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Possible to ride entirely un-hooked?

Created by Loftywinds > 9 months ago, 2 Mar 2015
QLD, 2060 posts
2 Mar 2015 4:47PM
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Anyone ride entirely un-hooked? I am thinking more in light winds to get that extra amount of power to stay upwind. Obviously the down-side is the strain on your arms, but if the winds are not too "strong", it could be done?

VIC, 475 posts
2 Mar 2015 5:59PM
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plenty of things "can be done"

WA, 1094 posts
2 Mar 2015 3:15PM
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Where's the extra power come from?

Most peoples kites will be oversheeted and stall if not trimmed.

QLD, 226 posts
2 Mar 2015 7:13PM
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i like your thinking lofty.

534 posts
2 Mar 2015 6:33PM
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Bit early in the week for stupid questions

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
2 Mar 2015 11:32PM
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I want to know where the extra power is going to come from as well
In light winds you need to be able to sheet in and out as you sine the kite.

VIC, 475 posts
3 Mar 2015 10:33PM
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ok.. so it can be done, it is a bit pointless, you cn hold the chicken loop when the kite is stalling, am sure some of you have messed around on th beach with no harness on, would be same application,

still.. not sure why you wouldnt ride unhooked for a while and still have harness or at least leash..just in case.

QLD, 520 posts
4 Mar 2015 3:46PM
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Loftywinds said...
Anyone ride entirely un-hooked? I am thinking more in light winds to get that extra amount of power to stay upwind. Obviously the down-side is the strain on your arms, but if the winds are not too "strong", it could be done?

Lol definetly wont make it easier to stay up wind. Why dont you just try it unhooking really isnt as scary as most people make out, eg: my arms will get ripped out of their sockets haha. Iv done a few tacks without hooking back in. Its really not hard but you loose a bit of ground and its pointless.

SA, 80 posts
4 Mar 2015 5:07PM
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Sam light he's using a slingshot turbine kite and slingshot glide kiteboard

1421 posts
4 Mar 2015 6:38PM
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F-One team riders do it all the time.

I think you may be able to get a new 2011 Source kite quite cheap.

4862 posts
5 Mar 2015 3:31AM
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In this vid i'm unhooked and strapless the whole time!

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
5 Mar 2015 12:42PM
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It's a worthwhile skill particularly if your harness or chicken loop breaks as you can still get back to shore.

QLD, 2060 posts
5 Mar 2015 1:52PM
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Plummet said..

In this vid i'm unhooked and strapless the whole time!

Oh Plums, I can never get over that loud shirt of yours and you're in NZ even!! How do you do it?

QLD, 2060 posts
5 Mar 2015 1:54PM
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terminal said..
F-One team riders do it all the time.

I think you may be able to get a new 2011 Source kite quite cheap.

Yep, I want to do that too. Watch out Marvin!!

WA, 790 posts
5 Mar 2015 1:23PM
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Loftywinds said..
Anyone ride entirely un-hooked?

Nothing new, forget what video it was now, but Lou Wainman did it naked and without a harness back in about 2001.
If you try and emulate Lou, please don't publish the pics lofty

VIC, 942 posts
17 Mar 2015 9:03PM
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Loftywinds said..
Anyone ride entirely un-hooked? I am thinking more in light winds to get that extra amount of power to stay upwind. Obviously the down-side is the strain on your arms, but if the winds are not too "strong", it could be done?

Anyone tried to do an endless raley? I'm thinking you unhook and do a tight fisherman's grip and the extra power of endless loops at 12 should keep you flying. Obviously the down-side is the strain on your arms, but if the winds are not too "strong", it could be done?

WA, 8407 posts
17 Mar 2015 6:29PM
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Loftywinds said...
Plummet said..

In this vid i'm unhooked and strapless the whole time!

Oh Plums, I can never get over that loud shirt of yours and you're in NZ even!! How do you do it?

If you can shag sheep in public and get away with it, then wearing a loud shirt ain't that embarrassing

QLD, 799 posts
17 Mar 2015 9:34PM
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cauncy said..

If you can shag sheep in public and get away with it, then wearing a loud shirt ain't that embarrassing

eye contact is important though.....

4862 posts
17 Mar 2015 7:37PM
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cauncy said..

Loftywinds said...

Plummet said..

In this vid i'm unhooked and strapless the whole time!

Oh Plums, I can never get over that loud shirt of yours and you're in NZ even!! How do you do it?

If you can shag sheep in public and get away with it, then wearing a loud shirt ain't that embarrassing

It's the thing to do when you are kitelongboarding.... wear a Hawiian shirt.

Hell lets face it. I also roll the hawiian mountain biking and kitelandboarding.

Really there are no ****s given by me when it comes to fashion.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Possible to ride entirely un-hooked?" started by Loftywinds