, you may be able to get going slightly below 15 knots up until about 25 knots gusts max. Trade winds in North QLD are always more gusty than other winds like the sea breeze for example, you'll often have at least 5 knots variation on any given day.

The more skills you get, the lighter and stronger winds you'll be able to go out in using the same gear.

You may get better advice just by talking to other girls who kite in your area and are of a similar weight than you.

I've noticed a lot of guys don't give good advice about kite size and board size (even in shops) to very light riders like yourself and therefore often end up on massive kites (10m) and massive board in strong winds... . Being 30 kg lighter than the average kiter out there makes a huge difference in size selection

WA, 8407 posts
9 Jun 2016 8:32PM
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A few brands are doing female specific kit,
Cabrinah siren , naish alana, shinn boards do ladies specific boards, most harness manufacturers do ladies harnesses, IMHO some are just re marketed in colours and de- tunes at the bridal , there's no reason why you carnt progress on standard equipment minus the harness, here's a dakine I've seen on a couple of girls I've given lessons to

Also as Christian mentioned board size
Here's the monkette , ranges from 129 to 131, takes boots or standard pads n straps, a softer kite at the bar( less pressure) and higher depowering kite

A correct sized Vegas will take you through intermediate to advanced/ pro level, and take plenty of punishment


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Kite equipment for female newbie?" started by Mazz