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Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

Line tuning and pig tails

Created by eibwen > 9 months ago, 21 Feb 2013
WA, 116 posts
21 Feb 2013 8:08PM
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I identified that I have some stretched front lines, and feel my kites not flying as good as it use to with a bit of back stalling when fully sheeted and sluggish behaviour

I followed the video below for tuning my bar.

They say to tie off the lines to the nail before the pig tails then check and tune what you need to tune, mine being the fronts by adjusting the front line pig knots to bring the slack on the chicken loop back in.

Yeah no worries but what about if the pig tails them self's are stretched? I presume they are meant to be equal as well? check the pic below. Should i just get some new ones or move the knot even further back to account for the pig tails as well.

in the pic I have undone the knot so yeah the lines are a bit longer than they should but even with the knots in they were longer than the steering line ones.


WA, 2184 posts
21 Feb 2013 8:49PM
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I had the same problem with regular hindenburgs when fully sheeted.
a more experienced kiter told me to let the bar out so the kite catches more wind
it doesn't sound right, but i **** u not, it works
and while testing this theory
I've found that in slightly lighter winds where I was trained to do figure 8s to power my kite I can sometimes just pump my bar in and out to get enough power
hope this helps
ps. if u'r still unsure about ur lines most shops will check them for free, I've had very good service from the guys at airborne

NSW, 131 posts
22 Feb 2013 12:22AM
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When i tuned mine i left the pigtails connected then get someone to pull on the bar and just tied knots at the same point on each pigtail so they are the same length when bar is nearly touching the chickenloop

WA, 116 posts
21 Feb 2013 10:36PM
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psychojoe said...
I had the same problem with regular hindenburgs when fully sheeted.
a more experienced kiter told me to let the bar out so the kite catches more wind
it doesn't sound right, but i **** u not, it works
and while testing this theory
I've found that in slightly lighter winds where I was trained to do figure 8s to power my kite I can sometimes just pump my bar in and out to get enough power
hope this helps
ps. if u'r still unsure about ur lines most shops will check them for free, I've had very good service from the guys at airborne

Yeah its not about that, I know what your saying but I want to tune it out so it doesn't back still when fully sheeted and have sluggish feel to it hard to describe just doesn't fly like it use to :) its not limiting just prefer it to be a bit more agressive which its lost and I am hoping its because of the lines.

Thanks tho.

NSW, 1280 posts
22 Feb 2013 2:55AM
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Gee that does look odd that the top red one is longer. I think it came like that from the factory. If the front lines are different lengths it can make the kite pull slightly to one side a bit like a car when the front wheels are out of alinement.
Normally it's the lines that stretch not the pigtails. Make sure that when re tie them the distance from the bottom of the loop to the knot is the same on both sides. Not sure with core kites but most company's do have agustments under the floats at the bar. Make the backs lines a bit longer using the ajustments under the floats or just pull in a touch of depower and see if the kite flys right.

Check that every thing is even length when everything I'd back together on the bar.

If it still fly weird take it to the place you bought it and let them look at it and try and tune it for you

WA, 3271 posts
22 Feb 2013 11:00AM
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Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I find it difficult to think the pigtails themselves would stretch that much? If in doubt just buy a new set, only $20 or so.

If it's an older Core kite you are riding there are three knots on the steering lines at the kite, try attaching your lines to the bottom knot if you haven't already, your next option is to slide up the bar floats, undo the lines and tie in some new knots to make the steering lines a little longer.

That covers the back stalling, for the sluggish behaviour check the pulleys and bridle lines. The pulleys will cause excessive wear on the bridle lines, to the point where the line can't squeeze through the pulley any more. The pulley closest to your line connections does the most damage, followed by the other pair higher up in the bridle. The pulley on the wingtips will eventually wear out the line as well. In the past AKS have spliced new lines for me and sold me the other bits and pieces to replace the worn lines. It made a massive difference and was well worth spending a couple of dollars and getting it all sweet again.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Line tuning and pig tails" started by eibwen