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Launching Another Kiter

Created by kitebt > 9 months ago, 28 Jan 2014
NSW, 325 posts
28 Jan 2014 9:27AM
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After an incident yesterday at Brighton in Sydney I thought I would quickly mention a very important point about assisting with launching. This is something that is constantly mentioned in this forum at least 2x every summer but there are still a lot of people launching in an incorrect and dangerous fashion.

Here is the rule:

When assisting with a launch please, please, please pick up and hold the kite from the centre strut. Picking up the kite from the second or third strut from the bottom is likely to get you and other kiters on the beach hurt and I am amazed at how many people assist launching kites from holding the kite from the second or third strut from the bottom.

You may get away with it with a small kite but if someone is launching a Zephyr in 15knot pus breeze the power of that kite bending back when the wind fills the sail and you are at the bottom holding the kite on one position and it wants to fill it will rip you backwards in a second.

I had a guy helping me launch yesterday in 15 knot winds and as the wind filled the sail he let go of the kite and grabbed it at the bottom strut. Got pushed backwards and then got tangled in the lines. I am glad he was not hurt.

So please pick up the kite from the centre strut and just hold the kite in place. Leave it up to the pilot to position the kite where he wants it and to give you the thumbs up.

QLD, 799 posts
28 Jan 2014 9:03AM
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Was he a fellow kiter?

NSW, 325 posts
28 Jan 2014 10:59AM
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VIC, 4982 posts
28 Jan 2014 11:09AM
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Sounds like you put tension on the lines when you were a bit far upwind of the kite. You need to watch what the kite is doing as you tension the lines and walk downwind to avoid clobbering your helper.

NSW, 601 posts
28 Jan 2014 11:24AM
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I witnessed that incident! You were lucky you didnt impale your kite on that fence. I had a chat to that guy earlier on. He is very much a newbie and most likely didnt know what he was doing, I hope you educated him.

VIC, 4982 posts
28 Jan 2014 12:17PM
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Phoney said..

... He is very much a newbie and most likely didnt know what he was doing, I hope you educated him.

The assistant is simply holding the kite. They have virtually no control over whether the kite flops over or not. Holding the kite by the middle strut makes no difference.

I have seen kites slam launchers into the ground and those guys were instructors, pro-riders and some of the guys who introduced kiting to Australia. It has nothing to do with the launch assistant and everything to do with the technique of the kiter. It is easy to make a launch assistant look like a kook if you drive them into the ground with a powered kite.

The cause of the kite flopping over is kiter error. You put tension on the lines when you were too far upwind. This powers the kite and drives it straight over the head of the helper.

When I am launching an inexperienced kiter I often wedge the tip of the kite on the ground and lock my shoulder into the leading edge so that I cannot be overpowered by the kite.

The solution is to watch the kite as you apply line tension. If it looks to be overpowering the helper then step forward and ease the line tension. Walk downwind then apply tension gradually. Once the lines are gently tensioned you can walk slightly upwind and fly the kite away from the helper.

QLD, 74 posts
28 Jan 2014 9:04PM
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Gorgo said...
Phoney said..

... He is very much a newbie and most likely didnt know what he was doing, I hope you educated him.

The assistant is simply holding the kite. They have virtually no control over whether the kite flops over or not. Holding the kite by the middle strut makes no difference.

I have seen kites slam launchers into the ground and those guys were instructors, pro-riders and some of the guys who introduced kiting to Australia. It has nothing to do with the launch assistant and everything to do with the technique of the kiter. It is easy to make a launch assistant look like a kook if you drive them into the ground with a powered kite.

The cause of the kite flopping over is kiter error. You put tension on the lines when you were too far upwind. This powers the kite and drives it straight over the head of the helper.

When I am launching an inexperienced kiter I often wedge the tip of the kite on the ground and lock my shoulder into the leading edge so that I cannot be overpowered by the kite.

The solution is to watch the kite as you apply line tension. If it looks to be overpowering the helper then step forward and ease the line tension. Walk downwind then apply tension gradually. Once the lines are gently tensioned you can walk slightly upwind and fly the kite away from the helper.

BIG GREEN THUMB!!!!! This guy knows his stuff and it's about time people stop blaming the assistant for their own error.

WA, 1094 posts
28 Jan 2014 9:33PM
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I don't know anyone tall enough to launch a zepher from the middle strut launching, as long as the lines are tensioned, you have the right launch angle and they don't let go until asked, who cares!

QLD, 2060 posts
30 Jan 2014 12:50AM
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Holding the kite just above the sand and if it takes holding it on the 2nd strut, then so be it. As mentioned, you control the kite ultimately, not the ass-is-t-ant!!

QLD, 6493 posts
31 Jan 2014 12:04AM
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NickT said..

I don't know anyone tall enough to launch a zepher from the middle strut launching, as long as the lines are tensioned, you have the right launch angle and they don't let go until asked, who cares!

You don't HAVE to hold the middle strut!

Launcher picks up kite, flips it over and holds it in smiley face position.
Pilot walks away from the kite, keeping the kite upwind of themselves, taking up tension in the center lines will lift the kite up onto its tip!

Then it's just a matter of the launcher balancing the kite into the wind until the pilot is ready to launch... the pilot is doing the footwork to get himself in position to launch...

WA, 119 posts
30 Jan 2014 10:50PM
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If you are the pilot I believe that person has the steering wheel hence the bar controls meaning you should know what you are doing. I used get frustrated with lanuchers but reality it if you in the drivers seat it's all on you. Lines need to have some tension and slowly walk from down wind to the edge of the kites opposite window as soo. As the kite canopy starts to fill take precautions and take it slow. The launcher should even move and you the driver should be able the steer the kite out of their hands. If I **** up now days and which I do every now and then from pilot error I try to apologise to the launcher for my pilot error.
That's just what I learnt from fellow kiters and having a bit more respect for those that go out of their way to help you have fun.

Sorry for the essay
It's long and really same same bla bla

QLD, 6493 posts
31 Jan 2014 1:11AM
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True Glo, but there are some people out there who are dangerous as launchers - and should know better!!! In too much of a hurry to get back to their own business, throwing the kite in the air, trying to muscle it around, never learned or figured out how to do it right... these are the same guys I hate launching too.

WA, 119 posts
30 Jan 2014 11:39PM
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Kamikuza said...
True Glo, but there are some people out there who are dangerous as launchers - and should know better!!! In too much of a hurry to get back to their own business, throwing the kite in the air, trying to muscle it around, never learned or figured out how to do it right... these are the same guys I hate launching too.

Yeah can't win em all eh lol

WA, 771 posts
31 Jan 2014 3:13AM
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This is good to read..thanks

was offered a lift/launch five weeks ago..wasnt buckled in wasnt tested. hadnt given the thumbs up and was unsure by lines..22kn and a ten
the chap(kiter) let it go
i was dragged through bushes through a kids picnic etc and so grateful i didnt hit them! totally not ready at all.
was used to self launches because of living condition&area/sites..n trusted a new crowded area...boom!
he did apologise..and admitted he didnT see thumb go up etc.i got by with some were fine.nice kiteing locals helped
one outer line stretched eight inches and had to get an extension.. also totally in.knots that took four/five hours..missed out on some valuable time&no he didnt

been a few holding it a bit wierd since

i grill everyone now on.launching unless i have seen them in'action'

thanks for this post

QLD, 60 posts
8 Feb 2014 10:19PM
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I am a newbie and about to have lessons next weekend, and as I have read this forum from top to bottom to learn as much as possible I must ask, I read a lot about how potentially dangerous it is to "SELF LAUNCH" but re-launching in the water is fine, then why would one not walk out into the water and go through the re-launch procedure

NSW, 601 posts
9 Feb 2014 12:08AM
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ajs18s said..

I am a newbie and about to have lessons next weekend, and as I have read this forum from top to bottom to learn as much as possible I must ask, I read a lot about how potentially dangerous it is to "SELF LAUNCH" but re-launching in the water is fine, then why would one not walk out into the water and go through the re-launch procedure

That is a totally acceptable way to self launch. If you can walk out to a point where the wind is now off-shore (but you're still upwind of land in case things turn to poo) eg; on a sandbar or just shallow water in general, then you can just throw your kite into the water, let it drift away from you, then perform a water launch as usual. It's a good way to launch.

But if you only have a narrow & straight strip of beach which falls away to deep water straight away, and the wind is on-shore or cross onshore, the above technique isnt really possible.

QLD, 74 posts
8 Feb 2014 11:25PM
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Drift launching is way more dangerous imo. Best not to even try it. If ur lines tangle n u let the kite release to save urself, u now have a free kite with lines n bar flying up the beach, if a line was to snag on someone u will be liable for their damages. Not having ago, just lettin u know my opinion

QLD, 74 posts
8 Feb 2014 11:31PM
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Drift launch gone wrong

NSW, 601 posts
9 Feb 2014 12:41AM
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TryPushHarder said..

Drift launching is way more dangerous imo. Best not to even try it. If ur lines tangle n u let the kite release to save urself, u now have a free kite with lines n bar flying up the beach, if a line was to snag on someone u will be liable for their damages. Not having ago, just lettin u know my opinion

Fair enough. I guess I've just been lucky then. Though if you double and triple check your lines, then walk back up to your kite in a wide arc, they likely wont be tangled. I would only suggest this method where a) there are no other people around and b) where there is loads of wide open space and a big flat, shallow, sandy lagoon in front of you.

NSW, 220 posts
11 Feb 2014 1:26PM
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Is it just me or is there no audio on that video. I'd love to hear what he was saying haha
Lucky he or no one else was hurt

QLD, 699 posts
11 Feb 2014 2:38PM
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I helped launch a guy last week and unfortunately he connected the bridles wrong. The kite death rolled on the beach and landed on a tree! But with 20knots barrelling down, the kite was fixated to the tree and it took a lot of force to move it away, even though it was not attached to any branches (lucky for him).
My point is, when launching a kite make sure the kiter is aligning the kite along the edge of the wind-window and not putting himself upwind to the kite. Both assistant and kiter "think" they may be aligned along the wind-window, but in most cases I've witnessed, the kite is already amped to fly off!
If things go wrong, you can quickly self-release or depower the kite and allow the assistant to regain control and park it.
And above all! Do NOT let go until you're given this ...

VIC, 4982 posts
11 Feb 2014 5:28PM
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I found a circumstance where an incompetent assistant can slam themselves. I got a kiter to launch me. I could feel the bad vibes from the way he was dealing with his gear and stuff on the beach, but went ahead and go a launch off him.

He grabbed the kite and proceeded to walk to a point where he tensioned the lines and the kite proceeded to bang him into the ground. The more he moved the more he moved my kite towards the sea wall and potential damage and walkers on the promenade. I had to quickly move downwind to save my kite from being damaged (although it was kind of fun to konk a numpty with the kite). So it is possible for an assistant to power up a kite. It's still under the kiter's control what happens next.

VIC, 4982 posts
11 Feb 2014 5:34PM
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ajs18s said..

.... I must ask, I read a lot about how potentially dangerous it is to "SELF LAUNCH" but re-launching in the water is fine, then why would one not walk out into the water and go through the re-launch procedure

Ask yourself how you are going to get yourself and your bar and lines and kite out into the water, without getting tangles or hooked up in seaweed or beaten up by waves or any one of a million uncontrolled events.

People who say that self-launching is dangerous are not competent kiters and don't get to have an opinion. Self launching is dangerous if you have not practiced it a hundred times and if you don't understand your gear and don't take reasonable steps to avoid problems or malfunctions.

When you're a newbie get out on the beach in light conditions and do 50-10 self launches and self landings and learn to do it properly. The go and do another 50-100 just to make sure.

It's one thing to choose to get an assisted launch or landing, it's another thing to not be able to do it. If you cannot self launch and self land safely then you cannot kite at all.

QLD, 2060 posts
11 Feb 2014 4:42PM
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Gorgo said..
If you cannot self launch and self land safely then you cannot kite at all.


VIC, 960 posts
11 Feb 2014 5:51PM
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Loftywinds said..

Gorgo said..
If you cannot self launch and self land safely then you cannot kite at all.


Yeah, I think that's a pretty high water mark for learners to aim for. But I think a new kiter should feel confident (all be it with trepidation) on their ability to self rescue. It's a good low wind day activity in shallow water (i.e.when there are no other kiters, beach goers, etc.).

VIC, 81 posts
11 Feb 2014 6:21PM
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I was very lucky to get to StKilda beach yesterday at around 5:30pm. Why StKilda? Because it's just across the road from where I live.

And... I can't keep quiet anymore...

I've seen at least 4 guys doing the superman move yesterday. And I haven't even been paying too much attention as I was riding way out in the open. One guy I've seen do the superman move multiple times. I just hope he's okay. It's a beginners' spot and that should be expected. Well... no. The line between all dandy happy kiters and a horror movie ambulance calling session is way too thin in kiteboarding.

What I've noticed is that kiters are launching their kites using only one hand and puling the top line (i.e. not holding the bar but the line)**. Do NOT do that on land! Use both your hands in the middle of the bar so you can feel if the kite has any power in it and if it does, you can slowly and *safely* launch it in it's position in the air. If you can't feel the power in the bar, don't give the launch signal.

I've seen kiters walking upwind while lines were still slack, then walked back into the wind to put tension on the lines and that caused the kite to slam their buddy down (or a by-standing kiter giving a hand). Do NOT do that! Be aware of the wind direction and walk 5m downwind, put a wee bit tension on the lines and gradually walk upwind so the canopy stops flapping, the kiter will be able to feel the power in the kite and launch safely. That way the launcher will not have to battle the kite, wind, lines and kiter's hasty moves making it even worse for the launcher. If the kite is fluttering and the kiter gives you a signal... be smarter than that and refuse to let go, move downwind, indicate the kiter to change position... Whatever it takes, be smarter than that.

It takes so little to launch and land safely and effortlessly! Seriously. If you have to fight the kite, either kiter or launcher, you're doing it wrong! Step back/forward/left/right, even move 10m if necessary, just don't fight the kite and nature's power - you will always loose.

Do NOT push/throw the kite in the air when launching someone. It doesn't need that push. It shouldn't. And for f***s sake, help the kiter out by moving around if you have space, checking if bridles are okay and lines not tangled, lines connected correctly. It doesn't take much, give it a quick glance and just help your buddy out.

I saw a launcher yesterday launching a kite way too upwind (not just one, but this one I did stick my nose in). Of course, kite went tumbling and rolling downwind. Fortunately nothing bad happened. But, that launch should not have happened at all. The canopy was fluttering like mad and there was no tension in the lines. After me shouting at the launcher to walk downwind and help the kiter out, I got a few *surprised wtf, why?* faces and looks from him and finally a: "he should walk, his responsibility" Oh, is that so?! He's got 2 kites and 4 kite bags in his and his lines way going upwind, and you have 25m of nothing downwind and you're going to stand ground and throw his kite in the air without power in it? Because someone said somewhere on this forum it's the kiters responsibility? F*** off, if you're going to put your fellow kiters in harms way! If you launch someone and you know it's not right, put the kite down and tell the kiter what, why and how.

I now understand why people on Melbourne kite spots self launch and self land even if there are kiters around willing to help. The risk is minimal compared to trusting them. Shame!

Use common sense and be safe. Please. Please ask someone if you're not sure about something, anything. Ask why the kite, lines, board... behave the way they are. And yes, do enjoy this really fun sport. I haven't been in a coma or dead, but I bet it's not as fun as riding.

** Yes, you do pull on the line when you're water re-launching.

VIC, 222 posts
11 Feb 2014 6:28PM
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That's a bit harsh!!!
I'm new to the sport and can self launch and land but choose not to (Help launch or tether mostly). What is critical is being to self rescue which I encountered on the weekend, successfully.

QLD, 74 posts
11 Feb 2014 5:35PM
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Here another great YouTube channel

DIMITRI has helped me tremendously in my noob faze. He has a lot of good videos , check his channel.

VIC, 81 posts
11 Feb 2014 6:46PM
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4XL said..

That's a bit harsh!!!


Help out your fellow kiteboarders with tips to be safe and have more fun. Yes, watch and analyse tutorial videos. Use common sense and question bad decisions of others if they put you in that spot.

Great if you can self launch and self land. Even as a beginner. Do learn it, train it. Fantastic. Pull/Push the safety every now and then so you understand what happens to the kite. Why not? (but be safe, of course). And if you know potential dangers in kiteboarding. Fantastic. And if you know how to self rescue!? Awesome. Everyone should know how to do that.

VIC, 222 posts
11 Feb 2014 6:56PM
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it was in reference to Gorgo

VIC, 81 posts
11 Feb 2014 7:20PM
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4XL said..

it was in reference to Gorgo

Didn't see a connection. My bad.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Launching Another Kiter" started by kitebt