Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

Suggested beginner kite gear

Created by pablokite > 9 months ago, 11 May 2017
4 posts
11 May 2017 12:34AM
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I am hoping to get into the sport. I have contacted a few local companies regarding lessons and took the opportunity to also ask them about gear costs. Most of them quoted something between $2500-$3000. For instance, one of them quoted the following items:

North dice kite 13m, 2017
North quad bar 24m, 2017.
North X Ride 2017
North entity foot straps
Manera harness
Total is around $3100

However, I wanted to ask what items are recommended to buy as new and what items do you suggest I buy as used? I don't intent to spend over $3000, so I was thinking of saving money with an used board, but I don't know what are the recommendations on used gear. Also, if you guys have any recommendations on gear recommendations I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you

NSW, 478 posts
11 May 2017 7:43AM
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I've only just started and for mine there is no way you need to be buying 2017 gear. Your going to crash more than most, save the new to near new gear till u can make your choice based on what most want to be doing.

you need to put yr weight and size to get real indication, but given yr instructor is recommending a 13m straight up guessing u must be pretty big.

Look in forsale on here I know there is few real good post 2012 kites and bar packages for under 750. There's a good 2009 15m kite and bar for 350.etc. shop around. eBay gumtree. Forums can be commercially biased so trust yr gut a bit.

Board, look for second hand around 150. Long x 46 wide mark, very little to no rocker. This will be good learning board then become good light wind board, so a keeper. These are generally a bit hard to find so may need to pay 300-500 mark
i think there is a 145x 45 on one of the sites now, depending how big u are it might do??

Kite and lines try to inspect. There's posts on here as to what to look for in second hand gear qlty. But main thing is they don't leak, canopy free of tears and not overly stretched. Lines not fraying.

As the gesr gear gets older buying parts and repairing will get harder. Also safety systems weren't as good as today's, but post 2012 not a lot of diff imo.

goodluck, and tell them to stick a carrot where it's dark with 2017 3000 dollars.

WA, 8407 posts
11 May 2017 6:25AM
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Carnt comment on sizes
due to body weight or average winds at location
heres some examples though

Don't forget with buying new
if you enjoy the sport you'll quickly be adding another kite or 2, $4500
if you don't you'll be in the depths of buy n sell, making a big loss

NSW, 478 posts
11 May 2017 10:08AM
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cauncy said..
Don't forget with buying new
if you enjoy the sport you'll quickly be adding another kite or 2, $4500
if you don't you'll be in the depths of buy n sell, making a big loss

This is true in my experience,

I have kites 9,12,17, all coincidentally 2013 very good condition, three bar and lines very good cond, 1 almost new.

Two boards, one beginner to LW and the other in a package deal which will be good for me to progress too.

new ion Harness, two pumps. incl 5 hours of lessons, wet suit.

all for =<$2500

Want a 7 or 6 or maybe a smaller board but not ready experience wise for real big wind riding so Ill wait a season and see where im at!

edit, I lied just worked it out =3040 Dam!!!

Shark Biscuit
NSW, 340 posts
11 May 2017 10:09AM
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Makes zero sense to buy new when you're a beginner.
Save your money for lessons first. Make sure you've had a few so that you know it's something you want to get into and invest your dough.
Once you know the basics (especially regarding safety, self-rescue etc) and are ready to go out on your own (better with a mate), then buy some used gear from the Buy & Sell section here.
Your first set of gear will likely not last very long anyway, because you will inevitably crash the kite and overall add much more wear to your gear.

Once you've kited a few seasons, you can consider buying new gear. Just my 2cents

WA, 381 posts
11 May 2017 9:02AM
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Agree with the above posters. Just get a good beginners kite in the size you need. 2012 to 2014 kites give a good value to performance ratio. All major kite company's make entry level kites. Ozone Catalyst, Cabrinha Switchblade would be a couple I'd recommend through having used them but there are plenty that will fit the bill.

4 posts
11 May 2017 9:26AM
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Thank you for your advice. I do think I am going to go with used gear for my first set; however, are the lines and bar recommended to be bought used, since I assume they are pretty important components for the safety release mechanism? Also my weight is 120lbs and I have a height of 5'10''

Also, I wanted to ask if there are any sites for used gear for the US. I saw the "Buy and Sell" section of seabreeze and it looks amazing, but limited to Australia.

NSW, 478 posts
11 May 2017 11:33AM
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pablokite said..
Thank you for your advice. I do think I am going to go with used gear for my first set; however, are the lines and bar recommended to be bought used, since I assume they are pretty important components for the safety release mechanism? Also my weight is 120lbs and I have a height of 5'10''

if my maths is right that's 60kg, I cant imagine why they are pushing you to a 13M KITE as sole quiver!

Ill let others comment on safety system variances based on age, but if lines look in good condition and release snaps out freely sometimes you've got to trust your own eyes and rationale.

QLD, 1069 posts
11 May 2017 11:46AM
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Richoa said..
goodluck, and tell them to stick a carrot where it's dark with 2017 3000 dollars.

Exactly! My business model is about giving the pleasure and enjoyment of kite surfing to the masses, not the elites. Who the hell has $3000 for a sport they're getting into practically sight-unseen? Not most. Well written reply too by the way.

QLD, 1069 posts
11 May 2017 11:49AM
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pablokite said..
Thank you for your advice. I do think I am going to go with used gear for my first set; however, are the lines and bar recommended to be bought used, since I assume they are pretty important components for the safety release mechanism?

Spot on Pablo!

The safety aspects are mostly in the bar and lines, well the QR mechanisms and how well and quickly the system depowers a kite in an emergency.

If you buy 2nd hand kites (with or without bar/lines) and buy a brand new bar & line say no older than 2016... you will be set safety wise. Of course proper training, usage, and the right equipment matters too (not all bars & lines will work with all kites). But sticking to mostly post 2012 gear, you'll be fine.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Suggested beginner kite gear" started by pablokite