Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

What to look for when buying used

Created by Kendall007 > 9 months ago, 6 Nov 2022
2 posts
6 Nov 2022 12:39AM
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Hi all! Brand new to kitesurfing and found a set up very cheap locally (I live in the Midwest, no place to take lessons/shop in store) I'm buying to practice kite flying. I have photos and was hoping to get opinions but since I am new here it will not let me post them. Hoping to get some tips on what to look for.
The set up is $200, 2 kites (6m and 11m) Looks like BEST Gooru are the brand/name (pink and blue kites) Comes with bar, harness, pump, lines and a board. Apparently he got in a trade. Any HELPFUL feedback is greatly appreciated! Thank you

WA, 1536 posts
6 Nov 2022 5:20AM
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HI Kendall007,

Shopping for second hand gear as a complete beginner is your first mistake.

Regardless of where you live, you need lessons first. Even if you need to take 1-2 weeks of holiday to learn with a proper school in a safe environment, do that. Lessons are the most important investment for your safety and progression. Every kitesurfer will tell you the same thing.

Avoid trying to teach yourself at all costs. Flying a large kite on land is the most dangerous thing you can do. You will also develop some bad habits doing that which will be hard to fix if you get lessons later.

Kitesurfing is not a cheap sport. $200 for a whole setup with 2 kites...probably means the kites and bar are good for the bin. Gear has evolved a lot and is much safer and much more user friendly these days. If the board is the correct, size, you may want to keep it, but the rest of the package is probably worthless. I'd be very surprised if those kites are still holding air. Also 6m and 11m makes no sense as a kite quiver, it's best you get only 1 kite that is suitable for the average wind in your area based on your body weight, which will most likely be something like a 8m or 9m.

I suggest your read this post as well: you'll see useful links to our website where we talk about inspecting second hand gear and selecting the correct size of kite and board.

Plan $600 to $1000+ for lessons, then at least $1500 to $3000 for a decent modern gear package in good condition (doesn't have to be brand new, but never shop for used gear as a complete beginner without an expert kiter shopping with you and inspecting the gear in person with you).

If you can't afford that, I'm afraid that you can't afford to kite.

Hope this helps.

Christian - KiteBud

Dave Whettingsteel
WA, 1397 posts
6 Nov 2022 6:02AM
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If you are in the MidWest of WA (you don't say which state you are in), then Kitewest at Coronation Beach offer good lessons. As Christian says, lessons first, then buy kit. Dont waste your $200!

2 posts
8 Nov 2022 10:58PM
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I really appreciate both of you taking the time to respond! Thank you.

2129 posts
9 Nov 2022 3:18AM
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Christians advice (as usual) is spot on. All the best with learning to kite, its worth the effort, time and money! Stick at it!

WA, 770 posts
13 Nov 2022 8:59PM
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Chris_M said..
Christians advice (as usual) is spot on. All the best with learning to kite, its worth the effort, time and money! Stick at it!

I tend to agree with everything Christian says he has alot of experience and I've seen him in all sorts of places well prior to 'kitebud'..and he didn't just turn up at my local turf

But kendall0007 hello I don't really agree with it being necessary to spend so much on your first set of gear.
I've seen dozens of people loose kites out to sea or have them damaged or ripped after 5hrs of lessons ..or end up on marketplace two months later after an injury..loosing well over a two thousand dollars..
I've also seen people being coerced into buying brand new gear after lessons with a shop...particularly one of them I know of...and low and behold six months later if not lost or damaged they are on marketplace...thousands$ lost to the learner kiter.....who didn't even know what was happening to them at the's as predictable as ever....

I was and still am a dive instructor for many years it was the same thing!..
It became 'try and sell them this brand of bcd' 'try and sell them these type of fins and regulator). Etc etc. It became "sales"
I've also seen very efficient kiters going round on $1000 worth of gear as Christian said..
I've also seen very efficient kiters going round on 2011 slingshots etc. Even two.mnths ago.. They are not embarrassed by it..they are perfectly happy with their simple 'non sales based' sessions..
These slingshots are maybe valued at 150/ 200$ maximum..if that..
I was even given one about seven years ago
The difference is that these kiters probably know how to maintain them themselves.they know their stuff
As Christian said somewhere....
.shop with someone who knows their stuff and don't buy with no knowledge yourself
V true
Actually I have two 2011 kites for sale
(No...I am not trying to sell you them)...and they are brilliant and cheap& maintained by myself and past owner)...but i know they work I've used them myself..

And after your first incident on your own journey (which we all have so don't worry).. after doing would not be loosing $1500 out to sea etc
Plenty of people agree with this and are happy with $300 full working kites with a decent bar
And the best shops don't just sell their brands they have cheap kites of other brands there for other people also and don't push $3000 of equipment onto 5hr long lesson kiters!..

There should be a "rule" with padi ssi and naui.. where there is for tank fills ....'shops cannot sell brand new equipment to #anyone unless they have three months more or so experience...'

But there isn't...

Best of luck

WA, 484 posts
16 Nov 2022 2:12PM
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As Christian said somewhere....
.shop with someone who knows their stuff and don't buy with no knowledge yourself
V true
Actually I have two 2011 kites for sale
(No...I am not trying to sell you them)...and they are brilliant and cheap& maintained by myself and past owner)...but i know they work I've used them myself..

Quick question, do you think that it would be acceptable to sell a kite with strut hoses like this to a total beginner described as 'good to go' and 'a great learner kite'? Is this your brilliant, cheap maintained 2011 kite? The guy that bought it was devastated by the way, I really hope you do the right thing and give him his money back

WA, 770 posts
16 Nov 2022 8:26PM
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ExSurfCentre said..

As Christian said somewhere....
.shop with someone who knows their stuff and don't buy with no knowledge yourself
V true
Actually I have two 2011 kites for sale
(No...I am not trying to sell you them)...and they are brilliant and cheap& maintained by myself and past owner)...but i know they work I've used them myself..

Quick question, do you think that it would be acceptable to sell a kite with strut hoses like this to a total beginner described as 'good to go' and 'a great learner kite'? Is this your brilliant, cheap maintained 2011 kite? The guy that bought it was devastated by the way, I really hope you do the right thing and give him his money back

A) what's it got to do with you??

See this is the idiotic control freak nature of a new shop who doesn't engage their brain before they speak..
That the police and shire are aware of
A shop that bullies people and coerces people with no care about the damage done to ningaloo.
Probably never studied physics maths or chemistry just lives on pure adrenaline.. who turned up and just sells everything for his own personal gain unaware of the damage thathas done to ningaloo

A shop which has upset dozens of people and is on the verge or being closed down

who actually just wants to rip people off with eleveight or crazyfly
There are a bag of hoses with it ...
See in image
Precise example of a new person/shop turning up in Australia ..sticking his nose in everywhere upset because he didnt sell the hoses himself or eleveight
Three hoses here are fourty dollars from the shop
Actually..Here..They go with the kite
And it doesn't cost 80 dollars to put them on...people can do it themselves..

WA, 484 posts
16 Nov 2022 8:45PM
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Answer to your question. A) It's my business because I had to be the person to tell this totally unknowing starry eyed newbie that he had just been ripped off.

Answer these questions minus your usual Incoherent ranting. Simple answers please to very simple questions.

A) Did you sell a total beginner a kite with all ****ed strut hoses telling him it would be all good and great for learning on?

B) Where are said pictured hoses? Not with the guy you sold the kite too otherwise he wouldn't have come and asked us for help and advice on what to do.

C) Have you given him his money back now you've been publicly called out for it?

Sorry for hijacking this post but this is a classic example of how you need to be careful when buying used equipment without any experience. You don't want to end up with Tim's very well maintained excellent 2011 kites.

WA, 770 posts
16 Nov 2022 9:08PM
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As I said before
You are an idiot who turns up up here
There are hoses that go with it.did you not consider that??
No you didn't did you..

Yet another example of you thinking you know everything
Your a pest who turns up up here constantly promotes everything even though theres no accommodation for people any more as you sold it all off.
Thinks you were the first in carnarvon etc where's people were there before you..
got the lighthouse caravan park closed sells off beaches constantly and ruined the beauty of exmouth as it was its that simple

As you already know the police are already aware of you and your true bullying nature
I advise you to stay away from me or they will soon be arresting you for assault on the beach

WA, 465 posts
16 Nov 2022 9:12PM
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Did someone say live on adrenaline....... now we're talking. Fxxx I love Kiting Exy !!!

WA, 465 posts
16 Nov 2022 9:12PM
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Did someone say live on adrenaline....... now we're talking. Fxxx I love Kiting Exy !!!

WA, 484 posts
16 Nov 2022 9:23PM
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Great work on avoiding the hard questions, you should be a politician

WA, 484 posts
16 Nov 2022 9:23PM
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Great work on avoiding the hard questions, you should be a politician

WA, 396 posts
18 Nov 2022 9:37PM
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I'm getting the feeling that old mate Tim is unhappy with said Exmouth shop fellow.....For "turning up"

How dare he.

WA, 2100 posts
19 Nov 2022 7:39PM
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Spitfire said..
I'm getting the feeling that old mate Tim is unhappy with said Exmouth shop fellow.....For "turning up"

How dare he.

Yeah I'd hate to have a shop in town. I prefer to wait three months for parts to come from Thailand via Germany.

WA, 2100 posts
19 Nov 2022 7:49PM
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Last year I gave away my 2013 kite to be used for parts and trash. This year I'm giving away my 2016 kite because it's too old to sell in good faith, and this thing is an absolute weapon, had a ripper session on it a couple of weeks back at the pond, but I no longer trust it to return me safely to the water from 15 metres up and I wouldn't want anyone else hurting themselves either.

2129 posts
20 Nov 2022 2:59PM
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Timmy, your sentence structure has my creative juices flowing.

Here's a haiku I title "Newbie"

Breezy summertime
A complete, duped newbie wails
dodgy operator


WA, 770 posts
22 Nov 2022 1:02AM
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Spitfire said..
I'm getting the feeling that old mate Tim is unhappy with said Exmouth shop fellow.....For "turning up"

How dare he.

Not when this is being done to what was once a beautiful relaxing

And not when the department of conservation and shire are now looking at getting kites banned because there are too many of
..whereas windsurfers don't really seem to cause people too many problems.

It's a precise example of how one persons constant over promotion for their own person gain and greed will cause too much destruction

This was a great and relaxing place in 2014 and prior before someone turned up consistently selling things to them and selling it all off just like they did with the surf charters in sumatra
Assuming that the spots and places were all theirs whereas dozens were there before..but they kept it quiet ..

Not when the families and parents of people there prior cannot go there anymore as they cannot get bookings..which has always been my primary concern because I know of dozens of them
Not when the carparks are full and there are surf line ups because of one person's greed

Hence I use the word...a pest that caused a great destruction on this un-named region..

WA, 396 posts
24 Nov 2022 6:32AM
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With the state of that building id say he's more turning down than up.

WA, 770 posts
3 Dec 2022 12:07AM
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Kendall007 said..
Hi all! Brand new to kitesurfing and found a set up very cheap locally

Hi kendal
I made this for you...
And for all 'budding newbies' to tell you there's always a way..and there's always people out there who are happy with cheap gear without being coerced into buying new stuff after three/5 hr lessons
I've been doing this way for over ten years. I've had dozens of $300/$350 and less kites. The current gear on this is valued at about 600 total??
What Christian says is probably right if you have three low price kites for the quiver.. 800 to 1000$.
I've had a couple of years where I've had only a 9m though as that suits me and my size
..and I don't give too sh##s about 'sales' or 'competitions'..or clogging up beaches or wave spots... which is what they do
I just like getting out there (preferably when there's noone else around just me and's meditative for me)
And there are dozens like me....;..
I had three hrs lessons but I didn't have it with a school and I used to teach people before KA or new shops turn up and suddenly think you can't...Bollox I say??!..

As far as I am concerned these new shops and this whole new kiteboarding australia thing with the silly logo hats just turned up in 'my' world
(A joke)..

Anyway !!!'s the video to add some humour to it all
..willy wonkas take on 'sales'
Best of luck..see you...p.s yes Ben at kitewest does have some good second/5th hand kites...and those 'best' kites yes I've had a couple of them hope it works out for you..
...if wonka can do it without falling sucker to it so can you..


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"What to look for when buying used" started by Kendall007