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Need Help Choosing Trainer Kite, For Multiple Size People

Created by Skolberts > 9 months ago, 4 Mar 2020
3 posts
4 Mar 2020 12:12AM
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I was in Buen Hombre Dominican Republic last week. My wife, a buddy and I want to get into kite surfing. We need a trainer kite so if anyone can send me in the right direction I would appreciate it. We all live in Idaho and are avid snowboarders who have been snowboarding for 20 + years if that helps at all. We are all also intermediate to expert whitewater kayakers if that helps.

I'm 6'-5" and 250 pounds
Wife is 5'-10" and 150 pounds
Friend is 6'-0 and 190 pounds

I have been doing a little research. Looks like we all should start out on a fixed bridal.

I'm struggling with kit sizes and manufactures. If anyone can recommend some trainers kites for each of us I would greatly appreciate it. I'm looking to buy something this week and start the learning process. I have a buddy who knows how to kite surf but isn't very helpful in terms of what gear we need until we progress past the trainer stage.


3 posts
4 Mar 2020 12:21AM
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A little more research looks like the Rush V Pro series might be the ticket. They make them in 3 sizes. 250, 300 & 350.

I'm thinking wife and buddy 300 and for me 350?

The 300 is 2.8m and 350 is 3.5m.

Or actually maybe the HQ Hydra series would be best since its closed cell.

Maybe the 350 for wife and buddy, kite is 3.5m ?

Maybe the 420 for me but kite is 4.5m which might be too big ?

QLD, 106 posts
4 Mar 2020 10:41AM
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2.5 m

QLD, 409 posts
4 Mar 2020 7:14PM
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Skolberts you don't need different sizes, waste of money buying two trainer kites. All the trainer kite does is teach you how to fly the kite and work with the wind window. Kiting is 80% kite skills 20% board skills. The Ozone above is a good option, 2.5m is plenty big enough to let you feel the increased power through the window but small enough you hopefully won't get hurt.
Watching YouTube tutorials and practicing the skills in the beginner kite surfing videos with a trainer kite is a good idea, if you can already fly the kite well when you go for your first lesson with a qualified instructor you will get on the board sooner.

3 posts
5 Mar 2020 2:21AM
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Awesome, thanks. Good to know on only one trainer. I ordered one today. I've been watching some videos online getting prepared for when my trainer shows up. I do not have any instruction classes lined up. I have a couple buddies who kitesurf and figure with youtube I can get it. If I struggle I'll sign up for classes.

Sounds like once I get my trainer figured out I will need a 9m kite with full gear. Once I master that upgrade to a 12m or 13m at get serious.

Thanks for your help.

WA, 857 posts
7 Mar 2020 1:52PM
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What Gateman says is spot on. Trainers are good introduction but quickly become redundant. The size is almost irrelevant and the strength of the wind you are flying it in should be more the focus of consideration. One midsize trainer should be enough for everyone to have a crack. Save your excess cash for buying lessons and a proper kite.

VIC, 32 posts
29 Mar 2020 10:56AM
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Hi Skolberts,
I was reading ur thread and picked up on a point nobody else commented. You say you will start with 9m then move to 12-13m when u master it. It doesnt work that way. You choose a kite size based on your weight and prevailing wind conditions. You are quite big (6'5 and 250 pounds). I'm 175cm and 70kg (u do the maths) and I ride 10m in 15-25knots. 9m sounds way too small unless you plan to head out in 30+ wind which i think unadvisable for beginner. If anything some kite designs are easier to fly and user friendly (for beginner) than others. Google is your friend. As a final point - get lessons from a pro. Would you learn to skydive watching you tube vids? Even if its only just a few to get you started in right direction.

2129 posts
2 Apr 2020 4:34AM
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+1 for what Montoya said.

You'll find a bigger kite is better for learning on, provided you don't try to use it in overpowered conditions.

A 12m+ is pretty standard for learners, turns more slowly (thats a good thing), has more low end power, lower top speed.

Once you get good on a big kite, then you might think about getting a smaller kite for high wind days. These require more skill, and deal out a bigger ass whooping when you screw up.

Enjoy your learning! Keep at that trainer till you can do all sort of awesome flying patterns etc and start to get sick of it. This will help you lots when you move to actual kitesurfing kites.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Need Help Choosing Trainer Kite, For Multiple Size People" started by Skolberts